Lance X Reader

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"Use it to protect yourself." The voice was a distant memory, but the words still rang in my head as I walked through the halls, always on my toes.

"Use it to keep your brother safe." I could feel my heart beat quicken as the memory came upon me like a bounder suffocating me.

"Use it to keep your loved ones alive." I could feel tears surface in my eyes as I tried to keep myself moving. I was almost to my room and I could feel the pain in my hand grow greater. I could hear the uneven drip of my blood on the floor.

"Don't fail me, (Y/N)." The tears started falling, her voice wasn't going to leave me, I knew that. My knee's were growing weak and I could feel the blade grind against bone as I reached the first room. Not mine.

"I won't fail you, mom." I lied ten years ago. It was killing me slowly, not the knife cutting into my hand, but the stupid lie I had to tell to get rid of my monsters. My knees buckled and I collapsed on the ground, crying and breathing unevenly.

"Good. Now, go back inside." I dropped the knife and pressed my wounded hand to the wall, staining it with blood. "(Y/N) listen to me, go inside. (Y/N)!"

"(Y/N)!" I opened my eyes and found a pair of ocean blue irises staring back at me. The tears came out faster and a loud sob escaped my mouth as I fell into his arms. "(Y/N), what happened? Why are you bleeding?"

"I... I..."

"Never mind, it's okay." I felt him lift me into his arms and he carried me to my room, setting me in my bed while he rummaged through a Altean first aid kit. He sat down next to me and stitched my hand together, and the tears didn't stop falling.

With my other hand I whipped them away as he finished stitching and wrapped a bandage over my hand. He out everything away and kissed the palm of my hand where I had my cut. "Why'd you do that? Kiss my hand?"

"My mom always did it to make me feel better." He smiled softly. I whipped away more tears and stared at my hand. "Does it hurt?"

"Not really," I shrugged.

"What happened out there?"

"I was just remembering something my mom told me, forever ago, something I failed to complete. It gets me every now and then... but I'm fine... I swear." I smiled weakly and Lance wrapped his arms around me.

"I know when you're lying, tell the truth." I choked back a sob as I leaned my head against his chest.

"My mom had to leave my brother and I when we young for a business trip. We live in the woods and a lot of creepy people liked to stop by, my mom gave me a knife to protect me and my brother. I was eight. I didn't fully understand everything at the time, but I thought it was some strange joke." I sighed and felt the tears stop. "One night a man broke into the house and kidnapped my brother, I stabbed him, the man and he threw me into the kitchen, I landed on a knife. It almost pierced my spinal cord, but I didn't care."

"Oh my god..."

"I got up and tried to follow the man, but by the time I got outside he was gone. My mom never came back either..." I stopped and Lance squeezed me tightly.

"I'm sorry... what was your brother's name?"

"Keith. He's a year younger than me... if he's still alive." I sighed and Lance lifted my head up, smiling sadly.

"I lost two of my brothers to an epidemic. I wasn't with them, I was still in Cuba, with my parents, and my brothers went to New York for a school trip... never came back." I could see tears in his eyes and I placed my hand on his cheek, not even caring that the pressure made my hand burn.

"I'm sorry for you too. What were their names?"

"Taylor and Ben." He shrugged. "I don't remember much about them anyways. It doesn't matter."

"You're the first person I told."

"Same to you." He nodded and I smiled softly, feeling a little tired, but hurting a little more now that my mind was focused on the cut. "Does it hurt?"

"Yeah." I shrugged and he nodded.

"Want me to distract you?" He placed his hands on the mattress and I thought for a moment.


"Like this," he leaned in and placed a light kiss on my lips, and pulled away. I smiled softly and nodded. He moved in and kissed me again, except this time the kiss was longer and his hands found my waist while my own hands went to his hair.

His lips danced along my own and the feeling was heavenly. He pulled away and began to press light kissed all over my face, making me laugh a little. He pulled back and stared at me, practically beaming. I covered my face, "what?"

"You're beautiful."

"Shut up."

"Can I kiss you again?"


"Then I'll shut up." He moved towards me and slowly, teasingly placed his lips to mine, while moving his hands up my back, while I moved my hands gently through his hair, his mouth wrapped around my own and making a sweet sensation run through me. Do you feel any better?" He mumbled.


"Good, I love you, and never want to see you hurting again."

"I love you too."

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