Chapter 38

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A/N: ......Hi guys. have your lives been? I seriously need to be doing all my homework right now...I have four tests tomorrow....YOU'RE WELCOME. Sorry I haven't been on in like...3 weeks....oops. But I LOVE EVERYONE WHO COMMENTED AND VOTED AND FANNED AND SHOUTOUT TO @MADELYN143 BECAUSE SHE BASICALLY DEDICATED HER WATTPAD TO ME AND EMILY AND THATS PRETTY INSANELY COOL GO CHECK HER OUT BECAUSE SHE'S A NICE PERSON. I love it when you guys comment! It makes me feel like you care! 

Contine your wonderful habit of commenting voting and reading! You are great people! With wonderful hair!


I screamed as Zayn threw himself against Rob, smashing him to the wall and causing the knife to fly through the air. It clattered to the floor and slid under the bed. Tiffany was pushed to the ground by the force of Zayn's attack, and she shrank back against the wall. Rob managed to throw Zayn off of him, aiming a punch to his throat. I winced as Zayn fell to the ground, but Rob didn't have a chance to do anything because Harry was on top of him. He shoved Rob back into the wall where he smashed into Tiff's bookcase.  Rob hit his head and collapsed to the floor, unconscious. And it was over. Just like that. There was silence in the room; only the sound of Harry's heavy breathing filled the air. Then Niall rushed over to me, and Lou to Tiffany.

"Oh my God, Cat, what the Hell happened?" He asked urgently, as he untied my hands. I rubbed them gratefully, finally free from the tight bonds. 

"He broke in, and waited for me in my room," Tiffany answered lifelessly from the other side of the room. I looked over anxiously, worried about her. Harry had taken over from Louis, and she was staring into his eyes while he untied the nylons from around her wrists. He couldn't keep her eyes off of her, and I could feel how stressed and worried he was. 

"And he bound you and Cat up??" Louis asked indignantly from his spot next to Zayn, who was sitting up and rolling his neck. 

"Are you okay, Zayn?" I asked, leaning against Niall.

"Fine," he muttered. He glanced darkly towards the still unconscious Rob. "Am I allowed to kill him? Please?" Tiffany gave a weak laugh. 

"Babe, he could have killed you," Harry said quietly. "He would've if we hadn't gotten here." Niall tightened his grip around my shoulders. I shuddered. 

"Where the fuck is Liam?" Louis asked, glancing at his phone. "He should have been here a billion years ago!"

"Where did he go?" I asked.

"To get the police," Niall answered me. "As soon as we saw how fucked your apartment was, we sent him to get an officer."

"Hello??" We heard our front door open and Liam's voice echoed through the apartment. 

"Bloody perfect timing, Liam," Harry muttered under his breath. 

"In here!" Louis shouted. A few seconds later Liam appeared in the doorway followed by a young police officer. 

"Hey, sorry it took so...." Liam's concerned turned to one of horror as he took in Rob on the floor, Tiff and I all banged up, and the murderous expressions on the boy's faces. "What. Happened." Tiffany sighed. 

"Cat, could you tell the officer what happened? Tiffany and I are going to take a walk," Harry said, grasping Tiff's hands and pulling her up. I looked at her and gave her a look. She nodded, and followed Harry out of the room. I sighed and turned to the officer, who was bending over Rob with a terrified expression on his face. 

"So we came home..."


"Tiff..."Harry finally spoke after ten minutes of silence. We had left the apartment building and walked to the park down the street. Harry kept glancing behind him as we walked, making me nervous and feel even sicker than I already felt. I swallowed hard. I knew what was coming. 

"Wait, Harry, let me talk first." He looked surprised, but remained silent, so I took this as a cue to keep going. "Thank you so much for what you did in there. You and Zayn just saved my life, and Cat's life, and I don't know what we would have done if  you hadn't been there. That said..." I hesitataed. I didn't want to say what I needed to say, but I didn't want to be selfish. I knew I had to do this. "If you don't want to deal with this anymore, I understand. This is so much shit to deal with, and I would not blame you if you got up and walked away right now. Don't worry about hurting me, because you should not have to deal with my fucked up life." I looked at the ground, unwilling to watch his reaction because I was sure it woudn't be what I wanted. The silence stretched on and on, until I couldn't bear it and looked up. I only had a chance to glance at his eyes, which were filled with emotion, before he grabbed my chin and kissed me. He kissed me like he never had before, and he answered my question without even saying anything. He broke away from me, and leaned his forehead against mine.

"How," he asked, "in the world, could you think that I would leave you after all that? Tiffany, I love you, so much, and I am so filled with hate for anyone who has ever thought of hurting you that it makes me sick. I love you and everything that comes with that, and that will never change." I smiled.

"I love you, too,"  I said, and we continued our walk in the park, completely oblivious of the fact that we had both just gotten attacked, that it had started raining, and dusk was falling. 

We didn't care. 

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