Chapter 4

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A/N: So more things are starting to happen, what do you think? Are these chapters too boring? I'm trying to get away form the cliche fanfic, and do a more serious (if possible) fanfic. Please comment and vote, I don't have that many reads yet! Thanks xx

We had finally reached his building, which, I realized as I looked up, was actually more like a hotel than an apartment building. Harry was still holding my hand as he took out a card and slid it through a scanner beside the door which let us in. We walked into the lobby which was deserted as it was nearly 2 am. As walked toward the elevator we heard a banging on the glass door we had just come though. Harry turned to look around and swore under his breath. I swiveled and gasped. My drunken attacker was hitting the glass, screaming bloody hell at us through the window. Harry instinctively wrapped his arms around me and shifted so I was behind him, even though there was no way the guy could get to us.

“What the fuck. How the hell did he find us?” Harry hissed. “I thought he was hit by a car!”

“Guess he wasn’t hit that hard,” I said softly.

“Should I call the police?” He asked.

“No, its fine, I just want to forget it. He can’t get in right?” Harry shook his head no. “Then let’s just go, he’ll be gone by morning.” I tried to sound confident, like I wasn’t actually really creeped out and scared. I could tell he didn’t believe me; the fact that I was shaking like a leaf might have given it away. But nevertheless he turned back to the elevator and hit the button. I turned too, trying to ignore the banging and shouts coming from behind us. The elevator finally arrived, and Harry hit the buttons for floor 55. I drooped against the wall, starting to feel the stress of my day. The exams, the beating, meeting Harry Styles...that’s a lot for me to take in. But I was still alert enough to notice how Harry put his arm protectively around me as the elevator shot upwards. I fought the urge to pinch myself.

“The elevator opens right up into the flat,” Harry told me. “The boys will all probably be asleep, so we shouldn’t have a problem with getting you a bed quickly.” I just nodded, too tired to really do anything else. I heard a ding and the doors opened.

“HAZZAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Before I could even blink, Louis Tomlinson had launched himself at Harry, taking him down, and since Harry’s arm was around me, I went down with them. Then I felt wet slimy stuff being sprayed at me, and I heard what sounded like war whoops and chants. I looked up to see none other than Niall Horan and Zayn Malik spraying silly string all over us.

“What the hell Louis?!” Harry yelled.

“Hazbear! Where were you? You didn’t answer your phone and…oops” Louis commented as the elevator doors shut. Niall and Zayn disappeared and we started descending. We had been in there too long due to Louis sitting on us and apparently someone downstairs needed the elevator. I groaned; Louis wasn’t light and I had just been beaten up. He looked down in surprise. “Why hello! I don’t believe we’ve met, I’m Louis.”

“Yeah, Lou, she knows, and she was just beat on, so get off her why don’t you,” Harry growled. Louis’s eyes widened and he immediately jumped up and helped me to my feet.

“What? You’re hurt? Christ, I’m sorry, I didn’t know, HARRY WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME SHE WAS INJURED?”

“I just did, Louis, calm down.” Harry told him. “Are you ok?” He asked me. I nodded weakly; my head had started to hurt.

“I’m really sorry, er, um, what’s your name?”Louis asked, slightly embarrassed.

“Tiffany,” I told him, “and it’s really ok. You didn’t know I’d be here, I should be sorry for intruding.”

“Oh be quiet Tiff, you know I forced you to come.” Harry grinned. I smiled back, trying to control my inward glee at the fact that he was calling me Tiff.

“So why are you here Tiffany? Not that I don’t want you here, I’m always up for beautiful girls to visit,” Louis said, winking at me. When he said that, Harry automatically moved towards me and casually put his arm around me. This didn’t escape Louis attention.  In fact he looked slightly amused. I told Louis my story, trying to downplay the beating as much as I could; I didn’t want to turn this into a pity party. By the time the elevator had reached the bottom level, Louis was complaining about how Harry didn’t call him for help. “You know I’m the superman of the group!” He whined at us. The doors opened and no one was there. I guess whoever had wanted the elevator had gotten impatient and left. Now I was really getting sleepy. My head hurt and I started to feel dizzy. Harry noticed this.

“Are you alright, Tiff?” he asked.

“Yea, I’m fine…”I broke off as I collapsed to the floor. I could dimly hear Harry swearing and someone picking me up. The last thing I saw before I dropped off to sleep was Harry’s worried face staring down into mine.

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