Chapter 11 : Dark secrets all around

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Skypaw sighed and knew her day was to come soon. It had been three days since she had over heard that conversation and she even saw Hawkfrost cry. She had to know more about him. She made her way to the elders den after a long day of battle training. She saw three bundles of fur asleep. She looked up and saw a battle scarred tom with deep yellow eyes and a mellow gaze staring at her. She picked her way carefully over and sat opposite him.

"What can I do for you whippersnapper?" He mewed croakily.

"Can you tell me about Darkforest tom Hawkfrost." She asked and he nodded.

"Ahh, my grandfather was a loner in them times. He was Red. Anyway, Hawkfrost followed in his fathers pawsteps and...." The elder tom went on and on.

"He tried to get his brother Brambleclaw to kill Firestar but got a large umm whajimcallit" he said and Skypaw giggled.

"Well can't remember it got a thingy stuck in his neck, killed by his own flesh and blood....." He went on and on.

"He was killed in his afterlife and is now dead forever, not even in Darkforest lands. He is in a dark void that even Starclan cats go to, both evil and good recede here forever." He concluded.

"Thanks Mattedtail" Skypaw mewed and the grey elder nodded.

"If you want, bring your brother and friends to hear about one of my grandfather's adventures" Mattedtail meowed "or I could tell you about my youth, or my fathers young days."

"Sure!" She mewed. "The others might be a bit busy but if Webpaw doesn't have any medicine cat things to do I'll bring him along!"

The elder smiled and flicked his badly matted tail at her. Skypaw smiled and exited the den, almost running into Thistlepaw. He shot her a glare that would make a dog snarl. She just rolled her eyes and turned to head off.

"Scaredy cat" he scoffed and she looked over her shoulder.

"If you wanna end up like you little friend Foampaw then keep talking kittypet" she hissed coldly.

He flinched, remembering what the she had done to his littermate. He gulped and padded away.

"You go girl" a voice mewed and she turned to see a brown tabby with a white chest and icy blue eyes standing there.

"I need to speak to you" she hissed softly so only Hawkfrost could hear.

He nodded and she lead him into the forest.

----- Timeskip -----

Skypaw turned, lashing her Russian blue tail. Hawkfrost blinked, genuinely not understanding the situation.

"Where are you coming from, your meant to be completely dead." She mewed.

"It's complicated but I'm from a place called ForeverShadowed" he mewed, looking away and not wanting to meet Skypaw's stern azure gaze

"Explain" she mewed.

"It's a far far way place where dead Starclan and Dead Darkforest cats go. They die twice but can't die again. That is what makes us dangerous and we are... locked away but some of us are finding ways to escape." Hawkfrost explained.

"And your one of those who escaped?" She asked, not as annoyed now.

"Yep." He mewed plainly.

"You need to be careful with what you say about this because not even Starclan know about this, it was created by the Darkforest as a haven for double dead cats like myself."


"So you understand"

"..... yes" she mewed after taking it in. Mattedtail was wrong then. The cats of Starclan didn't know about this second death place.

"Good, now Spottedleaf is searching for me, I can sense it so I should go back, goodbye for now" Hawkfrost mewed and faded.

Skypaw sighed as the tabby disappeared. She looked at her paws and blinked. What was happening. Everything was happening too fast. It was all to breathtaking.

"Skypaw?" She heard someone call her name.

The Russian blue Thunderclan apprentice looked up and spun around to come face to face with Talonblaze.

"What are you doing out here?" Her mentor mewed, his tail lashing the air.

"I was... on a little walk" she mewed, swiftly thinking of an excuse.

"I see, well Flamestar is calling a meeting and I was told to find you" he mewed.

She nodded and he turned. The small she followed and kept her gaze on the ground under her paws.


They padded into camp and parted ways. She went over to Emberpaw, , Scorchpaw and Webpaw.

"Where is Daisypaw?" She whispered to Scorchpaw and the fiery furred tom rolled his eyes.

"Probably fawning over poor little Foampaw" he snarled and Skypaw was taken aback.

"She has a MAJOR crush on him" Dappledpaw told her and she nodded.

"Shhh" Reedtail said and the apprentices were silent.

"We have some rogues who wish to join our clan." Flamestar meowed.

"What!" Skypaw choked on her saliva.

"Skypaw?" She heard Emberpaw say but she couldn't believe this.

-It couldn't happen, not yet. It's too early.-

Smokeclaw shot her a suspicious glare and she forgot. She wasn't meant to know about her fathers dark little secret.

" Flame be now called, Redfur because of his fiery red pelt" Flamestar mewed, nodding to the cat beside him. "Earth will be Leaftail, Shadow will be Nightstream and Dew will be Snowfire"

Skypaw was literally shaking. She felt a tail on her shoulder and looked to see Hawkfrost there.

"This can't be good kiddo, this is bad." He muttered and glared at the four cats standing up by Flamestar....

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