Lotor X Druid!Reader

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The door to my room burst open, and revealed the most horrifying thing I could have imagined. Lotor, before he actually had the decency to tidy himself up. He looked like a dying rat. "(Y/N)!"

"Lotor. Care to explain why you look trashier than usual, and coming to my room at this hour?" I asked, giving him a sly look. He looked flustered for a moment, but shook the look away.

"There's no time for you foolish remarks-"

"Please, there's always time."

"Drop it. I need you to rip a hole in the universal fortex." I felt my eyebrows raise and I grinned.

"Why would I need to do that?"

"We're trying to regain a crystal to create another indestructible ship. Such as Voltron." I nodded slowly, considering the idea.

"What would I get out of this... peculiar request. I mean, although I do enjoy ruining galaxies, and other universes, I don't quite agree with working on this with you. Especially with your father's condition improving. I'll most likely be executed if he ever finds out." Lotor's face morphed into a grin.

"I'll free you, you won't have to be a druid anymore." I nodded before a smirk formed.

"I'm going to need chicken blood, salt, five candles, and a bottle of vodka."

"Vodka? For a spell?"

"No, that's just to make me feel better about ripping a hole in the universe."

"I thought you enjoyed ripping holes in the universe."

"Thought wrong. It's just a joke. Anyways, go get the stuff!" I snapped as I stood up from my bed. He sprinted out of the room, and I changed into my ritual cloak, because labels. Lotor came back with my needs and wants.

I smeared the blood across the floor into a circled star, and surrounded the room with a thin line of salt. Then placed, and lit, the candles on every point of the star. I sat in the middle and chanted in Greek. As the chanting grew quicker the air picked up around me, blew my hood off, and blew out the candles. As I said the last words of the chant, I slammed my palms on the floor, and everything disappeared. The blood, salt, and candles.

I stood up and clapped my hands, removing the dust. I turned to Lotor, and held my hand out. He placed a bottle of Vodka in my hand. I popped it open, and took a swig, "That's great."

"Thank you." His face was pale, and I offered him the bottle. He took it hesitantly, and took a drink, and immediately, gagged. He pushed the drink back into my hand. "That's disgusting."

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes and took a long drink, swallowing the bitter drink. I blinked a few times and sighed. "I'm going to get buzzed."

"Maybe you should take a break from the drink." He moved to grab the bottle, but I growled, and he stepped away. "(Y/N)."


"Seriously. Put the bottle down." I slowly lifted it to my lips, in a taunting manner. "(Y/N)." I brought the bottle to my lips and took another drink. "(Y/N)."

"You're not the boss of my Lotor." I capped the bottle, and tossed it to him. "But since you "insist" I'll stop."

"Aw, you love me." he smirked and I scoffed, rolling up my sleeves. "What's so funny?"

"You think I love you."

"Well, you ripped the universe open for me, and you shared your vodka with me."

"Well think again." I shooed him out of my room and stood in the doorway. "Also you might as well start arranging my exit. I hope you realize by doing thing there won't be enough druids to perform any rituals for your father. Yes?"

"Why do you think I came to you?" He asked, his voice cold and low.

"Because you have crush on me, and are too afraid to admit it?" I asked, he rolled his eyes and looked like he wanted to punch me. "Go ahead Lotor. Do what you must."

His fist clenched, and unclenched a few times, but instead of punching me he handed the bottle back, and pushed his way back into the room. He sat down on my bed, and gestured for me to sit with him. "Let's drink."

I sat next to him, and he took the bottle from me, and chugged about half. He had a sour look on his face as he handed it back to me. I took a quick drink, and smirked. "How can you stomach such a disgusting drink?"

"Practice." I took another drink, and he snatched the bottle from my hand, and replaced the bottle with his lips. I jerked away, surprised, but instead of growing upset like I should have, I grinned wickedly. "What did I tell you? You have a crush on me."

"Maybe I do?" He tapped his fingers against the thin mattress. I rolled my eyes and leaned in, pulling his lips to mine. The cold surface gliding against my skin, and I shivered as the alcohol started to kick in. I pulled back, and a giggle escaped my lips as I fell backwards on the bed. Lotor pulled my legs onto the bed and kissed my forehead. "Rest. Tomorrow we have a long journey, far, far, into the cosmos."

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