Chapter 9: Wanna Say Something

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~Oliver's POV~

So it's been 3 weeks since Bethany has been in a coma from the incident from what Flint did it's Monday so I am on lunch break so I just took some of my food with me & just sat there watching Bethany laying there some of the bruises had gone away and she's still a little pale and still breathing okay she's still gonna have trouble with waking up with the possibility of memory loss Madame Pomfery comes in and checks on her she removes the bandage off her head she's just lying in bed just holding her hand I just waited until it was time for the next class. As a hour went by it was time for the next class I just kissed her cheek and walked away as I heading to Transfiguration as I was walking there. Flint as came into me that he got into my face I want to kill him.

"What's the problem Wood your girlfriend of a slut is dying." said Flint


"Maybe once she wakes up with no memory of you I can bang her again." said Flint


"I will hit on her cause she's hot as ever for a Gryffindor  & she has such a nice body she has I just wanna have it again she's just so hot I can just tap her." said Flint

"SHE IS IN BED IN A COMA BECAUSE OF YOU." I yelled once again

"What is going on now you two?" said Snape

"He is only talking about how he wants to tap Bethany and-" I said then Snape cuts me off

"I don't wanna hear it Wood 6 points from Gryffindor." said Snape 

"Come on now your only taking points from Gryffindor cause you are the head of the Slytherin and you hate us Gryffindor." said Lee

"Lee just stay out of this please." I said

"Were trying to help you here Oliver we all know Flint is the reason Bethany is in the hospital wing in a coma were standing up for Bethany we can't let Flint get off the hook cause of Snape is letting him get away with everything cause 1st he rapes her, then he nearly got Bethany killed with a bludger she is now in a coma." said Katie 

"Wow the whole Gryffindor is supporting Oliver Wood the keeper of the Qudditch team pathetic and supporting that slut who I call Bethany Mason." said Snape


"Mister Wood let me take it from here." said Professor McGonagall "Severus you have no business talking about her like that just because she is a pure blood not sorted into Slytherin." 

"Well she's nothing but a pathetic worthless little slut." said Snape

"Severus your letting Mister Flint getting away with what he has done to Bethany your so selfish Severus I don't know why your not punishing Marcus he  needs to be punished Severus." said Professor McGonagall

As I watched them argue and I just wanna snap again at Snape for talking bad about Bethany and I just remember I have quddicth practice for the team but I forgot all about that I have that and Friday is the match against Slytherin and all I can think about is Bethany and I just can't focus I just want to be there for Bethany she's been in a coma for weeks I can't take the fact she's in a coma she's just lying in the hospital bed I hate seeing her like that. So as I got my broom and headed to the field as I saw Katie, Angelina, Fred & George and our new seeker Harry Potter. I was just going through what needs to go through but all I can think about is Bethany and I saw the way Katie look at me she knows that I have her on my mind right now.

"Oliver I know your worried about Bethany she's gonna be okay she's gonna wake up eventually." said Katie

"It's just that I didn't save her quick when she was hit by a bludger when Flint put a curse on the bludger he nearly killed her she could have died. What if she's never gonna wake up?" I said and sobbed a bit

"Oliver she's gonna be okay." said Katie "She just needs to stay in the hospital wing to be treated there cause she will probably wake up with memory loss until she's cured from it."

"I just hate that she's gone through so much because of Flint I wanna kill him." I said with anger 

"You need to calm down mate." said George

"Maybe we should just call it a day you guys are dismissed." I said as everyone left the field as I walked out of the locker room

As everyone was already ready for the match tomorrow I wanna kill Flint all he's doing is talking about how he wants to touch Bethany he is not gonna touch her. I am not gonna let Flint hurt her like he's done the whole time when she 1st came to Hogwarts. As I walked out of the common room I saw Snape & other people and hid behind the wall when he mentioned Bethany's name & he was talking to these people who turns out to be Bethany's parents and they are talking rubbish about her.

"I never thought that slut would be such a burden to our family it ruined our reputation as Slytherins as Bethany was sorted into that house of embarrassment to our family and we got a better idea to fix this." said Mrs. Mason

"Go on." said Snape

"By the time she is in her 7th year she is gonna marry Marcus Flint we have already talked to his parents they gotten our wish for it she will marry him cause it's gonna fix our reputation as a family of pure bloods." said Mr. Mason

"I find that idea very brilliant since I already got enough pathetic Gryffindors in my life including Harry Potter & that slut." said Snape

"So when she's out of Hogwarts we are gonna make them Mr. & Mrs. Flint and it will make our reputation as purebloods less of a burden." said Mrs. Mason

I can't believe what I am hearing their gonna force Bethany to marry the guy who raped her & almost killed her they are out of their bloody minds she is my girlfriend I am not gonna let it happen. As I walked away I couldn't believe what I just heard and I went back to the common room as I was just thinking about what they talked about.

"Oliver what's the deal? You gotten pale." said Katie

"Her parents who disowned her are now wanting to wait till her 7th year and force her to marry Flint." I said

"WHAT? Are you bloody kidding?" said Katie

"No I overheard Snape and her parents their using her as to fix their reputation for them as a family of Slytherins & I am not gonna let it happen she will not marry someone she aint in love with the person she would marry someday is me and I love her." I said

"What are we gonna do? Bethany is not even out of coma." said Katie

"Were not gonna tell her until she's back to herself." I said

As I was just thinking tomorrow was the match against Slytherin so it was already night. So I went to my bed and just try to sleep as much as I can.

(Sorry if this is short but I am gonna be skipping some after the part where Bethany is out of Coma)

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