Klance (Blind Lance AU!{Modern AU!})

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⚠️Get Used to It!⚠️

"Remind me why I'm going on this blind date?" Keith asked as Pidge ripped the brush through his hair. "Ow!"

"You're going because I said so, and because Hunk offered. Also maybe you should actually brush your hair for once?" She sneered.

"Don't criticize me, Pidge." He sighed. "Why am I meeting him at Burger King?"

"Because... I don't know. Ask him when you get there." Pidge threw her hands up, and tossed the brush aside. "Go now or you'll be late."

"How do I know he's not going to be late?"

"Because Hunk is driving him." Pidge rolled her eyes and pushed Keith out of the apartment. He sighed and walked down to his car and drove to Burger King. He walked in and the place was empty aside from a couple and a Latino boy with sunglasses and a baseball cap. He was the same boy in the picture Pidge had shown him.

Keith approached the table that the boy was sitting at and cleared his throat. The boy turned his head in Keith's direction. "I'm Keith." Keith held his hand out to shake hands with him, but the boy didn't move.

"Lance. You're friends with Pidge?" Keith slipped his hand into his pocket and sat across from Lance. He didn't turn his head, which Keith found odd, but didn't say anything.

"Uh, yeah she's one of my roommates. You're friends with Hunk?"

"Yep. He's my roommate. Also I ordered. Hunk told me what to order you so it should be ready any minute now."

"Thanks." Keith smiled.

"Order sixty six!"

"That's us." Lance said, starting to stand up.

"No, it's okay. You can sit back down. I'll get it." Keith stood up and grabbed the tray with their foot and sat back down. "So you go to Voltron University, too?"

"Yeah, I'm majoring in speech therapy. What about you?"

"Health." Keith shrugged, sipping his drink. "How come I haven't seen you around before? The campus is pretty small."

"I only have six classes and they're all in the same building. For my convenience."

"Oh, cool I guess." Keith nodded. "So, Pidge, told me that we should do something after we eat, because that's how dates work I guess. Would you want to go see a movie or something?"



"I'm blind." It took a minute for Keith to process that. Pidge had made a joke when she said blind date, that should have been a hint. Then, Lance didn't try to shake his hand or even turn his head back to Keith when he sat back down, hint. Sunglasses inside, hint. Classes all in the same building for convenience, hint.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I had no idea you were..."


"Yeah! Pidge never said anything, and I was way to blind to notice the signs... oh my god I didn't mean it like that-"

"Heh, you're funny. I can see why Hunk and Pidge like you. Don't sweat it, you didn't know."


"But usually after we eat, since I can't exactly watch movies I go on walks through the park or down to the beach."

"So your date can push you in, only to have you drown?"

"That only happened once, surprisingly." He chuckled and Keith's cheeks warmed up. Lance was beginning to grow on him.

"Would you trust me if I drove you to the beach for a moonlit walk?"

"Sure, but I'd only be able to see... nothing. I don't know how many times I have to explain it to you, Mullet."

"How'd you know I have a mullet?"

"Hunk told me."

"That little back stabber... wait you don't even know what that looks like!"

"Exactly, and yes I trust you."

"Good because you can stop searching for food, we're both done eating." Keith threw away the trash and helped Lance out of the restaurant and to the passenger seat of the car. "Do you need help buckling?"

"I'm not helpless." Lance replied snarkily. He groped around for the seatbelt for a while until he found it and then he tried to clip it, but missed about twenty times before Keith took his hand and helped guide it. "Thanks."

"Yeah, don't mention it." Keith closed the door and walked over to the driver's seat and sat down. He started the car drove down the road to the beach. It was always empty at night and Keith loved that.

"So what else is there to know about you?" Keith asked, trying to break the silence.

"I'm the youngest out of five kids and I have one niece and one nephew. Is that the kind of thing you want to know?"

"Yeah, that's pretty good."

"What about your family?"

"I uh... I was put in an orphanage as a baby and I've bounced from one foster home to the next, until I got to college here and met Pidge and Hunk."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's fine. It's no big deal. We're here." He got out and helped Lance out of the car and then walked him into the sand. Lance stopped and pulled off his socks and shoes, so Keith did the same.

"Can we walk down to the water?"

"Yeah." Keith walked them down to where the waves were lapping gently against the sand and he walked them in ankle deep.

"It's kind of cold."

"Does it feel good?"

"Yeah... can I feel your face?"


"So I can get an idea of what you look like? Your face structure?"

"Uh... I guess." Keith took Lance's hands and hovered them over his face. Lance first placed his hands on Keith's cheeks and they began to roam around his face gently. Lance's had felt heavenly to Keith as they moved into his hair, gently flowing his fingers through the layers. Lance rested his hands on Keith's shoulders and a small smile played on his face. He moved his hands down and rested them on the front of Keith's chest, making Keith blush.

He grabbed Lance's wrists. "Save it for another time." He joked.

"Are you asking me on another date?"

"Maybe I am."

"I accept." Lance turned around a few times and tried to hug Keith, but missed and ended up almost falling, but Keith caught him.

"Maybe you should just ask for a hug." He smiled.

"Heh, maybe."

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