Chapter 7: The Joy Ride & Horror Again

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~Bethany's POV~

As Olly & I finished relaxing I went back up to the girls dormitory and put on my oufit so I got it on & I decided to just do a braid cause I wanna keep the hair out of my face so I just put on a bit of make up and headed out and I saw Olly just sitting on the couch waiting he looked up & got up and smiled and took my hand I really feel safe holding Olly's hand any way he does makes me feel safe thats what I love about him. As we headed to the qudditch field we took our wands and said Accio broom as it came to Olly and I hopped on the broom with him as we got off the ground I was a bit scared at 1st cause I never rode a broom cause am only a 5th year back in my old school was when we can ride a broom but I had to transfer so I didn't get the chance to but I am holding tight to him. As we was going on a joy ride around the qudditch field I was having a blast with him and we just left the pitch and flew up a bit high which I am scared.

 As we was going on a joy ride around the qudditch field I was having a blast with him and we just left the pitch and flew up a bit high which I am scared

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"Its okay I won't let you fall baby girl I promise." said Oliver as I held him tight 

"It's beautiful view from up here." I said

"Not as beautiful as you baby." said Oliver as I smiled and laid my head on his back

"I am enjoying this Olly." I said

"So am I cause your with me here." said Oliver as I just rested my head on his upper back

As we flew back to the field we decided to ride around for awhile and all the sudden I feel something weird like somebody is watching us and I have a feeling it's Flint again but maybe I just need to focus on this as we were still flying around. As Oliver and I decided to take a ride around Hogwarts it's really niece looking at the view from off the ground not gonna lie it feels weird not having my feet touching the ground. We was flying around and all the sudden I hear a familiar voice coming and there was Flint with his wand I am scared now.

"Olly." I said as he turned his head and flew fast as he can

"STUPEFY." yelled Flint as he missed "I TOLD WARNED YOU MASON."

"It's okay I won't let him hurt you." said Oliver as Flint was still following us

"STUPEFY." yelled Flint as cursed the bludger and it hit me and I started falling off the broom and blacked out

"BETHANY." yelled Oliver as he flew.

 ~Oliver's POV~

I was flying towards Bethany as she was falling like a lifeless doll and Flint was just bumping me so I don't catch Bethany as I took out my wand and casted where she gets on the ground gently as I try to finish off Flint we got off our brooms as I threw a punch at him. Bethany was just lying on the ground not moving an inch as I saw somebody coming it was Hagrid.

"What is the meaning of this you two?" said Hagrid (Sorry cant spell how he talks so bare with me here lol)

"Flint put a spell on the bludger and it hit Bethany's head and she fell off my broom but I used my wand to put her gently on the ground she's not moving an inch." I said freaking out

"What is going on here?" asked Professor McGonagall

"Bethany fell off my broom after she got her head hit by a bludger cause Flint put a spell on it to hit Bethany." I said

"SILENCE WOOD." yelled Snape

"I think Mr. Flint needs to be expelled." said Hagrid

"Stay out of this Hagrid." said Snape

"Are you joking me Severus? He about hurt one of my Gryffindors he needs to be out of this school it's bad enough that Miss Mason has already been raped by Mr. Flint here and your defending him & letting him off trouble he needs to be punished and Hagrid why don't you carry Miss Mason up to the hospital wing." said Professor McGonagall as she was getting furious

"Sorry but I am not gonna do it cause he's one of my star students and it's her fault she asked for it." said Severus


"Mister Wood let me deal with him." said Professor McGonagall "Are you seriously saying that?"

"Well it's her fault that she's even in Hogwarts she's nothing but a worthless Gryffindor I ever seen in my life." said Severus

"Don't you dare talk about Bethany like that she could possibly die because of of your star student." I said

"Mister Wood calm down." said Professor McGonagall

"I can't calm down I just can't lose her." I said

"Mister Wood why don't you go back to the castle we will talk about it later." said Professor McGonagall

I walked off as they continued arguing I stopped at the hospital wing I waited for a bit as I see them putting a bandage on her head it just hurts me seeing her in a bandage cause of a bludger I don't know if she's gonna be okay or not. As they finished with her I walked in there she was all pale, and covered in bruises I held her hand she's cold as ice. She's still breathing I am just hoping she will be okay. I just sat there for hours holding her hand I am scared the chance of losing her she's been unconscious for hours now. Soon Professor Dumbledore & Professor McGonagall came in as Madame Pomfery came back in.

"How is Miss Mason holding up?" said Professor McGonagall

"Looks like she's not doing so well. She may have a possibility of being in a coma for weeks so she's gonna have to be here & after the coma wears off she may have a possibility of memory loss temporay so if she wakes up with memory loss I may have to keep her in here until it wears off she's cold as ice so many bruises but her head aint bad." said Madame Pomfery

"So looks like she's gonna have some long rest for awhile." said Dumbledore

"I am still furious that Snape is letting Mister Flint getting away with this." said Professor McGonagall

"Now now Minivera she will be fine I will deal with Marcus Flint and Snape for now lets just let Miss Mason recover from her injury." said Dumbledore "Oh Mister Wood I didn't notice you were here."

"I was just visiting her." I said holding her hand

"Well Mister Wood it's almost curfew so may as well go back to your common room." said Madame Pomfery 

As I did what she said I headed back to the common room & got on my pj's didn't really feel like talking to anybody I just got into my bed and just stared out the window worrying about Bethany I know she's okay but it still hurts me that she is in the hospital wing because of Marcus Flint and Snape refuses to give consequences to Flint I can tell Professor McGonagall was furious with Snape I don't blame her I am furious with him too Snape is letting him off punishments and is giving more points to Slytherin I wanna kill Flint for nearly killing Bethany.

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