Chapter 32

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A/N: Heyyyyyyyyyy everybodyyyyyyyy. Ok, so this chapter is kinda short, but I'm writing it right before my state game for soccer so I just wanted to get it up there. Sorry if you don't like it :( 

Thank you EVERYONE who votes, comments, and fans, like I've said before, literally makes me smile:) I try and reply to everyone, and if you have any suggestions or anything, I'd love to hear em!



I glanced over at Tiffany as we rode in the van that had been waiting for us. She was staring out the window, looking distant. I inwardly groaned as I thought back to what I was trying to say in the restaurant. Was I really almost about to tell her I loved her? Things had been moving so fast with her, I barely had a chance to think. I felt like I'd know her all my life. Words had just started flowing out of my me, like my brain had been going faster than my mouth could keep up. I shook my head and ran my hands through my hair, probably making my curls look wild. Tiffany looked over and smiled, and I could feel my heart skip a beat. I grinned back.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going this time?" She asked, scooting closer to me. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. 

"Nope," I smirked and kissed the top of her head. She stuck her tongue out at me and sat up. She messed with her hair, pulling it out of its fancy bun. It tumbled down her back, reaching her waist. She shook it out and ran her fingers through it a few times. 

"Sorry," she sighed, leaning against me once again. "Just needed to do that." She glanced up at me. 

"I like it," I said softly, staring down into her gorgeous eyes. She opened her mouth to say something when the car stopped and Tom, our driver, slid down the divider.

"We're here, Harry," he said in a gruff voice. I cleared my throat. 

"Thanks, mate," I said, and reluctantly removed my arm from Tiff. I turned to her, blocking the door. "Okay, I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to blind-fold you now," I said, smiling widely. She rolled her eyes.

"Funny joke," she replied sarcastically. I stayed silent and grinned as it dawned on her. "You're serious, aren't you..." she trailed off. I could see the battle between curiosity and stubbornness play out on her face.  "Fine," she agreed, her curiosity getting the best of her.

"Thank you," I shot her a big smile and got out the blindfold from a pocket in my blazer. I carefully tied it around her head, making sure to block out all vision. I slid her out of the car and led her into the building.

"Where are we?" She asked.

"Shh," I told her, and she stifled a laugh. I brought her into the elevator, and pressed the button. 

"What is this, Harry?" She whispered loudly.

"No more questions, you'll ruin it!" I teased her, wrapping her in a hug from behind. The doors opened, and I led her out. "Okay, hang on," I said, moving her so that she faced the right way. "Annnd...take off the blindfold!" She ripped the cloth from her eyes, and her jaw dropped. 

"Oh my gosh, Harry," she said in a hushed voice. I grinned, proud of surprising her speechless. We were on top of my apartment building, gazing over a perfect view of London. The lights of the city twinkled distantly in the night. I saw Tiffany's eyes move from the million-dollar view to the blanket that was set out on the ground a few metres away. Candles were lit near it, lighting up the rooftop. 

"Care to star-gaze?" I said, dramatically gesturing towards the blanket. She nodded, still drinking in the view. I sat down across from her, and took her hand. "Tiff?" I asked, starting to become a bit concerned by her lack of speaking. 

"This is incredible, Harry," she said softly, finally turning to look at me. Her big brown eyes reflected the flickering candle light. The facade that her face had held at the interview had fallen, and I could clearly read her emotions. Our faces were inches away, and I leaned in. Her eyes closed, and when our lips touched it felt like a current was running through us. I put my hand on her cheek, cradeling her face, and her hands made their way up into my hair. I pulled her closer to me, using my other hand to grab her waist. After a minute she pulled away, and I realized I was out of breath. I leaned my forehead against hers, my heart racing. We stayed like that for a while, not saying anything, just listening to each others breathing and the far-off sounds of London. Finally I looked up into her eyes.


"Yeah?" I gathered up all my courage.

"I think I love you." I bit my lip, waiting for her response. For once, her face was unreadable. Then she smiled.

"I think I love you, too."  

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