Lotor X Reader

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"Hello Paladins-"

"Cut the shit!" I snapped, cracking my knuckles, everyone flinching at the individual, screaming pops. Lotor looked startled at my yelling, but it turned to a grin.

"I see the Blue Paladin has some spark-"

"Hold the fuck up!" I yelled, before jerking a thumb at Lance. "He's the Blue Paladin, but I fly the Blue Lion."

"But... if he's the Blue Paladin, and you fly the Blue Lion, what Lion does he fly?"

"I fly Red." Lance shrugged, Lotor shaking his head.
"Then why aren't you wearing the red armor?"

"Because I'm the Blue Paladin." He shrugged. I placed my arm on Lance's shoulder, nodding.

"I thought the angry one with the mullet flew the red lion, you flew the blue lion, and I didn't know you existed until now." He pointed to me. Lance held up his finger to start, but I held up a hand to cut him off.

"Allow me. So, our Black Paladin, Shiro, went missing, so evidently we had to replace him. So Keith, the Red Paladin, flew the Black Lion. Lance, is flying the Red Lion in place of Keith, and I am flying the Blue Lion while Lance is flying Red." I finished, giving a forced smile. Lotor nodded.

"So, just being logical, the Green Paladin probably flies the Yellow Lion?" I snorted at his remark, Lance laughing with me.

"No, are you an idiot?" He looked startled, and pissed.

"I'm no such thing! Why do you wear purple armor? There's not even a purple lion!"

"Well the blue armor was occupied." I nudged Lance, and he flicked me in return. "He also stretched it out. Lotor looked more confused than ever.

"Whatever language you're speaking, it's hot." The words stumbled from his lips. Lance looked at my pissed face, and took the hint to leave. As soon as he was gone I took a step towards Lotor.

"Don't speak to me like that ever again." I warned him, carefully. He raised his eyebrows.

"Or what?" I pulled him into a kiss, and walked away.

"See what I care." I rolled my eyes, leaving him stunned. I walked out of the room with a smirk.

"What did you do to him?" Lance asked.

"Taught him a lesson."

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