The world moves forward. Some days are good and some days are bad but who can complain when you're the daughter to a rich man and your happily engaged to the CEO of his own company. Not to mention you've got two beautiful little girls and your a sta...
I groan glancing over the bed seeing the kids cuddled up on Jackson and he's watching them softly. I stake his hand in mine. He smiles over at me. I climb out of bed flattening Jackson's shirt on my body and the shorts I'm wearing before stepping out of the room.
I pull a bottle of water from the fridge sitting on the couch on the plane. Jackson steps out scratching his head before flopping down next to me pulling me into him. "Hey." He whispers and I hum. "Hey. How long until we land?" He smiles rubbing circles into my side. "Well we've only been sleeping for four hours so about seven hours." I frown whining. "What's wrong love?"
I huff. "I'm tired of being on this plan. Are we staying in a hotel when we land or..." He laughs some. "Baby did you really think I was gonna let my family live in a luxury hotel for over a month?" He shakes his head. "No I've picked out a very spacious place for us. Don't worry I rented it on business and once we leave it's no longer mine." I smile. "I wouldn't have cared if you did." He kisses my head.
"I know baby but I can't have us all cooped up in one small place. What if I want to spend time with my baby girl? I can't exactly do that if my girls have to sleep with us." I roll my eyes. "Well before we had a kid and adopted one maybe you should have thought about that."
He huffs. "Trust me I did but those girls are everything to me. I wouldn't trade them for the world but I just think some us time is okay to ask for from time to time." I roll my eyes. "Whatever." He leans in to me and I kiss him humming softly. "Parlare di una mente pista uno." He touches my lip only talk in Italian if you're gonna translate." I kiss his finger. "I said, talk about a one track mind."
He scuffs. "You act like sex is all I want." I look at him and he huffs. "It most certainly is not." I roll my eyes. "Jackie you barely got onto the plane without ripping my clothes off." He gasps. "Hey! I tripped and it's not my fault you buy cheap blouses!" I laugh some. "What did you trip over air?" He folds his arms. "Oh that's cute. Now I know where Emma gets it from." He glares at me. "If I'm so sex crazed then why marry me? Why come all this way huh?" I frown touching his cheek.
"Because you've only ever been sex craved for me. Any girl doesn't cut it Jackie. It's gotta be me." He kisses me. "They never have cut it baby." I smile softly. "Why don't we get some more studying done huh?" He huffs. "I don't think I'm getting anywhere." I huff. "It's pointless to think that you actually could learn a whole language in a day. It's not possible but you can learn some."
He frowns. "Can't you just translate for me?" I smile. "What's in it for me?" He brushes the hair behind my ear. "Anything you'd like." I pick at his shirt. "That shopping spree in Rome sounds nice." He hums. "I'll mark it on my schedule. Listen Freddie will be with us along with Cody so Freddie has agreed that anything we need he can do and that includes watching the kids."
I shake my head. "Listen Freddie's nice and all but I don't know how comfortable I feel letting a man I barely know watch my kids." He nods. "That's fair enough. We'll figure something out." I nod curling up on him. "Would you like to go back to bed?" I shake my head. "No right here's fine." He smiles as I start to doze off. "I love you." I hum. "I love you too Jackie." He combs through my hair as I drift softly into darkness.
"Mommy! Mommy wake up!" I groan. "Altri cinque minuti." (Five more minutes.) I hear Freddie laugh. "Gli aerei atterraggio presto e Jackson ha chiesto di parlare con voi in privato." (The planes landing soon and Jackson has asked to speak with you privately.)
I groan getting up. "Where is he?" He points to the bedroom. I get up stumbling towards the door. "Yes sir." I say grumpily. He shuts the door. "Teagan I'm panicking." I huff. "About?" He paces. "It's Rome. What if I mess something up? Or what if the contractors don't understand me? I should have prepared better." I grab his arm. "Jackie..." He stops pacing and I lift his arms to wrap around me. "Calm down. You will do fine. This isn't the only branch you've opened. You're good at your job. As far as the talking goes leave it to me okay?" He presses his lips to mine for a long hard time. "I love you."
I hum. "I love you too now come on we need to get in our seats before the plane lands." He nods and I take his hand. We get the kids buckled in and eventually ourselves. The plane starts to land and Jackson's leg shakes vigorously. "Baby hey..." He looks at me. "Breath baby...focus on something for me yeah?" He nods. "Look at the kids." He does and I see him smile some.
Emma gasps. "Mommy look Rom." I smile some. "Honey it's Rome." She ignores me as they giggle softly. Eventually the plane lands and there is a driver waiting for us. I tap Jackson's shoulder. "You get the bags and I'll go talk to the driver." He nods helping Freddie get the bags. I step out of the plane created by the beautiful city of Rome around me. I glance at the driver heading down the stairs of the plane.
"Buongiorno signora. Benvenuti a Roma." (Good morning madam. Welcome to Rome.) I smile nodding to him. "Buongiorno anche a te. Non sono esattamente sicuro di dove ci stai portando oggi." (Good morning to you too. I'm not exactly sure where you are taking us today.)He hums. "Fortunatamente per tutti e due che faccio. Così si può mettere le valigie nel bagagliaio e possiamo i quando si è pronti." (Lucky for the both of us I do. So you can put your bags in the trunk and we can leave whenever you are ready.) I smile turning to Jackson. "He knows where he's going. Put your bags in the trunk and let's go." He pecks my head. "Of course he does love. I think Freddie had the last of the bags." Freddie nods as he gets up to the trunk. "Yep now let's go." I nod softly before he closes the trunk and helping the kids get in before getting in myself.
"Jackie you did not?!" I say getting out at this mansion looking place and as I stare up at it he grabs a few bags out of the trunk. "I had to go all out. It's not everyday we get to spend time in Rome." He steps past me and I gasp at the house.
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"Mommy is this our knew home?" I pick Emma up taking Sadie's hand. "I guess for now it is honey." She frowns. "It's so big." I smile. "Yeah but we can finally play hide and seek." Emma gasps at Sadie before wiggling out of my arms and running into the house with Sadie not far behind her. I huff. "The kids seem to love it so why don't you?" Freddie asks as we continue to walk. I take my bag from him throwing it on my shoulder. "I just wished he could have gone simple. We aren't here for him to be playing around. But I guess it's my job to keep him on track." He laughs. "Yes ma'am but I think maybe you should let him have some fun." He points to Jackson with his eyes closed counting. "Ready or not here I come." I smile. "I guess so." I huff as we get inside and start the air going.
I unpack our bags listen to the soft giggles of the children and Jackson. I smile softly to myself and continue to unpack the bags that sat scattered around me.