Chapter 16

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A/N: My reads and votes have gone up, thank you SO MUCH for those who contine to read. I'd really love if people commented so I could connect with people! Well anywaysss hopefully you'll like this chapter! Enjoy! xx

Part 16


“Tiffany?” The guy asked, looking more and more pissed off by the second. Tiff and I had been having an amazing moment, she was a fantastic kisser and things had just started taking off when the bloody doors opened and some guy had been standing at her door.

“What are you doing here?” Tiffany asked him, looking panicked.

“Why didn’t you answer my call? Where were you last night? And who the HELL is THIS?” he exclaimed, his voice getting louder and angrier with each question.

“Who is this guy?” I asked Tiffany. Was this…her boyfriend? Did she have a boyfriend? What was she just doing with me, then?

“Um, Harry, meet Rob. Rob, Harry.” Tiffany said nervously, stepping out of the elevator cautiously. “Uh, Harry, Rob is my EX-boyfriend,” she said, putting emphasis on the ex. I relaxed a little, following her into the hall where she stayed against the opposite wall from Rob.

“Hey, mate, nice to meet you,” I said trying to be polite, extending my hand towards him. It hung awkwardly in the air while he stared at Tiffany, and I dropped it.

“What are you doing here, Rob?” Tiff’s voice trembled.

“I wanted to talk to you. You didn’t answer your phone, so I decided to wait here.” Rob answered, glaring at me suspiciously.

“Fine. Talk.” Her voice had gotten a bit stronger, more defiant.

“Here?” Rob said incredulously, glancing at me again.

“Yeah, Tiff, I can go…” I interjected, backing away.

“No! No, whatever he has to say, if he can’t say it in front of you, he doesn’t need to tell me,” she said, sounding panicked again and grabbing my arm. I stopped obediently. If she needed me, I would stay, no matter what.

“Fine,” Rob stated, lifting his arms up in exasperation. Tiffany flinched, then relaxed when she saw his hands fall and hit his jeans with a hard smack. What was her history with this guy? Why was she so nervous around him? I gave him a once over. I guess he was good looking, his face had a sort of rugged look like those weird-ass male models for Hollister.

“I’m still in love with you, bon-bon,” Rob said in a softer tone. Tiffany stiffened at the sound of the pet name. “I miss you every day, and I want to try again. I’ve changed, I promise.” He continued in a pleading tone. There was silence. Then I felt Tiffany start to shake next to me.

“NO YOU HAVE NOT!” She shouted, suddenly livid. “YOU HAVEN’T CHANGED ONE BIT! YOU’RE STILL THE DICK YOU WERE A MONTH AGO!” She grabbed my hand and stalked across the hall, ignoring his shocked silence as she unlocked the door. She dragged me inside, but not before I caught a deadly glare coming at me from Rob. Right as she shut the door, we heard him yell

“YOU’LL REGRET THIS, TIFFANY! YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU’RE SAYING!” She slammed the door in his face.

She plopped down on the couch and started crying. I sat down next to her and put my arms around her, rubbing her back and just letting her cry on me.

“Shh, it’s okay, he’s gone now,” I whispered quietly. After 10 minutes her sobs subsided and she managed to look up at me.

“I’m sorry,” she said sadly.

“Don’t worry about it,” I said, wiping a few remaining tears off her face. She sighed. “Do you wanna talk about it?” I asked hesitantly.

“Not now,” she shook her head, sitting up and running her hands through her hair.

“Alright, then at least let me make you breakfast,” I said, changing the subject. She gave a watery smile.

“We’re at my house, I should be cooking for you!”

“Nah, you go change or whatever, I’ll whip something up,” I insisted. I wanted to make her feel better, I hated seeing her cry.

“Okay,” she gave me a convincing smile this time and headed to her room. I walked into the kitchen, looking through her fridge and cabinets. Not much, but I could make it work. By the time she walked back in, I was frying up some eggs and had toaster strudels heating up. I turned to hug her and my eyes widened. She was in a pair of sweatpants and had a sweater on, her hair thrown up on her head. Even dressed down, she looked incredible. Her natural beauty shined through the sweats, and she radiated a carefree attitude, even with the events that had just occurred. She sat down and the table and noticed me staring.

“What?” she asked self-consciously, putting her hand up to her hair. “Is my hair that bad?”

“No, no,” I shook my head, recovering from my trance.

“Then what is it?”

“You’re just so beautiful,” I smiled at her, leaning against the counter top. She laughed.

“I don’t have any make-up on, I’m basically in pajamas, and my eyes are puffy from crying. You call that beautiful?”

“Yep, pretty much,” I grinned at her. She laughed again, and I was glad to see her smile. Then her nose crinkled, and she sniffed the air.

“Do  I smell something…burning?” she asked, looking around.

“Shit! The eggs!” I said, remembering the food. I turned and found the eggs smoking. I switched off the heat and waved my hand through the smoke while Tiff giggled hysterically. The toaster strudels popped up, and somehow I managed to dump both the eggs and the strudels onto one plate. “Guess we’re sharing,” I said as I set it in front of her.

“It looks lovely,” she grinned as she snapped a picture of it on her phone. “This is so going on Twitter,” she continued, tapping on her phone. Mine buzzed and opened Twitter to find ‘@Harry_Styles is a fantastic cook…almost burned my flat down!’ accompanied by the picture showing the burnt eggs. It already had over 100 retweets.

“Maybe I’ll get hired by Iron Chef to be a judge now,” I joked, sitting down to eat.

“Mmm, with these strudels, there’s no way they won’t ask you,” she grinned, licking some frosting off her finger. I smiled back at her, taking her hand and intertwining our fingers. Both of our phones buzzed at the same time. I picked mine up and read ‘NiallOfficial: @Harry_Styles @TiffMarie why didn’t you make me any?” Tiffany laughed and typed out ‘Sorry, @NiallOfficial, @Harry_Styles only made enough for two;)’

“You do know the fans are going to go crazy, right?” I fake groaned, chucking my phone across the room.

“I don’t care,” she smiled as she leaned forward and pressed her lips to mine. 

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