Dark!Lance X Reader Pt. 1

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"Lance!" You screamed as he turned at glanced at you. A smile flickered across his face.

"See you soon, Cutie."

~A few hours before~

"Hey have you seen Lance?" You asked as you noticed Lance wasn't in the bridge. Everyone exchanged a look and shrugged.

"What do you need him for?" Pidge asked, moving her screen down to look at you.

"He's been acting weird ever since our last fight with the Galra. I can't be the only one who's noticed." They all nodded in agreement and you took a deep breath. "I just want to go check on him. Make sure he's okay."

"That's nice of you." Allura smiled. "He might be resting. We gave him the day off."

"Okay, thanks." You jogged over to his room and knocked. You didn't get a response so you walked in and saw him huddled in the corner. You moved to him swiftly and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Lance?"

He spun a round and you were surprised to see his eyes burning a brilliant yellow. You backed away gasping. The yellow slowly faded and left burn marks around his eyes. "Are you okay?" You asked, placing a hand on his cheek.

"I'm fine." He mumbled, placing a kiss in your palm. You knew he wasn't and he began to cry, so you pulled him into your arms.

"Sh, it's okay. You're okay." You whispered, running your hand over his head. He looked up at you and you traced a burn mark next to his eye. "What happened?"

"When we were fighting, one of them pinned me down. Injected something in me." He mumbled, his words came out thick and slurred slightly with Spanish. You held his head in your hands.

"I can't understand you, I need you to speak a bit more clearly." He nodded, his eyes lulling a bit.

"I was injected with something." His accent wasn't as strong, but his words were still slurring.

"Why didn't you come tell us?" He opened his mouth like he was going to say something, but collapsed, falling backwards. You scrambled to your knees and pulled his head up. "Lance? Lance!?"

You leaned down and pressed your ear to his chest. Not a single beat. You frantically placed your palms to the middle of his chest and started compressions, counting out loud. After thirty compressions you pushed two long breaths into his lips. Then listed to his heart.

Still nothing. "C'mon Lance!"

You repeated the steps and after the third time his heart started again. You sighed and leaned back running a hand over your head sighing. "You idiot."

You watched carefully as he took deep breaths and slowly felt you mind drift off and your body feel over.

~Two Hours Later~

You woke up screaming as pain wrenched through your shoulder. Your face was to the cold floor of Lance's room, and a hand was pinning your arm, tightly behind your back. You felt their body lean down, putting pressure on your arm. Their warm breath spread across the back of your neck. "Your scream is music to my ears..."

Lance's voice.

It was somewhat smoother now and dark even. He sounded sinister and he pressed your arm into your back. You screamed as you felt something pop and your body screamed in pain. With nimble hands he flipped you over and you could see him now, nothing had changed, except his eyes were burning the same yellow, but the yellow didn't flicker out.

It was staying.

"Lance?" You choked out. He laughed and you tried to move away from him, but he grabbed your injured arm, pulling on it, making you crumble at his touch. He was kneeling over you, with both hands on the sides of your head. A little grin on his face.

"Lance? You sound weak... but you're cute..." You tried to move away again, but he placed a hand on your cheek. "Trying to leave somewhere?"

"PIDGE, SHIRO HU-" he cut you off, pressing his lips to yours and exploring your mouth with his tongue. You quickly kneed him in the gut, pushing him back a little. He grinned.

"Feisty." You threw a punch across his face with your good hand, knocking it out of place. You took the moment to get up and scramble into the corner of the room. You watched as he brought a hand to his jaw, snapping it back into place. Your bayard appeared in your hand, a knife.

"Don't make me hurt you Lance. You're a good person. I like you, just snap out of it." He laughed again and you threw the knife at him. He caught the handle and pointed it back at you, and threw, but it disappeared only a mom et before striking your chest.

The door opened and Keith ran in, sword drawn. "Looks like you attracted the Red Paladin, (Y/N). Good job."

You sprinted past him and brought yourself to Keith's side. You held your injured arm, carefully. "(Y/N). Get in the hall." Keith instructed.

"No, you're going to kill-"

"Lance will be fine. Pidge is gonna help your arm." You slowly nodded and left through the door. Hunk pulled you into a hug and a scream escaped you as pain raged through your arm. He released you and your legs gave out. Pidge came over and inspected your arm.

"Shiro, I need you to pop their arm back into socket." He nodded and helped you lean your back to the wall and he took the end of your hand before placing a foot to your shoulder.

"Is this going to hurt?" You asked. He sighed, then pulled your arm violently, you screamed as you felt your arm move back into place, with a sick pop. He moved and helped you to your feet.

"What happened in there?" Pidge asked.

"Whatever happened to him in out last fight, they did something to him." You tried, but the right words didn't come. The door opened, but instead of Keith walking out, Lance, strolled on out and flashed a grin and looked through his burning eyes,.

"Did I miss something." He looked at you and smiled. "Hey, Cutie, why'd you leave."

You spit at him in reply. He chuckled and took a step towards you, but Shiro stepped between both of you. Lance sighed. "Well I've spent too much time dilly dallying here. Best be off."

He sprinted down the hall, and you forced yourself to follow. He lead you to the Blue Lion Hanger. "Lance!" You screamed as he turned at glanced at you. A smile flickered across his face.

"See you soon, Cutie." He walked into Blue and took off, leaving you alone, and terrified.

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