Chapter 17

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A/N: Omg, thank you guys so much for the reads! Thank you especially to the readers who are faithful and read each update and vote, it really means a lot! Hope you enjoy this! Oh, and by the way, if you're looking for a good story to read, try EmilyMay8's story Behind Her Masks, its the best one I've read by far:)


“Caaaaaat?” I heard a voice very close to my face whisper loudly. I jumped, instinctively throwing out my fist. It hit something rather hard, and I heard

“oof!” I wrenched open my eyes to see Zayn doubled over and Niall laughing hysterically. They were both on top of the bed I was in…then I remembered last night. OMG I WAS IN ONE DIRECTION’S FLAT AND I HAD SLEPT THERE. OMG. “Damn it, Cat, you throw a hard punch!” Zayn moaned, falling back on the bed.

“Sorry, I go all ninja on anyone who creeps up on me while I sleep. Just ask Tiffany, she learned that the hard way,” I smirked, fully awake now.

“I think it was brilliant,” Niall chuckled, leaning back and grinning at me. God, he was perfect. His adorable blond hair was swept carelessly across his head, and his crystal eyes twinkled with glee.

“So, how did I end up in this bed?” I asked, getting distracted by noticing the distinct messiness of the room. “And whose room is this?”

“It’s mine,” Niall explained.

“And as to how you got there, well,” Zayn started, winking cheekily at me.

“You fell asleep around midnight,” Niall cut him off, blushing and glaring at Zayn. I ignored the Bradford boy and hopped out of bed.

“Well, I’m hungry. Let’s get something to eat!”

“NANDOS!” Niall screamed, jumping up.

“NO NANDOS FOR YOU NIALL, NOT BEFORE NOON!” Louis yelled, barreling into the room and knocking Niall over.

“Awwwww!” Niall pouted, pushing Lou off onto the floor.

“How about McDonalds?” Liam suggested, walking over and leaning against the doorway.

“That sounds perfect,” I said, grabbing a random sweatshirt off the floor and pulling it on. I didn’t want to be walking around with the clothes I had on last night; I mean what would people think? I saw Niall grin out of the corner of my eye as I put it on, so it must be his.

“Lou and I already ate, so we’ll stay here,” Liam said, grabbing Louis and dragging him out towards the kitchen.

“But-but I wanted Mickey Ds…” Louis started whining, and then shut up as Liam gave him a look. He then looked at Zayn pointedly, whose eyes suddenly widened.

“Oh, yeah, uh I’ve already eaten too, I’ll stay as well,” he said, running out of the room.

“Guess it’s just you and me then,” I said to Niall, who looked pleased. I grabbed his hand and started skipping down the hall.

“Wait,” he stopped and snatched a pair of sunglasses and a hat, which he put on and pulled up his hood. “Got to lay low a bit,” he said grinning at my confused face.

“Ooh, I feel like a spy! It’s like we’re on a secret mission, and no one can recognize us, except I’m not in disguise, but I kind of am, cause I’m in your sweatshirt, and our mission is to rescue the egg McMuffins being held captive!” I babbled, going off on a random tangent. Niall tilted his head and was silent for a few moments, then said

“You’re hyper when you’re tired, aren’t you?” He took my hand, and I stood still. I hadn’t realized I’d been bouncing up and down. I laughed.

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