The world moves forward. Some days are good and some days are bad but who can complain when you're the daughter to a rich man and your happily engaged to the CEO of his own company. Not to mention you've got two beautiful little girls and your a sta...
"Jackie! Jackie!" He hums reaching a hand up to rub his eyes. "Love calm down you're shaking the bed." He says as I bounce softly. "I'm sorry Jackie I can't help it!" He takes my hand. "Com on. Let's go back to sleep." I stop bouncing climbing on top of him. "No Jackie. We have to get up. Get up Jackie. Up up." I say bouncing and he grabs my hip letting his eyes snap up to me. "Please stop doing that."
He whispers so softly and I blush. "Oh I'm sorry. I'm just excited is all." He smiles taking both of my hands. "Excited for?" I smiles widely. "My mother called and she wants to take the kids for three day weekend. They are gonna go off on my dads yacht." He smiles. "And why are you excited for that?" I bite my lip. "Because I called and asked grandpa if we could come down and he said that he was excited to see me and Zane. So I called Zane and..." He smiles. "Love you're rambling." I take a breath. "Me, you, Zane, and his girlfriend are going down to Florida for the weekend."
He takes a breath looking up at me. "If that's okay of course?" I say softly letting the excitement slip. "Hey whatever you want remember that was the deal remember. For a week you're my princess." I sigh. "I don't want to force you to go Jackie." He brushes a thumb over my cheek. "I'm not being forced baby. I would love to go it's just a weekend with Zane and his girlfriend. Are you sure?" I nod. "I miss him Jackie and maybe this could be like old times again. I can always hope." He smiles. "Okay love but try not to get too upset if it's nothing like you expect." I shake my head. "No promises." He rolls his eyes and I bounce some more. "Get up." His eyes shut before he's digging his fingers into my hip. "Ow Jackie." He sighs. "Teagan..."
I frown. "Sorry Jackie I forgot." He smiles opening his eyes. "It's okay love. I'm glad to see you so happy. Would you like me to run a bath for you?" I shake my head. "No that's okay. Oh I have to pick my outfit." I get up turning to him. "No peeking Jackie. Up up though." He hums. "Yes ma'am."
"Okay." I whisper softly. "Jackie!" I flatten out my shirt. I wore a white shirt with a pair of denim shorts and my black and brown cowgirl boots.
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He steps out the bathroom drying his hair. He stops staring at me. "What have you done with my wife?" I smile. "Scratch that I don't even want her back." He says pulling me against him to kiss me. "Stop Jackie you're getting me wet." He huffs. "Fine but when I'm dry we will continue this conversation." I laugh some nodding. "I'm gonna go wake the kids." He nods pulling a black shirt from a hanger. "When you're done I'd like a glass of cold lemonade." He smiles. "Sure thing." I leave heading to Sadie's room. Ever since she got sick Emma has slept with Sadie. She refuses to go to her bed. I flip the light on. "Girls it's time to get up." Sadie groans. "Mommy it's Saturday." I hum. "Grandma and grandpa are coming to get you for the weekend." She shoots up. "Really?!" I nod. "Emma get up! We are going to grandma and grandpa's!" Emma stirs.
"Are we really mommy?" She asks softly. I nod at Emma. It's not long before they are shooting up. I get them dressed Emma is in a sundress and Sadie is in shorts and a shirt. "Come on let's go see what daddy made for breakfast." They gasp looking at each other. "Daddy!" They yell in unison before running down the stairs. "Be careful girls." They get down safely running into him. Emma hugs his legs and Sadie hugs his side. "Daddy!" He looks at me. "Mommy just where could our kids be today?" I smile shrugging. "I have no clue." He sighs. "Well I sure hope they turn up soon you know the tickle monster hates to wait." He says dropping down to his knees tickling them. They giggle and I watch fondly. "There you guys are. The tickle monster was getting impatient." They giggle. "Daddy! Stop!" He blows raspberries on their cheeks. "Come on kiddos. Daddy made pancakes for breakfast."
Emma smiles. "With chippies?" I smile knowing she means chocolate chips. He scoops her up. "Of course with chippies!" He makes them a plate and pushing a cup of lemonade towards me. "Anything else love?" I shake my head. "No I think that's it." He hums. "Eat something?" I shake my head. "Not hungry but thanks." He frowns. "Are you okay?" I nod. "Yeah just fine." He nods before going to sit next to the kids to eat.
"Grandma! Grandpa!" They yell in unison. Jackson and I smile. "Hey kiddos. Who wants to go shopping for toys and stuff?" They cheer. I roll my eyes. "Daddy I told you." He nods. "Teagan come on their my grandkids. Who knows if Zane's ever gonna give me one. Let me spoil these two." I huff nodding. "Just go easy." He hums. "Deal." I hand them their bags and we kiss their heads with a final goodbye. We shut the door to our home after watching them leave.
He pulls me against him. "Now that I'm dry let's talk about this baby girl." He says drumming his fingertips against my bare thigh. "What about it Jackie? You've seen me in a lot less." He smiles. "Yeah those are some good thoughts." I hit him. "But I meant this whole country thing." I smile. "What about it? This is how I always dress when I go down to Florida. My grandpa always had some dirty work for me to do so I just came prepared."
He pushes me to the wall letting his nose skim my neck. "Baby this is gonna be the hardest three days of my life." I swallow. "Kiss me." He smiles pressing his lips to mine. I pull back when it gets heated. "We don't have time for this. Keep it in your pants Jackie. Remember we promised that things were gonna be different. Do you think you can contain yourself?" He cups my face shaking his head. "No way in hell. I'll try though but if I slip baby. If I slip don't be mad. I love you." I sigh nodding softly. "I love you too Jackie."