Skyheart's battle

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A slender queen with violet eyes panted as she ran through the trees, two kits in her maw. She burst into Thunderclan camp, her eyes wild as the cats who where spread out around camp looked around.

"B-Badger"she gasped, dropping the kits on the floor.

A dark smokey grey tom darted over and picked up the kits then swiftly escorted the Queen to the nursery.

"Ahhh, Nighteyes, you are ba-" Ivythorn mewed smugly but stopped when she saw Smokeclaw by the she's side.

Nighteyes fell limply in her nest and gasped, taking lots of sharp intakes of breath. A cacophony of noise exploded the dusk's peaceful sound. This was the time for sharing tongues but it was at abrupt stand still. Smokeclaw nodded then raced out into the action.

"Why come back?!" Ivythorn snarled and Nighteyes looked wearily up,her violet eyes were clear and dull with exhaustion.

Ivythorn ejected a long talon like claw and lashed the black queens muzzle. she recoiled but didn't fight back.

"Ivythorn, leave her alone" A voice snapped coldly and the dark grey tabby whirled around to come maw to maw with a brown tabby she, her green eyes blazing.

"Whatever you say mistress" She snapped slightly sarcastically but knew not to mess with Forestwish as she was one powerful she.

Ivythorn stepped away from the black pigmented she, her eyes were now black and clouded.

An eerie silence fell and the she's eyes cautiously turned to the mouth of the den. A bellowing roar destroyed the silence and a smaller badger lumbered into the den. Ivythorn squeaked like a mouse and Nighteyes smirked for half a heartbeat. She regained some energy and with a hiss she leapt at the black and white monster, making it bellow but not as loud as the larger two outside.

Her fangs locked into the badger's neck. causing it to snarl and bite her hind leg, almost ripping the limb from her body. A shrill scream pierced the noise and the badger bit into her neck, tearing her practically apart. Forestwish, who had her tail around her kits gasped and flung herself forward.

"You FOX-DUNG!" she yowled, tearing into the frail nerves in the badger's neck.

It went limp in the large she's jaws and she snarled. Her maw opened making the creature fall, its body hitting the ground and its blood seeping into the ground and covering the nursery floor.

--------In the Medicine Cat's Den--------

Jaysong was hunched over Nighteyes' body, applying goldenrod, cobwebs and all sorts of herbs. The black she's violet eyes fluttered open, clouded by immense pain. She looked at the cats around her, from Jaysong, the white medicine cat, to Smokeclaw, her mate, then to her kits. She had two small kits, a large tom and a smaller she. They were called Emberkit, the light browm tabby tom, and Skykit, A small white kit with black at the end of her fur giving her a cloud like appearance. The she's violet eyes gazed at Skykit and saw her eyes flicker open. Nighteyes stared into the kit's large azure eyes.

Im sorry Nighteyes told the kit with her eyes We will meet again soon my young one.

Her violet eyes slowly shut, the last thing she saw was her kit's large azure eyes with a swirling aqua color...

Skyheart's battle (Warrior cat story) (NOT CONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now