Lance X Reader (Surfer AU!)

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⚠️Sad, Possible Cursing⚠️

"Hey, Sharpshooter!" You yelled as Lance walked out of the changing room. He turned to you at your lifeguard tower and threw you a peace sign. You returned it and he grinned. He grabbed his surf board and jogged over to you.

"Hey, Beautiful." He winked and you rolled your eyes. "So when do you get off of work?" He asked, leaning against the tower.

"After sundown. Got any plans to try and make me swoon?"

"Well we could always stay here and just... swim." He winked and you gagged. He laughed at your reaction and you smiled.

"Maybe if you can get me to actually say yes to one of your dates, it could be a possibility someday."

"Are you saying you'd go on a date with me?"

"Not a chance, Sharpshooter. Now don't just stand there. Go do something. I'm working."

"Nah, you just enjoy watching me surf." More than he knew.

"In your dreams."

"See you out there Red." He winked and your rolled your eyes. He ran out into the water and you sighed as he paddled out to catch a wave.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" You looked down to see your friends Shiro and Pidge.

"Hey guys." Shiro tossed you up a coke. You caught it, barley and waved. "Thanks."

"Enjoying the view?" Pidge wiggled her eyebrows and you groaned.

"Shut up, I'm working." You turned back just in time to see Lance fall off his board. You shook your head and smiled. "Idiot."

He resurfaced and smiled at you. You noticed his nose was bleeding and you waved at him, and blew your whistle. "Lance! You've gotta come in! You're bleeding!"

"What!?" He yelled back. You tried to motion for him to come back ashore, but he just paddled back out. You groaned and flopped back into your seat, shaking your head. Why was he such an idiot?

Your eyes followed his every more. How he pushed up on the board, riding the wave, gracefully, dipping his hand into the water, he always laughed when he was surfing. You didn't understand what he found funny about it, but you let him keep laughing at whatever it was he was excited about. You smiled softly and watched him dive off his board into the rushing water.

He resurfaced again, shaking his hair to get rid of the piece's in his face. He pulled himself back up onto the board and he turned to you, grinning like a dork. He was really far out, but you could still see him fine. You watched as he threw his hand up in the air waving at you. You shook your head, smiling and waved back.

But that's when all went to hell.

Out of no where, a shark came up and took Lance under. You felt a scream rise as you sat up. You swallowed the scream and brought the whistle to your lips as you jumped from the tower, probably spraining your ankle. You blew the whistle twice and waved everyone out of the water while you hobbled over to a jet ski sitting on the edge of the water. "Everybody out! Shark!" You yelled.

Everyone came running out and you hopped on the jet ski and quickly turned it on. You drove it straight out into the waters and right where Lance went under. Your instincts were taking over, you didn't even care about that shark.

You ended up floating right next to hi board, but you didn't see him. You looked over the edge and saw him floating down slowly. You noticed the shark was now circling you and Lance. You were about to either make a really smart or really foolish move. You took a deep breath and dove in after him.

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