Keith X Reader

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"The thing is I lied. It's very easy to do when you're with a very gullible person." They said with a slick voice.

"I don't believe you!" I screamed.

Three hours earlier...

"Help! Please, I've been captured, tortured, forced to fight, experimented on! I just escaped..." The person just showed up a few yard in front of the ship and now they were letting this complete stranger aboard. Not that I had much of a say in this.

It was an awkward greeting, but I think I fell in love immediately, with their (H/L), (H/C) hair, and their (height) figure. They were gorgeous. "Thank you so much, I don't think I can ever repay what you've done." They were clearly from Earth, but that didn't change much.

They'd been with us for few minutes and I was feeling at odds. They made me feel godly, but at the same time on my toes. "I'm Keith, Leader of Voltron. You're safe here."

"Hi, Keith... I like your name."

The first half hour they spent touring the castle with me. Of course I was stuck with the touring. They seemed interested in every little thing about the castle and it made me feel even more uneasy, but someone with such a sweet voice couldn't do anything wrong. "So, Keith, what do you usually do here when you're not fighting?"

"I train."

"Can you teach me some self defense?" I brought them to the training deck and showed them a little self defense. They picked everything up lightning quick, it made me curious, it made me fall even more in love.

If that even was what I was feeling. Love.

"You pick up really quick."


"Are you sure you don't know all of this already?"

"My dad taught me some when I was little, it fades from your memory sometimes. You know?" I agreed, despite not knowing what they meant in the slightest. They asked me to teach them some hand to hand combat as well. It was a lot harder for me to keep up this time.

They dealt out punches like nobodies business and it was scary as hell. Then they smiled the first time since they came aboard when they pinned me to the ground. Their face was red and they were panting, but I couldn't say I was any better. "Gotcha." They smiled.

"Got me," I replied, simply. I wasn't fighting back, not after they just escaped a Galra prison.

"Man, I'm beat." They rolled off me and I stood up, helping them to their feet.

"Let's go get some food... well the closest thing to edible in the galaxy." I shrugged. That triggered a sickly sweet laugh and my heart was melting at is point. I'd known this person for little over an hour and I was falling chest deep in love.

We walked all the way to the kitchen and I figured out how to use the goo dispensers. We sat at the counter and ate some of the goo. "Ew, this is so weird!" They laughed.

"Yeah, you get used to it, but it is the most edible thing, besides Hunk's cooking."

"Well, that could be a challenge."

"What you cook?" They replied with standing up and looking through the various Altean ingredients. They literally took everything out and poured and mixed several different things into a bowl before trying it.

They seemed to gush at the taste and I took a spoonful and tried it, and well, it was ten times better than Hunk's cooking. It tasted like something very familiar, but I couldn't"t put my finger on it. "Where'd you learn to cook."

"Myself, my parents were hardly home after I turned ten. I had to learn how to cook so I could actually have decent health." They shrugged and I nodded.

They insisted on going for another walk around the castle. Two hours and I literally couldn't think of anyone more perfect. It was so strange to think. I just met them and I am literally, falling in love. Not falling, I'm in love.

We walked around the castle two times, it took almost an hour. Everyone else was sleeping by now, but they begged me to see the bridge, so I brought them to the bridge and turned on the map of the universe. It killed me a little bit inside to see the stars reflect in their beautiful (e/c) eyes.

Like a reflection in water. They walked around and stared at the constellations, smiling. "What's your zodiac sign?" They asked and I shrugged.

"Don't know, never cared enough to actually think about it. What about you?"

"(Z/S). You know it's usually the nice ones... that mostly become the most deceiving?" Their eyes went dark and a dark grin spread across their lips. I stepped away and they walked towards the control panel before smashing the board with just their fist. "And if you ask me, I can be the most deceiving of them all."

"What are you doing!?" I yelled. They laughed and cracked their knuckles, each pop, made me flinch.

"The thing is I lied. It's very easy to do when you're with a very gullible person." They said with a slick voice.

"I don't believe you!" I screamed, and the comment just made them laugh even more.

"I lied to you, Keith. I wasn't an escapee, more like a... spy. I was sent here to ruin your precious castle, but... well. It seems I've passed.

"But you-"

"I'm what? I'm harmless? Please, I'm an actor." They walked towards me and my sword appeared in my hand. "Oh god, you actually think that will work on me?"

I swung to hit them, and the blade bounced off their skin and they crossed their arms. "Adorable, not even an H-Bomb could kill me, but... just so you know I was also sent here to kill you... but I won't do that. I like you, so I'll let you live for now."

They walked forward and pressed their lips to mine before walking around me to the door. "Tah, tah, Keith."

"What the hell?"

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