Chapter 35

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A/N: Im adding this authors note on because i forgot to when I uploadeddddd....oops. Anyways, thank you all for the votes and comments! I know I kind of suck at uploading often, but I only have two more weeks of summer left and soccers starting again and I'm trying to cram everything I want to do with my friends into like everyday. So I tried to make this one longer to make up for it:)

Pleeeease continue to vote, comment, and fan, it means so much to me:)


"You got any food up in this joint?" Niall whined from the kitchen. I rolled my eyes. 

"We'll get food after the meeting, Niall," I replied, flipping my phone in the air and catching it lazily. 

"Aiight," he came out of the kitchen and sat next to me at the table. He looked at me carefully. "You alright, mate?" I was a little surprised, as I thought I had been hiding my nerves well. But Niall always did have a knack at figuring people out. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. A bit nervous, I guess," I admitted. "You know, you didn't have to come to this," I said again, although I already knew his answer. He gave me a look. 

"Harry. This is about my bandmates girlfriend, who also happens to be my girlfriends best friend. I'm going to be here." He stated firmly. "Besides, Cat's coming too." I sighed. It's not that I didn't want them there, I just didn't want Tiffany to be uncomfortable. It was hard enough to convince her to get a lawyer. I shook my head, making my curls whip around into their usual place. I was getting a bit anxious about the upcoming tour; not about performing, but about leaving Tiff. I didn't want Rob pouncing on her the second I left. 

"This lawyer better have something to help us," I grumbled.

"He will," Niall said soothingly, which irritated me. I grunted. Niall gave me another look, and before I could respond, I heard my door buzzer go off. The front desk lady's voice floated up through the intercom.

"Mr. Styles, a Mr. James Harmon is here to see you." 


"Cat, we're going to be late!" I yelled. I had one foot out the front door, waiting for the slowest roommate in the world. 

"I'm coming!" She squealed. She ran out of my room wearing one of my blazers paired with a collared shirt and leather leggings. I smirked at her. 

"Nice blazer," I teased. 

"Shut up." She stuck her tongue out at me. "I do not own a million blazers, as you do, and as this is a business meeting I took the liberty of stealing one." I laughed. 

"I'm not wearing a blazer," I pointed out as I locked the door behind us. She turned and surveyed my outfit, which consisted of leather jacket over a t-shirt and jeans, matched with an over-sized scarf and vans. 

"You look like you're going to Antarctica," she commented. I rolled my eyes as I pushed the button for the elevator. 

"It's raining outside, incase you've forgotten, we live in London," I reminded her. The doors dinged and the elevator let us out into the lobby. As we entered the parking ramp, I got this odd feeling that someone was watching me. I paused and turned around. Out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw someone vanish around the corner of the ramp, but once I looked back it was gone. I narrowed my eyes, confused. 

"Tiff?" Cat said impatiently. She was standing beside the car waiting for it to be unlocked. 

"Sorry, coming," I shook my head, forgetting about the weird occurence. I unlocked the car and climed in beside Cat, who was busy texting. I stuck the key in the ignition and turned it; nothing happened. I took it out and tried again with the same results. "Umm...." I frowned. 

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