Keith X Princess!Reader

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"Princess (Y/N) of the Sallon Empire? What a pleasure to have you jo-"

"Yols sran dra!(You scum bags!)" I shouted, spitting fluent Sarko.

"Now, now, no need to get feisty," Lotor smirked. I struggled against the manacles attached to my wrists. "We just want to negotiate."

"Flaren du tss!(Negotiate my ass!)" I refused to speak English with him, it wasn't something he had the honor of hearing. He sighed and placed his slander fingers on my cheek. I tried to bite his hand, but he slapped me.

"Now, we want Sallon to be a part of our alliance." I pretended to give it some thought and sighed.

"Hasen du tss.(Kiss my ass.)" His hand snapped across my face and I snarled, snapping at him.

"You have an odd choice of language." He smiled and I sulked away from him, not wanting to be anywhere near him. "Too bed your parents won't get to see their precious little girl again before they die."

"Travi goija fa ledf yols!(I'm going to kill you!)" Lotor looked at me with serious eyes before laughing.

"You're something pathe-" the ship lurched and I fell to the floor, Lotor never moved. "Damn, Voltron."

"Voltron?" My voice picked up and I pushed myself up. Lotor whipped his head at me, and sneered. He turned to his control panel and I pushed to my feet, my arms wouldn't go any higher than my waist, because of the manacles.

The door behind us opened and a boy in red and white armor walked in, a black sword weighed in his hand and he looked between me and Lotor. "Fron dos lanter tah!(Don't just stand there!)" I yelled, he looked, confused, but then lashed out swinging his sword and went head to head with Lotor.

He jumped back, and quickly cut the manacles. He grabbed my wrist and tried to pull me to the door, but I didn't budge. I held out a hand towards Lotor, palm up and a ball of fire hurled at him. He dodged it and the boy threw me over his shoulder. He bounded towards the door and I kept firing at Lotor.

The boy brought me to one of the legendary lions, The Black Lion and he sat down in the pilot seat and flew away from the ship. "Sani- I mean, thank you." I spoke, holding onto the back of his seat.

"So you can speak English?" His voice was soft and he almost sounded like he was going to laugh.

"Of course I can speak English." I replied, realizing the my accent was thick because of speaking Sarko for the last three days. "How did you know I was there?"

"Didn't." He replied as we flew towards an Altean castle.

"Where are we going? Can you take me back to Sallon?" I asked. "I need to see my people."

"What are you talking about? What people?"

"My people."

"Who, are you?" He asked, turning around as he parked the lion in a hangar.

"Princess (Y/N), of Sallon."

"You're a princess?"

"Who are you," I asked, changing the subject. He took his helmet off and I got a better look of his gorgeous face. I felt my cheeks heat up and I raised my eyebrows, waiting for an answer.

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