Chapter 10

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A/N: Dedicated to my best friendddd, who knows who she is;)

“Alright, go take a shower,” Cat instructed. I obeyed her without protest, acknowledging the fact that I hadn’t bathed in over 24 hours. I slipped off my clothes and stepped into the steaming hot shower, letting the stress and worry of the day’s events wash off along with the dirt and grime. I grabbed my lilac scented shampoo and scrubbed my head. I finished off with moisturizing shampoo, then focusing on shaving my legs as quickly as I could without cutting myself. Today was definitely not the day for razor burn. I could hear Cat rushing around my room, no doubt wrecking the careful cleaning I had given it the day before. Ah well, it’s not like it would have lasted long anyways. I hopped out of the shower before smoothing on some lotion with a bit of bronzer in it. After all, you never know when you might need to show some leg…I was interrupted by Cat banging on the door.

“Are you done yet?” She screeched. “I still need to do your hair and makeup, plus shower and get myself ready!”

“Yes, just a second!” I called back, wrapping myself up in a towel. I entered the bedroom only to be grabbed by Cat and shoved down at my vanity table. She started massaging gel through my hair, and then had me bend over while she blow dried it. When I was allowed to sit up she tied it back and started on my face.  First she applied some moisturizers and added powder to set it. She curled my lashes and applied light mascara, explaining “The boys like the natural look.” After spreading peach pink blush and bronzer on my cheeks, she untied my hair and pulled out the curling iron. I zoned out, closing my eyes. I was terrible at this sort of stuff, makeup and hair, I usually just curled my lashes, added mascara, and was out the door. Cat was a legit master, this is what she did as a living. She worked as a stylist for everyone from politicians to random people who needed to look good for an event. She was amazing, and I couldn’t believe that she hadn’t hit it big yet. I was exceedingly lucky to have her, otherwise I would look like a caveman most of the time. “Tiff, sit up!” Cat snapped me out of my daydreaming state. I sat up quickly and looked into the mirror. My mouth dropped open. Cat smirked, “You like?” I nodded, exclaiming

“How the hell did you get my hair to do that?!” My waist-length normally stick straight hair had been transformed into beautiful natural looking waves, flowing down my back and shoulders. I twisted around to find that she had curled every strand perfectly, nothing sloppy or undone. I stood up and hugged her tightly. “Thank you SO MUCH!” I squealed. She laughed, hugging me back.

“You’re welcome! Now let go of me so I can shower, we only have 45 minutes!” I glanced at the clock in horror, seeing what she said was true.

“You shouldn’t have wasted so much time on me, you idiot!” I gasped.

“It wasn’t wasted, I’ll be fine, go get dressed, and your clothes are on the bed!” Cat yelled over her shoulder as she ran into the bathroom. I turned to find my outfit all picked out; a pair of sleek black skinny jeans, a loose bronze colored button up and a pair of leather riding boots. I pull on the clothes, trying to calm the nerves that have suddenly popped up. It’s alright, Tiff. He’s a normal person, just act like you would on any other date. Except that this time around, you really like him, I reminded myself. It’s different from all the other times… I shook my head. That was all in the past, I needed to move on and grow up. My thoughts were interrupted as Cat strode into the room fully dressed, looking spectacularly boho in black leggings, a loose gray tank and tan cardigan complete with a blue beanie on top of her lightly curled hair.

“Geez, girl, you clean up fast!” I said admiringly.

“Thanks,” she giggled. “I hope Niall likes it!”

“I know for sure he will,” I winked at her. My phone buzzed, and I picked it up to find a text from Harry.

From: Harry Sexypants Styles

Hey, were around back as to avoid fans. Can’t come get you, security will escort you from lobby to vanJ

I quickly texted back

To: Harry Sexypants Styles

On r way! 

“Let’s go!” I called to Cat, who was putting on the finishing touches to her makeup. I grabbed my fringe cross-body purse and my phone.

“Let’s do this thing!” Cat yelled, pulling on a pair of Toms and snatching up her own bag. As we left the flat and walked down the hall, I felt adrenaline pumping through my veins. I was ready to have a fantastic night.  

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