Chapter 1: The Newbie

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~Oliver Wood~

So I am in the great hall just sitting with my friends which are Fred, his twin brother George, and Lee as we was talking it was morning so it was breakfast in the great hall and then I started seeing this girl who I never seen before as I saw her she is just beautiful with her blond hair, blue eyes like the color of the sky at day time I couldn't help but wanting to say hi to her and then Fred had did a loud snap with his finger.

"I think I know what he's doing he's checking the newbie out." said Fred

"She's new here?" I asked

"Yeah she's a 5th year like you are her name is Bethany Mason today is her 1st day here she's pureblood and is only 15 years old she was home schooled in the wizarding world by her parents they were both Slytherins I heard they disowned her and now she is gonna be living with her grandparents." said George

"I wonder what made them decided for her to come to Hogwarts." I said

"Well you seem too look like you have a thing for her so why don't you go sit with her and talk to her." said Lee

"Okay I will." I said as I got up and moved to right where she was sitting by her as she was reading her book "Hey."

"Hi." said Bethany as she smiles at me

"So you must be Bethany I'm Oliver." I said

"Hi Oliver." said Bethany

"So your a 5th year?" I asked

"Yeah it's my 1st day." said Bethany 

"So we will be having classes together would you like to sit with me in the classes?" I asked

"Sure I would like to get to know you cause I never had any friends growing up except for house elves since my so called parents are purebloods." said Bethany

"Well I will be happy to get to know you as well." I said

"So our 1st class is Potions." said Bethany

"Yeah but I must give you a heads up about Snape he's not friendly and he hates Gryffindor's when ever they make him mad he will take down every point from our house and also he can be rude most of the time." I said

So as it was time to for class we walked to class together as we was with the other 5th years and our 1st class was Potions and we sat next to each other and not gonna lie it's kinda great having her as my new partner I didn't even care about what Snape says she's amazing and she really knows her potions but then there is Snape so today we made called The Shrinking Solution which Snape is gonna fail her when he knows darn well she made it right

The Shrinking Solution


daisy roots (chopped)

shrivelfig (skinned)

caterpillar (sliced)

rat spleen

leech juice


Prepare all ingredients ahead of time. Daisy roots should be evenly chopped. Make sure all of the peel is removed from the shrivelfig. Caterpillar slices should be small and even. Rat spleens and leech juice will be provided by the professor (please walk carefully to the desk at the front of collect them before you begin brewing the potion).

Add daisy roots, shrivelfig, and caterpillar slices to 500 mL boiling water. Stir (direction is unimportant) for 2 minutes.

Add one rat spleen and a dash of leech juice. Allow the solution to stew, stirring occassionally, for half an hour.

Write your name and house on two vials. Carefully distribute your potion into the two vials and bring one to the front for grading. 

Snape just took a look at the potion and he doesn't look to impressed the fact that she's smart at it.

"Well Miss Mason that was very unpleasant it seems to be you didn't add Daisy Roots." said Snape

"I don't understand sir I read the books before so I pretty sure I did it right." said Bethany as the class gasped 

"Uhhh Bethany I would just be quiet if I were you." I said

"Silence Mr. Wood nobody told you to speak." said Snape with a evil look on his face "Go on Miss Mason keep going."

"Well it said add Daisy roots and make sure it's chopped I chopped them and I did." said Bethany

"You think you can be a smarty pants don't you wow now I know why your parents disowned you and 90 points from Gryffindor I was friends with your parents and I remember them telling me that they was ashamed of you for not being a Slytherin I would be embarrassed too if I had a child who was not Slytherin your worthless, useless and a burden to the wizarding world maybe you been better of not existing." said Snape as the Slytherins started to laughing

"Snape I don't think it's anyway to talk to a transfer student like that she has done nothing to you." I said

"Thats enough Wood and one more word you & Miss Mason will have 19 points taken and detention." said Snape

As I decided not to talk Bethany just sat quiet for the rest of the class not wanting to answer the words she just does her work to get it over with I feel really bad for her this is her 1st day I can tell that she's hurting looking like she's about to cry. As class ended we started heading to Defense Against The Dark Arts and she was still not talking.

"Bethany are you okay?" I asked

"Yeah I'm fine." said Bethany when I know she's lying

"No your not I can see it in your eyes." I said

"Its no big deal he's not the 1st one that said it so its fine." said Bethany

"Im sorry that this is not how you picture your 1st day but don't take anything that Snape says personaly cause he's mean & all and you and just don't listen to him your not anything he said to you I know we just met but I see that your smart, bright, beautiful and amazing just don't let him get to you thats just how Snape is." I said

As we got to class Bethany smiles at me as she sat next to me as the class began. As Professer Quriell was talking about defending yourselves and Bethany seems to be feeling better as I wrote her a not and asked her if she would like to go to Hogsmade with me tomorrow and I slide it to her while he wasn't looking and she marked a box and it was yes. 

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