The world moves forward. Some days are good and some days are bad but who can complain when you're the daughter to a rich man and your happily engaged to the CEO of his own company. Not to mention you've got two beautiful little girls and your a sta...
"Do you want me to just take a seat?" I ask softly and he smiles. "Do whatever makes you feel comfortable baby girl?" I twiddle my fingers softly. "I think I'll just stand here." I say from the spot right next to him. He takes my hands. "Listen baby I made you a promise and that's one I'll keep." I nod softly. "I'm still standing here." He smiles. "Like I said, whatever makes you comfortable." There's a knock. "Sir Ember is waiting." He nods. "Very well send her in." My heart drops. I take a breath softly. What could be so important about this women? The door opens and in steps a women about my size her hair is tucked to one side of her head and it's black at the roots but turns a beautiful grayish white. She lifts her face and the women is absolutely stunning.
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"Ember what is it that is so dire that it couldn't wait a couple of weeks?" She sighs sauntering over to us. "Well you know how daddy gets? He has his deadlines." She gives me a once over. "Aren't your meetings supposed to be held in private?" He hums. "Of course but this is my wife. As far as you need to be concerned she is co-owner of this business and you will treat her as such." I smile softly at that statement. She rolls her eyes. "Of course." He clears his throat. "Secondly why do I give a damn about your fathers deadlines? He doesn't run nor own my company." She smiles. "You're right there Jackson but my daddy sees you as his ally, his sister company of some sort. When his decisions come down he wants those decisions to be backed by you. He's sent me with a list of his companies he's attempting to sell. He needs your opinion." Jackson stands. "I will direct you to the man that can handle that very efficiently in the allotted time but I am considered on vacation. Whether that means I'm local or not I am temporarily unavailable and you may not throw a tantrum to see me. If your father would like to push back the deadlines when I come back I would be more than happy to review his decisions."
She huffs. "Fine. I'm sure that as long as daddy's getting half what he wants he'll be happy." I smile. "I'm pleased that your father specifically wants me to look over his decisions but tell me he's so fond of me he'd be upset if I sent his decisions to be reviewed by someone else?" She places her hands on the desk. "No no. Daddy's so fond of you that he's set on me coming to do his biding in hopes you might ravish me one day." He hums. "Listen to me Ember if your father only consists of parading you around in front of me we will not be doing business together. Secondly if you only wish to wreak havoc then I suggest you get out of my office and find someone else to play these games with. I under no circumstances what to be a part of whatever it is you are playing. I wish to only do business." She smiles. "I refer the message to daddy. Can't say he'll be too happy that she's taken the place he's desired for me but he'll be in touch. Maybe we won't be doing business after all." I lift a finger. "May I?" He turns to me placing a hand on my back.
"I know that maybe this isn't exactly what you or your father wanted to hear but I hope that we can come to an agreement that both side can be happy. My husband sees no problem in backing you and I don't either. As long as the matters can be kept strictly business. I see no harm in working with you or your father." She smiles bitterly. "I let daddy know that the co-owner to one of the biggest companies in all of Los Angeles has a heart. He'll get a real kick out of that one." She turns softly leaving and I frown. "D-did I say something wrong?" He engulfs me in a hug. "No no baby. It's just her. Come on. I promised breakfast." I nod softly gathering my things as we leave.
"Darling you've barely touched your food." I swallow. "Jackie answer me truthfully." He nods softly. "It would be better for your business if Ember were co-owner. If she was your wife." He huffs. "Teagan..." I glare and he nods. "Yes Teagan it would appear better." I drop my fork. "Don't let me hold you back Jackie. Listen I can get all pretty and go with you to the company banquets but I'm a nobody to those people. They eye me every time and they stick there nose up at me. It's like having your whole family disapprove of me." He drops his fork as well.
"Hold me back?! Baby girl you're the only reason I'm here! Screw Ember. Screw her dad. If I don't have you. If I don't have the kids. This life means nothing. So you are going to take your seat rightfully next to me at every banquet and anyone who doesn't like it will deal with me. I've waited my whole life to bathe you in the gifts and give you that crown that's somehow got lost but baby I'll find it and it will be placed right back on your head where it belongs. Do you hear me?" I nod softly.
"Okay now I'm on vacation and I plan to spend time with you in anyway you like. First you are gonna start by eating that plate of food. Second you are gonna forget about that stupid job just like I have." I huff finishing my food. When I'm done he drags me out of the little diner and puts me in the car. "Where are we going?" He smiles. "Shopping. We've got a long few weeks." I hit him. "And who said you were getting lucky? After last night?" He takes my hand. "Hey baby I'm so sorry about that. I never thought that leaving you would make you that upset. I wanted to stay I did but I got a stupid call and I had to get up okay?" He stops at a light leaning into me. "Besides you can't resist me. You never could." I hum. "Better than you ever could." He hums biting his lip. "You just do something to me love." I lean into his cheek. "Just remember I can play Jackie. And you know I love too." He shivers slightly and I smile sitting back in my seat.
"So garter or no garter." He groans. "Definitely garter." I peek my head out of the curtain. "Don't get too excited tiger this is honeymoon stuff. You haven't been good enough for it now." He frowns. "I'll be better if you just let me see it." I giggle. "Sorry baby no can do. But you know what it's that baby blue you like and lacy." He bites his lip. "Teagan..." I eventually step out shooing him off to go pay as I bag the stuff so he can't see it. "Just a peek." I hum. "No no Jackie but be a good boy and we'll see where that gets us later." He nods. "Yes daddy." I die laughing. He smirks softly too. We head out of the mall and head home.
He tries at every chance to peek but I don't ever let him. "I'm gonna hide them promise you won't go looking." He huffs. "I promise Teagan. Besides it doesn't really help me if your not in them." I tap his chest. I jog upstairs to hide them and when I come back down he's on a FaceTime call. "Middle school sucks." He laughs. "Sorry Rae Rae. Hang in there." She huffs. "Hey Raelynn." She smiles. "Hey Teagan." She gasps. "Oh hey Jackie I want to get a pet but mom says she doesn't have the money for one. Do you think you could get me one?" He smiles. "Actually Teagan wants to start a rescue farm for dogs and other animals. So if I find one that suits you I'll send it your way." She gasps. "Thank you Jackie! I have to go tell mom! I love you!" He smiles. "I love you too." They hang up and he pulls me down to sit in his lap on the couch. "So what is it you'd like to do?" He smiles. "Honestly I have no idea." I pout. "Me either." I huff. "Do you miss work Jackie?" He touches my lips. "Not one bit." He press his lips gently to mine and I couldn't even begin to tell you how he ended up carrying me up the stairs with our lips latched onto one another's but you won't find me complaining. Not in a million years.