Keith X Reader (Mermaid AU!)

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"PIDGE!" I screamed, swimming after her as she tried to avoid my deadly grasp. "Where is my book!?"

"Sorry, don't know, come another day!" She helped, diving under a over hand in the rock, I quickly followed and reached out and grabbed the end of her tail. She helped as I pulled her back to our home.

Pidge was my roommate and annoying as hell most of the time. She was always searching through my things and basically being the bitch she was. "Don't hurt me!"

"Give me the book! I need to see it!" I exclaimed. She sighed and placed in in my hand before swimming off to her room. I opened the book and huffed. Eighty pages on the Mermaid Quarrel was not exactly how I wanted to spend my weekend.

I'd much rather be with Keith. Of course we were only friends... but everyone knew I wanted to have something more with him, and he was completely and totally oblivious. The cliche.

I heard a tap on the useless window in my room and floated over to see Keith waving at me to follow him. I nodded and held up a finger to tell him, one second. I smiled and suddenly thought that my window wasn't so useless. I swam to the front and opened the door. "Hey, Pidge, I'm going out for a bit, don't touch my stuff!"

"No promises!" She yelled. I closed the door and Keith swam up to me, grinning.

"I found a boat!"


"I found a sunken boat!" He grabbed my wrist out of pure excitement and lead me to the boat.

Turns out it was actually a ship and it looked straight out of hell, but Keith seemed to think it was the hottest thing since mullets. "Isn't it amazing!?"

"Yeah..." I breathed, looking at it from a different angle.

"Let's go inside!" He grabbed my wrist and we swam to the deck of the ship and Keith swam around the mast, excitedly. "I've never seen on this large before! The woods not even rotting yet!"

"Yeah, it must have sunk not too long ago," I replied, swimming over to a door. I opened it and floated past the doorway, it seemed to be a captain's headquarters.

"Wow! This is so cool!" Keith exclaimed swimming in next to me. He began to search around, looking in drawers, most of it was ruined papers, dissolved. I looked around at the windows, they were large and made it possible to see everything for a few yards. "Hey, (Y/N)! Come look at this!"

I swam to him and he showed me an odd looking, anchor shaped necklace. "Odd, where did you find this?" I took it from him carefully, examining it.

"Jammed between the floorboards! Weird, right?" He looked over your shoulder. "Maybe you should wear it? It would look good on you!"

"You think?" I asked, turning my head, our noses almost touching. In response he took the necklace and placed it around my neck, clipping the chain. He turned me around and smiled.

"I think it looks perfect!" I opened my mouth to respond, but all that came out was air bubbles, I quickly shut my mouth and felt the sudden urge for air. I swam out the door with difficulty and shot to the surface, as I neared the top it became harder to swim and I wasn't sure why.

When I broke the surface, I gasped for air and looked around, I was doing a human thing, called treading water, and I looked down to see myself completely nude. I freaked out a bit and looked around. I saw a rock surfacing through the water, only a few feet away. I swam to it and pulled myself up. I looked to see my fin had changed into legs.

My eyes widened when I heard a voice a few feet to my right. "Oh my god!"

My head snapped over and I saw Keith staring at me. I screamed and covered myself. "Keith you ass!"

He dove back under and I placed my hands behind my neck, trying to unclasp the necklace. It was all I could think of that might cause this. A moment later Keith resurfaced and threw a soaked, white sheet at me. I tied it around me and stood up, almost falling over. "This is... weird." I groaned, my knees felt like they were going to give out, but all Keith could do was stare in fascination.

"You have legs!" He exclaimed, pulling himself up on the rock and I smiled awkwardly, sitting next to him.

"I guess I do." His eyes were slightly wide and his lips pressed together.

"Can I touch them?"

"Ew, no that sounds super creepy!" I laughed, moving away an inch, not that it had much affect.

"I've never seen human legs this close before." He complained, and I sighed, gently taking his hand and placing it on my knee. His eyes were extremely wide. "This is so strange."

I fumbled with the necklace and managed to unlatch it. My fin almost immediately reappeared and I smiled. "Much better." I handed Keith the necklace and he frowned.

"I want you to keep it." He shoved it back into my hand and I jerked my head in surprise.


"Because you always want to go on land, like a human... but now you can. I think you'd be much happier with them." His cheeks were red and I smiled softly.

"I'm happy where I'm at Keith. With you, Pidge, Hunk, Shiro, Allura, Coran... maybe Lance," I joked, "why would I ever leave you guys?"

"I... uh... oh..." His entire face was red now and I leaned in to kiss his cheek.

"It's a sweet thing to do Keith. Thank you."

"Y-You're welcome." He grinned, rubbing the back of his neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck, clasping the necklace on and his fin disappeared and was replaced with legs. I threw the towel at him and laughed. "(Y/N)!"

"See you at school tomorrow!" I laughed before I dove back into the water.

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