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"Shut up guys! Let them sleep!" Mikey says. I open my eyes to see three boys sitting on the floor in front of me. "What time is it?" I groggily ask. "Uhm..." Calum pauses to look at his phone. "Two in the afternoon."

I try sitting up, but half of Luke's body is on mine. "What! I'm late for school! So late!" I exclaim quietly. I don't want to wake Luke. "There's no point in going now, plus we already called in for you. You're sick." Ashton tells me with a wink. I sigh and relax under Luke's warm body.

"Thank you guys." I say and close my eyes. "I just need to be home at three forty or my mum will kill me." I laugh and look at Ashton, who isn't laughing. He has a frown on his face. He's the only one that really knows what my mother is capable of.

"Okay, well you should probably get up because i lied. It's not two, it's two fifty-three." Calum laughs nervously. I roll my eyes. "Luke?" I whisper into his ear. "Luke!"

He groans and opens his eyes. A smile grows on his face when he sees me. "Good morning." "You mean good afternoon? Get off of me." I joke and push him off.

Twenty minutes later i'm in my clothes from yesterday and i'm sitting with the boys in the kitchen. My glasses are so annoying. I keep having to push them up the bridge of my nose. We all just sat and talked. I really liked these boys. They're so fun and carefree. I look up at them.

"What month is it again?" I ask them. Luke chuckles, "It's May."

"Thank you." I smile and look over to Calum who is smiling at his phone. "Who are you texting?" I ask. "My girlfriend.." He smiles. "Aw! What does she look like?" I question.

He shows me a picture of her on his phone. She is absolutely gorgeous. Nothing like me. She didn't have glasses, her hair wasn't messy like mine, she looked more free and perfect.

"She looks beautiful!" I exclaim, even though i'm a bit jealous. "Hopefully we can meet her soon!" Mikey says. "Yeah, shes's in Melbourne right now. But she's coming back in a few days." Calum tells us.

"Do any of you have a girlfriend?" I question. Luke shakes his head. "Nope, i'm a single pringle." Michael replies. "Ash?" I ask. He chuckles and looks down. "Aw! Does little Ashton have a girlfriend?" I ask in a baby voice. "Yes..." He says, blushing.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" I ask and slap his arm playfully. "I wanted to make sure that she would actually stay with me for more than a week. But she is amazing..." He gushes. I smile at my best friend. "You have to bring her to me sometime soon." I order and look at the clock over the sink.

"I have to go! Bye!" I exclaim and run out the front door. It's four. It's twenty minutes past the time when i was supposed to be home. I'm so dead. Luckily Ashton's house is only seven houses from mine. I run up the steps and into my dirty house.

"Maddie! Where the fuck were you?" My mum yells. The house reeks like beer and whiskey. Great... Things are always worse when alcohol is involved.. Luckily it's a friday so i won't have to cover much up tomorrow.

"I-i'm sorry. My teacher needed help with something... I stayed too long, i'm sorry." I lie and step away from her. "You need to be punished!" She yells and slaps me across the face.

I cry out in pain as her fist connects with my gut. After an hour of getting beaten i limp to my room and lay on the bed. I need out of here....

(A/N: This was extremely short, but i already updated today...

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