The world moves forward. Some days are good and some days are bad but who can complain when you're the daughter to a rich man and your happily engaged to the CEO of his own company. Not to mention you've got two beautiful little girls and your a sta...
The buzzing of the alarm clock wakes me. I hit snooze before closing my eyes. Jackson pecks my head. "I've got it love." He whispers before getting up. I groan before falling back to sleep. When I wake up it's around nine and I rub my face. Jackson's still gone and I huff. I reach for my phone calling him. "Hello?" I smile giddily. "Hey where are you?" He hums. "I'm just out and about you know me. Now that Cody is the CEO I don't have much to do so works on hold for now. Hey if you don't mind running to the grocery store. I made a list and left it on the fridge. I saved you the trouble." I hum. "You are the best."
He laughs. "I try to be. By the time you get back I should be home. I love you baby girl." I smile. "I love you too Jackie." We hang up and I get up changing into a red crop top and a pair of frayed jean shorts.
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I slide my sandals on grabbing my purse and my keys before leaving. I grab the list Jackson left and head to the nearest grocery store. I park heading in and looking at the list. I grab a cart noticing the first thing on the list was milk.
I head to the back of the store grabbing a gallon jug of milk. Before too long I'm at the last thing on the list chips and juice. I got the chips and head for the juice isle. I step away from my basket looking down at the list and someone runs into me. I go to fall and they catch my arms. "Oh my gosh! Are you okay?! I'm so sorry!" I look up at the tall man. He was very handsome and I found myself just staring.
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"No it's alright. I'm fine." I say softly and he lets go of my arms. "Thank gosh!" I laugh some. "I'm Alan." He says sticking his hand out. I shake it softly. "Teagan." He smiles at me and I blush. "I really need to be going. My husbands waiting on me." He sighs. "Oh I hadn't realized you were married. I'll let you go." He says stepping past me. I huff grabbing the juice before getting out of the store and heading home. I see Jackson's car as I pull in. I grab the bags heading into the house. I set the groceries on the counter. "Jackie I'm home!" He comes downstairs with a smile. "Hey baby."
I fake a smile. "What's wrong love?" I huff putting the milk in the fridge. "There was this guy at the store. He ran into me and then flirted with but he left when I told him I was married." He pulls me into him. "So what's the problem love?" I huff. "I didn't want him to leave." He shakes his head. "What do you mean?" I smile as he frowns. "Jackie I want you. I do. I love you but it feels good to have attention from other people that I've never gotten before. Do you think I walked into store before you and everyone flirted with me because they didn't. They never have. I wouldn't want that man for all the money in the world. It just got to me. Finally someone other than you has noticed me. Jackie they are starting to notice me." He nods. "I'm glad."
I touch his face. "What's wrong?" He shakes his head stepping away. I watch him make his way upstairs and I finish putting the groceries up before following him. I see he's laying in bed so I climb into. I pull him close and he hides his face in my neck wrapping me in his arms. "They are gonna take you from me." I smile combing through his hair. "No they won't Jackie because just like you've always remembered that I was there before you were rich I will always remember that you loved me before anyone ever tried."
He pouts softly. "Easier said than done." I lift his face pressing my lips to his. "I'm not going anywhere Jackie. Even though it makes me happy people are noticing me it never makes me as happy as the day you noticed me. I remember that day. I went home and smiled into my pillow for hours it seemed. Deep down I loved you before I ever knew you even liked me. Maybe you weren't a perfect kid but you made me feel so special."
"When I smiled it was real for the first time in awhile. I didn't want to say anything because I was afraid you'd leave and even if you never loved me I wanted you in my life. Jackie that's more than I can say about anyone else. No matter how much attention they give me it'll never be like the first time you kissed me. It will never ever give me that feeling of electricity in my bones. I won't forget you Jackie. That's a promise."
He kisses me humming softly. "I'm glad you feel that way. I got you something." I smile. "Jackie..." I whine. "Hey now don't be like that. Come on." He gets up and I do too following him. He leads me out of the house and to the car. "What are we doing?" He smiles. "We have to go to it baby." I sigh softly as he backs out of the driveway. He drives for a long time until he hits a dirt road and I look at him funny. He parks eventually and gets out. "We are gonna walk from here." I frown.
"Jackie if this is your way of killing me off. I'm sorry." He laughs. "No baby I love you just come on you'll see." He takes my hand as we walk up the dirt road and it soon turns into wide open pastures of land. I gasp. "Is this my animal farm?!" He nods. "Oh Jackie!" I throw my arms around his neck. "But that's not the surprise. Look?" He whistles and I watch as I'm the distance something white comes at us. As it gets closer I realize it's a horse. It's body is white but it's legs are like a black.
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"Jackson he's beautiful." I climb over the wood fence to step up to him. "Hey there." The horse nuzzles into my touch. "Wait a minute. This...this isn' can't be...Marble..." The horse neighs at me. I turn sharply. "But how did you get him here?" He smiles. "Zane mentioned a horse on your grandpas farm so I called your grandpa and told him who I was. When I explained what I was trying to do he agreed that he would have one of his workers drive Marble here to me. That's where I was this morning." I bite my lip.
"Jackie this is the best gift you could have given me." I turn to Marble. "I've missed you buddy." He throws his head back to his back. "Are you sure?" The horse neighs. I pull him over to the fence using it to climb up onto the horse. "Do you want a saddle?" I scuff. "We don't need one. Come on Marble. Like old times." The horse takes off and I laugh softly to myself. He stands there watching us. "Do you think you can handle one more?" The horse runs back to him stopping. I extend my hand. "Come on." He climbs on as best as he can.
"Okay Marble." He takes off and Jackson clings to me. "I haven't felt this free in so long." He pecks my cheek. "I'm so happy that you love it." I laugh some. "I wish he didn't have to be alone out here though. And what if we go to Rome?" He smiles. "Zane and his girlfriend have agreed to feed him and take care of him if we go together."
Marble goes to fast and I touch his side. "Woah there buddy slow down." He does slow to a lite stroll. "Good boy." I bite my lip. "Do you think we can bring the kids out." He smiles. "I'm sure they'd love that." I hum. "Come on Marble back to the stable." I tap my feet against him and he runs off into the distance. I smile widely feeling the wind blow through my hair.