Chapter 28: Sadie's Sick

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I hear the beeping of the monitor and Sadie sleeps in the hospital bed. Jackson sits next to me with a sigh reaching his hand out to take mine. "She'll be fine love you know that." I bite my quivering lip. "Jackie that's our baby laying in a hospital bed. How do you expect me to feel?" He pulls me to the edge of the chair to lean on his shoulder.

"You are reacting the best way possible but you know she's strong love. You know she'll pull through." I huff nodding before letting a few tears fall watching as Emma climbs her way into the bed hugging her side. "Sissy please wake up." She frowns holding her tight.

I hide my face in his neck. There is a light knock and I lift my face as the doctor comes into the room. "Ciao. Sono il dottor Frankie. Parli italiano?" (Hello. I'm doctor Frankie. Do you speak any Italian?)

I nod. "Ma la mia famiglia no. Possiamo farlo in inglese?" (I do but my family doesn't. Can we do this in English?) He nods clearing his throat. "So you are the Peters correct?" We nod. "Okay well..." He starts before Emma cuts him off. "Is my sissy gonna be okay?" He smiles at her. "Well little one she's sick and I'm going to do my best to make sure she gets better." Emma smiles.

I huff. "So doctor what do you know so far?" He sighs. "I know that her car scans and he X-rays look horrible." He leans into us so Emma can't hear. "I read in the file she's adopted and that she went through a lot of physical abuse before you two and I must say it's horrible. She's got scars on her brain tissue and you can see where bones have been put back into place."

I frown. "Do you know what is wrong with her now?" He huffs. "I think it's just a virus but considering her past I want to hold her over night and look into it a bit more make sure there isn't anything we missed." I nod. "Thank you." Jackson whispers for me as my head is already buried into his neck.  He sighs standing.

"I can tell you this though. Even after everything she's been through her brain still works and functions better than a normal brain." I smile at that. "When will she wake up?" He shrugs. "Hopefully when the fluids make her a little less dehydrated." I nod. "Thank you." He nods before leaving.

My stomach growls and I swallow softly shaking it off. "Baby are you hungry?" I shake my head. "No." He huffs. "Don't do that. I can hear your stomach growling." I turn my head towards him. "I'm not leaving her. I won't. Her mom left her with her dad and bad things happened. I can't leave her." He pecks the side of my face. "I'll get you something love. Just take a breath okay?" I nod. "Hurry back." He nods. "Of course."

He stands. "Emma daddy's going down to get some food. Do you want to come?" She clings to Sadie shaking her head. We glance at each other before smiling softly and he leaves. I sit with my knees in my chest. I plug my head phones in listen to music laying my head back softly to close my eyes. It wasn't loud as I could hear the beeping of her heart monitor. I feel a hand on my thigh and I sit straight up.

He places a hand on my cheek and I relax into his touch. "Don't scare me like that Jackson." He smiles. "I didn't mean to scare you love. I thought you heard me come in." I shake my head sighing to slow my racing heart. "Here's your food." I thank him before setting it next to me to pull out a sandwich. He had gotten Emma food but she had passed out before he had gotten back. I eat in silence as he watches me.

"What Jackie?" He shakes his head. "You're beautiful." I fake a smile. "Thanks but it's not really helpful right now." He leans into me and I look down before glancing back up at him. He lifts my face and his is inches from mine. "Mommy..." My head snaps towards the bed. "Sadie?!" I stand pulling her into my arms which wakes Emma who jumps in for a hug as well.

Jackson stands as well. "How do you feel?" She smiles. "A bit better." I smile combing through her hair. Jackson picks Emma up and she starts to cry and reach out for Sadie. "Emma, sweets, you have to eat." She frowns. "I want to eat with Sadie." He sighs nodding. He sets her back down handing her the food he brought her. She cuddles into Sadie's side nibbling on a fry.

I smile at Sadie. "Can I get you anything?" She shakes her head. "I think I'm gonna test some more though." I nod kissing her head. "We love you." She smiles. "I love you too." I take my seat again once she dozes and Jackson turns the tv on for Emma while she eats. I silently eat my food as he sits next to me.

"Teagan..." I look over at him. He is close to me again and I sigh. "Jackie..." He kisses me softly. "She is fine." He says before kissing me again I cup his face kissing him back. Someone clears their throats and I hide my face in his neck. "I'm sorry to interrupt but I have found the cause of Sadie's sickness."

I shoot up. "What is it?!" He sighs. "She has a stomach bug. It shouldn't be too contagious but if you'd like to take her home tonight you can?" Jackson sighs. "Is it safe for her to fly?" He nods. "She might be a little more nauseous but she should be fine." I thank him and he leaves. Jackson turns to me and I wrap my arms around him. "She's okay." He hums. "I love you baby girl." I hum into his neck. "I love you too jackie."


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