Chapter 9 : Flash Memory

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Skypaw awoke to heavy rain the next day and cursed to herself. She remembered the night's activities like her conversation with Hawkfrost and the Conversation amongst Smokeclaw, Ivythorn and some other cats.

"Morning Skypaw" A cheery mew sounded, disrupting her thoughts.

"Morning..." She mewed, looking up to see Emberpaw grinning at her "Emberpaw"

She looked sneakily behind him and saw Scorchpaw sprawled out in his nest fast asleep and snoring. He snorted and twitched his paws muttering things like 'Don't kill Me' and 'I'll Do anything But..' Then he would just start to whimper again.

"Whats up with him?" She meowed to him and her brother turned to look at Scorchpaw.

"Bad dream" He responded plainly. "Hey I heard talking last night, was it you and Dappledpaw?"

"No" She mewed, restraining the urge to flinch in anger and sorrow.

"Oh, do you know who it was?" Emberpaw meowed, pushing her good mood.

"Nope" she said, lifting a paw and licking it then drawing it over her head to clean herself.

"Did you have a nice sleep? Any interesting dreams?" Emberpaw meowed, trying to make interesting conversation.

"Yeah, I guess" She said then padded off to avoid anymore awkwardness with her brother. "I'm going for a walk"

After announcing that she exited and smiled as the rain pelted her. Better not to have an awkward conversation and walk in rain than to have a awkward conversation.

She reassured herself about this and continued until she was out of camp and sheltered by a large spruce tree. Skypaw heard talking and peered over a bush. She snuck into the bush and watched a small group of rogue cats talk amongst themselves.

"When will Smokeclaw arrive to tell us about the situation?" A fluffy ginger tabby mewed, lashing his tail.

"Soon Flame" A sweet shecat purred, her sleek brown tabby pelt shimmering.

"I agree with Earth, calm down a bit Flame" A black and white tom meowed

"Thank you Shadow" Earth meowed, looking at the clan camp direction and sighing. "Finally"

All the cats including Skypaw looked up and blinked at the smokey grey tom cat approaching their hiding spot.

"Remembering our warning Smokekit?" The ginger tom called Flame snapped, obviously an impatient cat.

"Shut up Kittypet" Smokeclaw retorted and Flame hissed.

"Stay down Flame" Earth warned "we need this chance"

"Fine" Flame scoffed and the groups ears perked.

"We will get Flamestar to accept you and when you are all properly accepted we attack. Remember, you capture Skypaw and do whatever then it all happens and you kill her" Smokeclaw said and Skypaw turned.

She ran and knew not to go back to camp. She ran out into the forest and up a tree. She cried herself to sleep.

*Timeskipping like a boss XD*

A few hours later Skypaw opened her bright azure eyes and felt a cold pelt by her side. She looked up and saw a dark brown tabby by her side. His gaze was tipped up to the Silverpelt above. He let out a sigh and grinned at her.

"Sometimes life will be hard Kiddo, we will get though it together" Hawkfrost said and a single silver tear dropped down his muzzle before he turned to her.

He licked her head and faded softly.

"Wait" she called but the dark feline was gone. "I-I need you Hawkfrost...."


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