Chapter 14 : Missing Pieces of My Heart

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Hawkfrost's P.O.V (<< Surprised? >:3)
My paws pounded against the crisp white blanket that lay on the ground. The border of the Place of No Stars, or the Darkforest, was fox-lengths away. The rays of dark blood red moonlight began fading as I entered my old home. The rotting scent ceased as I padded into the forest. I slowed and heaved a sigh.

"Hawkfrost?!" A voice mewed, in an unbelieving tone. "Is that you?"

I bit my tongue gently. I needed to find Skypaw before it was too late, Statue already almost caught her. Redfur was in trouble, at least Nightstream could watch over her still. Smokeclaw and Ivythorn were also threats.

"Darkstripe" I hissed turning and glaring at him. "I need to go"

"But you can't. How are you alive?!" Darkstripe snarled, a dark light filling his eyes.

"That's for me to know and you to try and find out" I retorted before turning and pelting off into the Darkforest.
Soon after losing Darkstripe I came across Mapleshade's little cove that she lived in. I flicked my tail as I padded inside and looked around. Since I had entered the Darkforest, my death wound scar appeared. I scowled but smiled as I saw the old female she.

"Hawkfrost?" Mapleshade asked, stunned to see me. I smirked and she grinned. "Nice to see you. I presume the portal in your world is locked by The Spirits?"

"Yes, they are such pests" I hissed, glancing to the small pool of a strange looking water that had liquid continuously streaming into it. "May I?"

"Of course, quick before anyone sees, I'll get in trouble" Mapleshade meowed, her tail flicking in the pool's direction. "Good luck Hawkfrost"

"Thank you old friend" He mewed, diving into the liquid. Voices erupted from behind me and I cringed.

Memories I had shared with Mapleshade raced through my mind as the liquid pulsed multi colours. The time we had first met the Hunters. Those pathetic monsters. The time we had fought side by side against the clans. The Hunters were all the cause of the death. Our hatred.

Those rats better not hurt Mapleshade. The Hunters of the Afterlife. And I wasn't the most popular feline in their books at the moment...

Skypaw's P.O.V

My cerulean eyes opened and I let out a choking gasp of air. It was late at night but something wasn't right. Then I noticed it, the faint glimmer of a crimson liquid. Blood.

Panic flared up inside me and I jumped to my paw, eyes wide with horror. My blue gaze swept the many apprentice nests and I saw that Foampaw wasn't there. Neither was Daisypaw. Something strange was going on and I was intent on getting to the bottom of it.

Swiftly and as quietly as I could, I snuck to the mouth of the Apprentice den. Curiosity but mild fear danced in my eyes as I watched the blood trail lead out of camp. I trotted to the exit and saw the opening of HiddenCamp was slightly opened. Daisypaw couldn't of gone in there could she?

Making a split second decision, I sped into the little cove like entrance. I strained to see as my eyes adjusted to the darkness and I saw a sillouhette of a feline hunched up in the corner where faint moonlight illuminated it.

A small white cat with cream paws and tail. Daisypaw.

"Daisypaw!" I gasped softly, darting over there.

She sobbed silently with droplets of blood standing her usually neat fur. It was all scruffy and messy. Her gaze lifted to look at me but she seemed to have no will to do anything but cry. Her cheeks were soaked and tears dripped from her white whiskers.

"Skypaw?" She breathed, drawing a shaky breath "What are you doing here?"

"I had a bad dream and woke up. I saw blood and went to see if anyone was in trouble" I explained swiftly as she blinked back her tears.

"He might come back" Daisypaw mewed urgently.

"Who?" I said, licking her wounds.

"Smokeclaw" She muttered.

I felt shock grip my body. It couldn't be so soon that he would try to kill me, would it? Has he hurt Hawkfrost? What if he kills me now?!

"We need to alert Flamestar" I said, flexing my unsheathed claws.

"I'm sorry Skypaw." Daisypaw sobbed into my shoulder with her whole body shuddering.

"What do you mean your sorry." I meowed in an urgent tone, "You'll be fine."

"No. You must continue your quest alone. Good luck my loved sister" Daisypaw mewed, taking another shuddering breath. "I... Love You"

"No" I whispered as Daisypaw stopped her sobs.

I sat up, prodding Daisypaw's limp body. The shock of what was happening hit me like a wall. Daisypaw, my own sister, was dead. Dead. Gone. In Starclan to join Nighteyes. Tears brimmed in my eyes and threatened to over flow.

"NO!!!!" I wailed loudly.

At this moment in time, I didn't care if all of twolegplace heard my cry. My plea to Starclan. How could my own father do this. How..

"No, Daisypaw please please please wake up." I sobbed into her fur, "please Starclan give her back!"

I felt someone behind me. They licked my shoulder gently and I drank in the familiar scents congregating around me. I didn't care though. All I care about at this moment is revenge.

"Come on Skypaw" Scorchpaw's mew sounded in my ear as he licked my shoulder comfortingly although I noticed tears sparkling warningly in his own eyes.

"No, I want to stay with her" I snapped in a shaky tone.

"I can't see how she died then" Webpaw cooed, gaze fixed icily on our light furred sister.

"It was that fox heart Smokeclaw h-" I started to utter but was cut off by the loud mew from Smokeclaw.

"Now now my daughter." He mewed in a soft mew as if he actually cared "She is delirious. Take no notice and let her calm down"

Murmurs of agreement buzzed throughout the group of cats that had come to investigate. My jaw dropped. If they believed him now then he is going to do it again, no doubt about it.

I felt someone escort me from the cove but I didn't look to see who it was. All I knew was, I needed to watch my back before he got me...

I am sooooo sorry about the long wait but now the plot is all back on track :3
So comment what you think about this chappie below. How do you feel about Daisypaw and about Smokeclaw getting everyone to believe him?

So guys, I don't know what else to really say. I guess all I can say is


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