Chapter 6: It's Gonna Be Okay

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~Oliver's POV~

I woke up next to Bethany she was crying in her sleep she was having another nightmare so all I could do is wake her up & she did she looked at me for 3 seconds and she cried into my chest as I smoothed her back letting her know she's safe in my arms I hate seeing her like this I need to do something about it looking at her hurting inside hurts me. As I was holding her she was still sobbing a bit I think we need to see Madame Pomfery about this cause Bethany told me that she hasnt had that problem before Flint raped her. As she calmed down a bit she decided to tell me what was her nightmare this time.

"What happened? Please tell me I will help you I promise." I said

"It was the same people but different places & different ways you were in it." said Bethany 

"What happened there?" I asked

"Well he who must not be named was there and he decided to torture us but it was different he made u watch Flint tourture me and then he killed me." said Bethany as she cried again

"It's okay he aint gonna do this too you." I said holding her again as she was on my chest again

"I just want these nightmares to stop please." said Bethany as she cried

"How about we go to Madame Pomfery and see what she will do?" I asked

"That would help me so much Olly." said Bethany as she was fighting tears

"Its okay its okay trust me." I said grabbing her hand "I love you Bethany."

"I love you to Olly." said Bethany as I kissed her forhead

As we got up headed out of the common room we was walking hand in hand as everyone was staring at us with death glares but she didnt say a word as people mumbled out words behind her back but she's trying so hard not too let it get too her cause I can see the sad look on her face as she was walking with me. As soon as we gotten to the hospital wing we saw Madame Pomfery just telling a paitnent there free to go.

"What seems too be the problem here you 2?" said Madame Pomfery

"Well I been having nightmares latley but I have a feeling that its predicting something to me it happened the day I was raped." said Bethany squeezing my hand

"When did this happend like has it happened before?" said Madame Pomfery

"No it happened the after I got raped." said Bethany

"Well I may help you with that cause I had students with that problem before so your not the 1st one to have that issue maybe we can see if a potion would do." said Madame Pomfery

As Madame Pomfery left to go back to the office as I was holding Bethany's hand she's still having a hard time with herself she's feeling alot of shame cause Flint raped her I just hate seeing her through this but I am there for her she's my girlfriend & I will forever be there for her I hate seeing her like this I am doing whatever it takes to make sure she's not alone Katie Bell believes her she was raped by Flint but nobody believed Katie was raped by Flint. As we waited for her Bethany was just shaking like non-stop I can tell she is having a problem. Madame Pomfery finally came back and gave her the potion she drank it up and told her she has to take it everytime she sleeps weather its nap time or bed time so it was almost that time for everyone was sleeping so she went ahead and took it she has do to do like a small glass of it. As she gotten her gallons of the potion we headed back to the common room she seem to be calming I just held her hand as she felt safe when I held her and then we passed Flint giving us the death stare as Bethany was freaking out when Flint passed us. As we got back to the common room Bethany sat on the couch with a blanket & I joined in as she laid on my shoulder as I wrapped my arms around her as she was feeling the comfort of me making sure she felt safe with me I wanna take her out to the qudditch field like maybe fly around but were gonna do it when we finish relaxing since the rest of the day we have no classes so she is just relaxing sleeping a bit I wasnt that tired so I just sat there looking at her beautiful face as she was on my chest where she can hear my heart beat as I saw her arm & I remember the day I found out she was cutting herself and I took her arm and kissed her scars I will do anything to help her. 

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