Chapter 6: Start At Dawn

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Skypaw's cerulean eyes snapped open and she panted, staring at the gnarled, twisted wood of the apprentice den wall. Her paws shook and the cold icy glare of Hawkfrost remained. Cautiously she looked over her shoulder and stared at the darkness where feline's body's could be faintly viewed.

No electric blue eyes in sight.

She heaved a sigh of relief and turned around back to the wall where pale moonlight softly seeped in and illuminated her features clearly. She closed her eyes and drowsiness fell on her causing her to sleep soundly.


The morning sky was an explosion of misty blues and soft yellows. The sun peaked curiously over the horizon to drench the clan's territory in warm weak beams of sunlight. Paws poked Skypaw's shoulder blade and she groaned.

"What do you want?" She moaned irritably and turned with her blue eyes in slits.

"Oh umm Talonblaze asked me to wake you up" Dappledpaw mewed softly, looking at her paws.

Skypaw's heart softened at the sight of the calico she-cat standing by her.

"Oh" The Russian blue she mewed and got to her paws "I-I forgot"

Dappledpaw nodded and sat back while Skypaw got to her paws and yawned widely. The two she's got up and padded out of the apprentice den side by side with grins on their maws.


Outside of the den both Dappledpaw and Skypaw headed for their mentors.

Talonblaze and Reedtail chattered as they awaited their apprentices. Reedtail grinned at the shecats approached.

"look what the cat dragged in" Talonblaze mewed with an irritable tone as he glared venomously at Skypaw.

She shrunk back as Dappledpaw bounced over to Reedtail. She wrapped her tail around her paws and stared at the earth under her paws.

"Oh Talonblaze" The chocolate tabby mewed, rolling his green eyes "Leave her alone, it's her first day as a true apprentice"

"That's why she should of attempted to wake up on TIME" He hissed, turning and glaring at the Russian blue shecat.

"Sorry" Skypaw muttered, her cerulean eyes filling with tears of slight pain.

It wasn't physical pain but mental as her mentors harsh words hit her.

-It could be worse- She thought optimistically -He could refuse to train me or something-

"We are going to be training with each other today as I know you two are friends." Reedtail mewed, blocking the tension between the apprentice and mentor out, "we are going to explore the territory today"

"Yippie!" Dappledpaw chirped, bouncing back over to Skypaw. "This will be funnn"

The Russian blue apprentice perked up and grinned at the dappled calico shecat.

"Awesome" She replied slightly more jovially than before.

On that slightly happier note, Reedtail , Talonblaze, Skypaw and Dappledpaw set off into the forest for their first training sessions.


(A little while later)

"And this is the blossom forest which is a great place for squirrel hunting" Reedtail concluded as the padded through the pink tinted trees.

Soft pink petals drifted elegantly down to the earth, free from the shackles of the trees and to the ground. Skypaw's bright blue eyes shone as she watched the majestic act of nature working in front of her.

"This place is amazing" She gawked as her round eyes stared at the dancing petals.

"I know right?" Dappledpaw cheered as she bounced along, twirling in sync with the soft pink droppings.

-Life as an apprentice isn't as bad as I thought it would be-

"We are almost back at camp now, when we get back you two should go get something to eat and rest" Reedtail mewed and grinned at the two apprentices.

Talonblaze stood there, eyes blazing and silent. Skypaw eyed him closely then turned to Reedtail.

"Is he always like this?" She whispered to him.

"Yeah, strange huh?"  Reedtail said, glancing over his shoulder at the large warrior.

Skypaw nodded and smiled softly then bounded off after Dappledpaw as she had gone further ahead...


(In camp)

Dappledpaw and Skypaw eagerly wolfed down the mouse they had selected when they were full to bursting they sat back.

"That mouse was amazing" Skypaw mewed, drawing her tongue over her maw.

"I know" Dappledpaw said, lying on her back and groaning.

"I'm full" They both said together and giggled.

At that moment, Scorchpaw and Foampaw came over, loathing in Foampaw's sea green eyes. As they walked past Scorchpaw smiled at her but Foampaw looked around and hissed with a cold look in his eyes.

"Fluffy Puffy" Foampaw hissed and Scorchpaw, who was a little way back glared at him.

"Foamy Worm" She snapped back and Dappledpaw got up with a hiss.

"Take that back" Foampaw growled, whirling completely around and he unsheathed his claws.

"Make me" Skypaw hissed and also got up.

Foampaw swung his unsheathed paw right at her head...

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