Chapter 8

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A/N: What do you guys think so far? x)

I quickly unlocked my phone and pressed on Cat’s number. I sat nervously while the rings echoed in my ear.

“TIFFANY MARIE THORTON WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU” My best friend screamed into my ear. I winced, holding the phone away from my head. “WHERE DID YOU GO LAST NIGHT? ARE YOU OK? YOU CAN’T JUST NOT COME HOME LIKE THAT, YOU IDIOT!” she continued.

“Cat. Cat. CAT. CAT!” I yelled into the phone, finally getting her to shut up. “I’m fine,” I continued once I had her attention.

“Where were you? You had me scared as HELL, you wouldn’t pick up your phone, I was afraid you’d been like kidnapped and raped!” She shouted.

“Well, I wasn’t, so no need to worry,” I said a little guiltily. I felt bad hiding the truth from her, but I didn’t want to talk about it over the phone.

“Well, where are you now?” she asked, calming down a bit. “Umm…”I trailed off as the boys started trickling into the room.

“A friend’s,” I said cautiously. Harry, who was sitting on the couch, smirked at me. God, he was attractive.

My staring was interrupted by Louis screeching “CANNON BALL!” as he launched himself at Harry. Zayn threw himself on top of the pile, followed by Niall, then Liam (I thought he was supposed to be the responsible one?) until it was a huge pile of screaming boys.

“What friend? What’s that noise? Tiff?” Cat asked, sounding worried.

“Shhh!” I whisper-screamed at the boys, who immediately became silent. Turning back to the phone, I answered Cat. “A new friend. I’ll be home in half an hour, and then I’ll explain everything, ok?”

“Alright, just hurry up, I miss you!” she whined. I smiled.

“Miss you too, kay byee!” I hung up the phone and turned to the five lads on the couch.

“You’re leaving?” Harry asked, looking disappointed.

“Cat is frantic, I didn’t come home last night, remember?” I reminded him, starting to gather up my things.

“Who’s Cat? Your pet?” Niall asked, looking puzzled. I laughed.

“No, my flat mate and best friend. When I didn’t come home last night and didn’t answer my phone she got worried.” I walked to Harry’s bedroom to grab my jacket, and when I came back the boys were all faced away from me, hunched over something. “Guys?” I asked. They spun around and I noticed Louis was hiding something behind his back. “What did you do?” I asked suspiciously.

“Oh, nothing,” Lou said innocently.

“Nothing to see here,” Zayn added.

“Yea, it’s not like we took your phone or anything,” Niall piped in.

“Niall!” The boys all yelled, glaring at him.

“Oops!” Niall looked embarrassed.

“Hand it over,” I smirked. Smiling cheekily, Louis gave me my phone back. Glancing at it, I noticed that my wallpaper had been changed from a picture of Cat to one of Harry kissing Louis on the cheek with the rest of the boys smiling in back. I laughed and put my phone in my pocket.

“Ready to head out?” Haz asked me.

“You don’t have to walk me back, I’ll be fine,” I frowned at him.

“I’m not letting you walk back, I’ll just drive you,” he said easily.

“But Ha-” I began.

“Shut up and let me drive you!” He laughed, cutting me off. I pouted but gave in. Besides, if Cat hadn’t called I wouldn’t want to leave. I didn’t really want to leave Harry…there was something about him that drew me in. Maybe it was the fact that he seemed so real, like a normal guy, or that he was so kind and sweet. He was the kind of guy I wanted to get to know more; I felt like he had a whole other side unknown to me. But that would never happen. I was just a girl he had felt like helping. Nothing special about me, an average Londoner. I was terrible at flirting, which Cat called me out on all the time for. She was excellent at it; her killer figure and beautiful red hair probably helped with that. The boys gave me a huge group hug, nearly knocking me over, before Harry and I got in the elevator and headed down. I sighed as I saw the boy’s faces disappear through the doors. Bye, One Direction, it was nice knowing you…for a day…

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