Chapter 37: Change

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*Two Weeks Later*

I groan rolling over in the morning. Jackson's laying there sound asleep. His bare chest on display along with his neck. I smile softly leaning over to place a kiss. One kiss leads to a few more until he's stirring awake. I leave a love bite on his neck and he takes in a breath. "Love what are you doing?" I run a finger over the forming bruise before leaning up to press my lips with his. "I do believe I owe you." He smiles. "Yeah you do but now?!" I frown. "Do you not..." He kisses me. "Baby I always will somedays more than others but I'm just trying to make understand where this impulse came from."

I lay a hand on his bare chest. "It came from you." He smiles. "And you're sure?" I nod softly. He pins me beneath him kissing me. He trails his lips to my neck leaving a rather large love bite their. I gasp softly tugging on his hair making him groan. "Mommy..." Jackson stops immediately going limp. I sigh harshly as he snores loudly.

"Yes sweetie?" She giggles. "Daddy snores." He hums. "You know who else snores?" Emma shakes her head. "The tickle monster." He says rolling off the bed to grab her. I hear her fit of giggles. I smile rolling my eyes. "That's enough you two. Did you need something Emma?" She smiles.

"There's a man at the door. I didn't answer it but when I asked his voice was really deep. His name was....Cody." I scoop her up. Jackson gets up putting a shirt on. "That's just one of daddy's work buddies sweetie. How about you and me go make some breakfast?" She nods. "Yay!" I hum. "Give me and daddy a second yeah?" She nods leaving as I set her down.

"That was a close call." He nods. "Yeah it was." He pulls me against him. "But you still owe me love." He growls and I whine some. "Now isn't the time but we can set a date for tonight." I nod softly. "Can't wait." He kisses me once more before stepping past me.


"Mommy daddy's been in his office for awhile." She says with a frown. "I know sweetie. I'm sure he'll come out real soon." She nods. "I'm gonna go play with Sadie I guess." She pouts some getting up off the couch and I sigh. I get up and angrily march to the office door knocking harshly. "Jackie open this door now!" I hear movement before he's opening the door. "Hey what's wrong?" I huff. "You've been in here for hours. You daughters miss you. It's Saturday. You know they look forward to spending time with you." He scratches his head and I frown. "Don't even say it..." He frowns. "Teagan..." I wave my hand up. "Whatever Jackie...I'm going out with the kids." He grabs my arm. "Are you coming back?" I can see the worry in his eyes.

"Jackie I'm coming back but I refuse to sit and watch my daughters be sad all weekend because you were locked away in this room. If you won't take a break then I'm getting them out for awhile." He nods. "That's fair." He pauses. "I love you though." I huff. "Yeah love you too." He keeps his grip on my arm. "You do know I love you right?" I look up at him and he kisses me. "Hey jack..." I pull away and Cody has walked away. "I love you. I do I promise I do. We can even go out tonight." I roll my eyes. "This is another promise you won't keep because you'll be knee deep in work. Just except that you work and you don't have time for the little things anymore."

He frowns. "I do. You know I do." I scuff. "The Jackie I knew used to buy me little gifts and he used to rock his babies to sleep. He used to cook me dinner and cuddle me like he meant it. Like letting me go was a horrible thing and now half the times I wake up your backs to me or you're gone already. Times have changed I get it but did you have to?" He opens his mouth but I pull free stepping away. I head upstairs getting dressed. I pull on a floral tank top and a pair of denim shorts.

 I pull on a floral tank top and a pair of denim shorts

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I get the kids dressed before heading downstairs. I step down off the stairs seeing Jackson and Cody in the kitchen getting a drink. Cody lifts his head clearing his throat. Jackson glances at him and then up at me. I have Emma on my hip and Sadie's hand in mine. He stares for a second before sighing.

"Where you guys going?" He says in a playful voice. "We are gonna go play at uncle Zane's house." Sadie says and he looks up at me. "Oh well have fun. I love you guys." I open my mouth but Emma cuts me off. "We love you too daddy." I sigh. "We'll be back later." He nods turning to go back to his office and Cody looks at me before following. I head out of the door with the kids following.


It's a couple hours later that I'm coming home. The kids stayed at Zane's house for the night and I am starving. I stumble into the house seeing a box of pizza on the counter. "Jackie!" I yell peeking into the kitchen before sneaking a slice of pizza. "Jackie!" I take a bite of pizza before feeling his hand on my back. "Hey love." He hums and I look up at him. "Did you fall asleep?" He nods. "I worked too hard." I hum. "I'm sure you did." He wraps me in his arms. "I'm sorry love." I huff. "No I am. You have to work but I just sometimes wish work hadn't changed so much." He sets his face in my neck. "I never meant to baby. I'm so sorry. I can fix it." I sigh. "We'll see Jackie." He hums. "Where are the kids?" I take another bite of my pizza. "At my brothers house." He nudges his nose against the back of my neck. "Cody is gone and I'm done with my work." I laugh some.

"Are you really trying to talk me into sex right now?" He smiles. "No just putting it on the table." I turn in his arms. "Yeah well I'm taking it off the table." He hums. "Are you now?" I nod. "We just had an argument and you're barking up that tree?" He backs me against the counter. "It's make up." I laugh. "Call it whatever but it's not happening." He sighs. "Alright alright. Can I at least have a kiss?" I huff leaning forward to kiss him and he kisses me back. "You look beautiful baby girl." I pull back softly. "I'm sure I do Jackie but that doesn't change anything."

He frowns leaning into me. "That's not why I said it." I huff. "So what about that date tonight?" He shakes his head. "Don't change the subject. You are beautiful and you always will be. Now I'm fine with going out if that's what you want." I smile. "You haven't seen anything yet. I take another slice of pizza. "I'll be ready in an hour." I wink softly before walking away and he just stands there watching me as I leave up the stair.


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