Chapter 27

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A/N: First thing I wanna say is, I know. This is an insanely short chapter. Please don't shoot me. 

I just wanted to get this part up before I left for the weekend, as I doubt I will get much writing done. And I wouldn't have posted this normally, but this was just a really good place to end the chapter and yeah. IM SORRY.

Thank you to everyone who reads consistently and fans and votes and comments! I WOULD GIVE YOU ALL BABY GIRAFFES IF I COULD. 

As always, go check out EmilyMay8's storys, she is an amazing writer<3



“Hey, Zayn,” Tiffany said quietly. I couldn’t believe she was standing outside my door; I had expected Harry, quite honestly.

“Hey, Tiffany,” I tried to muster up a smile, but it felt mangled on my face. We stood there awkwardly for a few seconds, her staring at her shoes and me staring at her. She really was fit, with her long legs and huge brown eyes. It pissed me off that Harry had gotten her first. The way they went around being all lovey-dovey didn’t help either. And when he yelled at me last night for defending her, that was the final straw.

“Um, can I come in?” She asked, finally looking up from the ground. I glanced behind me at my messy apartment.

“Sure, if you don’t mind my shit laying about,” I said, turning and walking into my living room. I kicked a pair of dirty boxers under the couch.

“No, it’s fine, my room gets like this sometimes too,” She laughed a little awkwardly as she followed me in.  I sat down on the couch and looked at her expectantly. The fake smile that had been on her face melted and was replaced with a sadder, more serious expression.

“So what brings you to my humble abode?” I asked sarcastically, already knowing the answer. She sighed.

“Zayn…” she whispered. “We have to talk.” I looked down.

“Yeah.” I said, not knowing what else to say. She sat down beside me.

“Harry told me that…well, when you first saw me, you kind of liked me.” She said carefully. I laughed once, without humor.

“Yeah. That’s true.” I said, rubbing my forehead.

“Zayn…I just need to say this. Even though I haven’t know you that long, you seem like an amazing guy. Just like all the lads, you’re insanely nice, extremely funny, and incredibly adorable.” I smiled at her compliments, despite my dark mood. “And you as an individual are crazy deep and serious, yet just as bonkers as Louis,” She laughed, then grew serious again. “But you need to know that I’m with Harry.” My smile disappeared. “And I like it that way. I’m not planning on changing that, and neither is he.” She took a deep breath. “I need you to accept that. I love you Zayn, even though we only met a few days ago, I love you, but as a friend, or a brother. It’s different than the way I feel about Harry. I don’t want you two to stay mad at each other, you’re brothers, and in the best boy-band in the world! Don’t let me stop you from being happy and living your amazing life.” She paused, letting me process her words. I turned my gaze up to her and studied her intently. Her cheeks were flushed and she looked desperate. As soon as I saw her face I knew what to do.

“I’m sorry.” I said simply. “I’m sorry I put you through this shit. I didn’t mean for it to happen. I did like you when I first saw you, but Harry had dibs, and I think that made me madder than anything else. I didn’t like ‘losing’ to Haz. And when I saw you two together, all happy and everything, it made me want that too.” I sighed. “I guess I was just jealous and upset.” She took my hand.

“But you don’t need to be!” She exclaimed. “Zaynie, there are so many other fish in the sea! Why act like you’ve given up when you’ve hardly begun! Besides,” she winked. “I have a lot of hot friends I could introduce you to…” I smiled at her efforts to cheer me up. They were working.

“I might take you up on that offer,” I smirked.

“Are we good then?” She asked hopefully. I grabbed her in a hug.

“We’re good,” I smiled. I glanced at the clock. “Fuck! We need to be at the meeting in five minutes!”

“Shit!” She pulled away from me, looking panicked. “Paul’s gonna be pissed!”

“Not if we hurry!” I yelled, already up and running. I grabbed a shirt off the sofa and checked my hair in the mirror.

“You look sexy, let’s just go!” Tiff yelled, running past me and grabbing my arm. I smiled. I loved that girl. And I knew that it was the right kind of love now.

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