Shiro X Reader (Pt. 2)

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⚠️Possible Gore, Making Out!⚠️

You and Shiro finally stop as a small door. You'd seen everything there is to know about the castle, but you hadn't learned anything personal about the Black Paladin. It almost made you nervous. "What's behind this door? Another generator?"

"It's your bedroom." He laughed quietly and your cheeks flushed red.


"You know... you see, extremely familiar."

"That's probably my twin, Matt. We have similar personalities, but he's more of a nerd." You chuckled. Shiro nodded, eyeing your leg.

"You spent time with the Druids?"

"I'd rather not talk about it," you folded your hands together and stared at the floor. He scratched the back of his neck and you bit your lip.

"Oh just make out already!" You heard a voice yell down the hall. You and Shiro both looked to see, Keith and Hunk pulling Lance away, you smiled a little.

"He's a bit of a fireball."

"No kidding, we might just have to keep him on a leash. Well, you must be tired. I'll let you rest. If you need anything, I'll be two doors down."

"Thank you, for everything."

"It's nothing, (Y/N)." You walked into the room, it was identical to Pidge's and made you feel a little more comfortable. You laid down on the bed and closed your eyes.


"You fool! I asked you time find a weakness and you comeback with a layout of the castle we can no longer infiltrate!?"

"It is useful! Now I could blow up the ship! Then the Paladins would be completely out of your-"

"But you won't blow it up... will you?"


"Get close to one of them! I don't care how long it takes! Do. It."


You sat up, and fought the urge to scream. You were freezing and that little blanket wasn't doing much to help. You wrapped it around your shoulders and walked down the hall to Shiro's room. The entire castle was dark and when you knocked on his door it opened, immediately, gentle light flooded into the hall. You took a minute to adjust to the light asked saw Shiro staring at you.

He wasn't wearing a shirt so you could see his scarred skin and his toned body. You looked away and brought the blanket around you tighter. "(Y/N)? What's wrong?"

"I... couldn't sleep... and well... it's... too cold." You fumbled with your word a bit. Shiro patted the spot next to him on the bed. You walked in and the door closed behind you and you sat across from him, cross legged.

"Why couldn't you sleep?"

"Night terrors... it's childish... I know-"

"It's okay. I get them too." You smile at him and there's a long silence.

"Are all your scars from the Druids?"

"No. I got some from gladiator fights. What about you? Did they make you a gladiator?"

"No. I haven't even seen a fight. I spent all my time either with the Druids or in a cell. Not too glamorous I guess."

"Any scars to show you were tampered with?" He joked and you blushed.

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