Chapter 3: The Young Ones

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Hey guys, I hope you are enjoying this story :3 it gets exciting soooon :D

Four small kits sat in Hiddencamp muttering excitedly. The small rusty ginger pelted tom called Scorchkit and his brother Webkit who had a light grey tabby pelt chittered about how they weere gonna be the best at everything.

"I hope Deserteyes will be my mentor!" Webkit mewed, bounding around Scorchkit "I wanna be the best medicine cat ever!"

"Yeah, well I want Starlingtalon or Shallowpool as my mentor" Scorchkit mewed back, "They are awesome!"

The two toms sat chucking as Daisykit groomed her cream pelt. Her uncanny resemblance to Foamkit made Skykit feel slightly uneasy but she loved her step-sister anyway.

"Who do you want to be your mentor" Daisykit meowed softly to the clouded she-kit.

"Crowlight I Guess" Skykit mewed "What about you?"

"I want Smokeclaw!" Daisykit mewed in joy, "He is awesome"

Skykit felt her heart sink from her chest to her intestines as she turned her gazed to the floor, her eyes clouded with a downcast emotion. Daisykit immediately regreted this and put a tail around the sad she. Webkit and Scorchkit padded over, licking her comfortingly. Skykit loved feeling as though she actually belonged and smiled softly. "Thanks guys" She purred softly.

After a little bit, when the camp had awoken properly, Flamestar lept onto the Highrock. "Can all of Thunderclan gather at the Highrock for a clan meeting?" He yowled as processions of cats began grouping at the foot of the large rock.

Flamestar cleared his throat then started, "By making new apprenices, we show that Thunderclan will remain strong. From this moment on until they receive their warrior name, these kits will now be known as Foampaw, Thistlepaw, Emberpaw, Daisypaw, Webpaw, Scorchpaw and Skypaw"

Skypaw felt like she was on air at that moment. Skypaw... She thought. I like the sound of that.
"Foampaw's mentor shall be Bearclaw" Flamestar mewed, pausing so the huge brown tom could touch noses with the small cream pelted apprentice. "Thistlepaw's shall be Haredash" A small white she with short whisker and a long tail stepped forward, touched noses with Thistlepaw then sat down.

"Emberpaw, Smokeclaw shall be your mentor"

Skypaw felt a sharp pain in her heart as if she was yearning for her fathers attention but nope, not today Skypaw. She sighed but no-one saw. After touching noses, Emberpaw sat jubilantly down.

"Daisypaw's mentor shall be Cinderfire, Webpaw's shall be Deserteyes, our medicine cat, and Scorchpaw would have Starlingtalon" Flamestar mewed. When Skypaw was left he cast her a warm smiled. "Last but not least, Skypaw shall have Talonblaze" Flamestar announced.

Skypaw's heart fell again as she heard this. He was stern and strict to his apprentices. When she greeted him however he was as sweet as berries.

"Young one, you will be the best" He muttered as Flamestar finished it off.

'Young one, You will be the best' was the only thing she could think The best....

Skyheart's battle (Warrior cat story) (NOT CONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now