Keith X Reader

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"Can we do this simply?" Keith asked as he summoned his sword. I summoned my gun and smiled at him, blood dripping from my lip.

"Simple is not in my vocabulary." He rolled his eyes and I broke down the door and was immediately showered with a round of Galra gun shots. I summoned my shield and covered myself and Keith.

I looked out from behind the shield and shot at all the drones coming at us. Keith ran in and started to slice them. I grinned and avoided shooting him. We pushed on through the he crowd until we made it to the control center. All the drones laid motionless behind us and I grinned, spinning the gun in my hand.

"Ready to blow this baby?"

"Are you calling the ship baby or me?" Keith smirked.

"Oh my god you need to stop talking to Lance," I joked.

"Get the job done you two, stop flirting already!" Pidge yelled through the communicator.

"Working on it!" I yelled, kicking the door down again. There was one Galra in here, a commander based off his stance and position. "Right, left!" I snapped.

Keith immediately understood and we crossed, him running left and me running right. I aimed for the commander's head and fired, but he blocked, not saying a word, while Keith swung at him with his sword. The commander deflected again and I groaned, and kept shooting, but he kept blocking. "Plan B!" I yelled, shooting the control panel and we ran for the door, heading to the power hub.

I could hear the commander running behind us, not saying a word. I broke down the door and Keith quickly cut the panel in half right at the commander skidded to a stop at the door. I grabbed him by the front of his shirt and threw him over the edge. "Was that necessary?" Keith asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Was that necessary?" I mocked. "He was going to die anyway."

"Best excuse of the century," Keith rolled his eyes eyes and I aimed my gun at the power crystal, shooting the cords holding it in place and the ship was triggered to explode in two minutes.

"Let's get back to the lion!" I yelled running out of the room with Keith on my heels.

"I kind of imagined this more complicated when you said 'simple is not in my vocabulary'." He teased and waved him off and kept running.

"Save for when we're not about to die. Say something romantic in case we don't make it out." He rolled his eyes again as we rounded a corner.

"I love you-"

"Well at least try harder than that!"

"I think you're the most amazing person in the galaxy and that this was a terrible idea and if we're about to die then we should have our first kiss." He yelled. I grinned, nodding in approval.

"Much better."

"I'm serious."

"Save it for the lion! You guys have twenty ticks and you're right on top of the black lion!" Pidge yelled. Keith cut threw the floor and we floated out into Black and we took off the ship right as it exploded.

I ripped my helmet off as Keith took his own off. He stood up and got out of the pilot seat before smashing his cold lips to mine. We dropped our helmets and I raked my fingers through his greasy hair, while his hands roamed my back, curiously. We pulled away to breath and rested our foreheads against each other's. "Damn, I didn't know you were so romantic."

"Shut up," he grinned and pressed a quick kiss to my lips. "What would you have said?"

"You're my world and that if I didn't have you then I'd probably be dead, or lonely, and I wouldn't know what it's like to love, you make everything so much better, and Jesus Christ you're a good kisser!" I smiled, pressing my lips back to his.

"Guys- AH MY SOMEWHAT INNOCENT EYES!" I heard Pidge screamed, through the screen she appeared in above the main controls. Keith and I parted and laughed at her.

"Give us a minute!" Keith snapped. Pidge rolled her eyes and closed the camera. Keith turned back to me and I smiled at the dreamy look in his eyes. "Where were we?

"In the middle of something like this," I whispered, pressing a soft kiss or his lips. He pressed back and I smiled, feeling my heart beat quicken. "I love you, Keith."

"I love you too, (Y/N)."

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