Chapter 7: Hitting Invisible Targets

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Foampaw's small paw hit her head and she immediately dropped, pupils dilating and her vision became blurred. Crimson blood trickled over her eyes and blinded her as a cacophony of sound erupted around her. Something gave her the strength to stand and when she did a dark shadowy figure was by her side supporting her. She blinked her cerulean eyes as she met Hawkfrost's icy cold ones. He smirked at her then nodded.

"Wait Hawkfrost!" She called out but the Darkforest disappeared and she blinked to see the shocked face of Foampaw, blood coating his pelt.

"Skypaw!" An uncertain mew sounded and she turned to see Dappledpaw with Scorchpaw and Emberpaw staring in awe.

"H-How" Foampaw mewed, stepping back and gulping " How did you do that!"

"Do what?" Skypaw mewed in shock.

-What did Hawkfrost do...-

Webpaw scurried over to tend to Skypaw's few cuts. She blinked as she examined Foampaw who was laced in bleeding cuts and he had tears in his eyes. Real tears. Webpaw put some cobweb on the wounds after cleaning them with a leaf. Flamestar ran over with Talonblaze, Reedtail, Smokeclaw and Bearclaw.

"What in Starclan?" Reedtail gasped, his tail lashing the head.

"Foampaw" Bearclaw mewed coldly and strode ofer to his bloody apprentice.

"What have you done" Flamestar mewed, shaking his head as Webpaw rushed to and thro to fix her half-litter mate up.

"What do you have to say for yourself?!" Talonblaze and Smokeclaw burst out in complete and utter rage.

"Umm" Skypaw gulped before speaking " I don't remember doing any of this"

Talonblaze let out a hiss of frustration and Smokeclaw trotted to Foampaw's side with Bearclaw.

"I will tell you your severe punishment in my den, follow me now and whatever you say may effect my judgement for the worse or better" Flamestar mewed importantly and strode of with Skypaw running after him.


"I have reason to believe that Darkforest cats are visiting you in your dreams" Flamestar mewed as Skypaw nodded.

"Yes Flamestar, I don't understand why though." Skypaw told him.

"You have a link to them because your father became a Darkforest cat. It happened to the old Thunderclan's leader Bramblestar" Flamestar said "you link is unknown so far"

"I might know who it is" she mewed blinking her eyes.

"Ahh well we know all dead family members are in Starclan for sure but this could also be a love link or so" Flamestar mewed and tilted his head "Or an old family member's mate"


"Not sure" Skypaw lied.

-Hawkfrost couldn't... no it can't be-

"I see, this was definitely a Darkforest cats doing thought so this punishment will not be proper but I need you to visit some old animal sets for prey storage and clear out the spiders and things" Flamestar mewed and nodded as of agreeing with Himself. "You are dismissed"

He flicked his tail and she left him to his own thoughts.


Skypaw exited the Leader's den to hear the excited murmers of cats as they gossiped about what she ,well what Hawkfrost, had done. When she was in view the crowd hushed and she could feel their cold glares. She ignored them with tears in her eyes.

"I hope you have to jump from the top of the tallest tree and fall then break some bones or at least die" a shecats hiss sounded and she looked up to see Ivythorn step forward. "How dare you touch MY kit"

"Stop acting like your Foamykit is so precious." Emberpaw snapped, bounding to his sister. "He was a stupid bully who pushed everyone's buttons."

"No need for this rat to attack him"Ivythorn snapped.

"What do you expect her to do when your foolish little flea hit her first and always hit her when no one saw, he isn't such a goodie goodie and made Skypaw out to be the Badie when she isn't one." Emberpaw retaliated and the mutters of disapproval broke out again.

Ivythorn's lip curled as Emberpaw lead Skypaw to the apprentice den with Scorchpaw and Dappledpaw by their side. As Skypaw looked at the cats she felt hope swell in her chest and the aching feeling she had slowly faded. She didn't give up and now she had these cats by her side. Was it a dream? Was it Real? Did she had REAL friends......

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