The world moves forward. Some days are good and some days are bad but who can complain when you're the daughter to a rich man and your happily engaged to the CEO of his own company. Not to mention you've got two beautiful little girls and your a sta...
I wake up in the morning stretching before climbing out of bed. I grab a sheet because it was cold going to find Jackson who wasn't lying next to me. It's been two weeks and Sadie's gotten a lot better her and Emma were at school currently and things seemed to be going well again.
I stumble my way down the stairs to his office. I open the door softly creeping in as he types away on his laptop. I make my way to him and he smiles up at me. "Hey baby. How are you?" I climb into his lap placing my face in his neck humming. He laughs a little. "Baby..." He whispers combing through my messy hair. I peck his neck so he will spit out what he needs to say. "I have a bit more work to do love. I made some French toast. Why don't you go get some?" I sit up. "French toast?" He nods. "I've never had it." He smiles. "Go try it. You'll love it. I go to get up and he cups my face. "Then do whatever you need to do to make this gorgeous face even more beautiful because we have some things to do." I lean in and he kisses me. "Good morning to you too Jackie." He rolls his eyes. "I love you baby. Now up. I need to spend time with you today but this stuff has to get done and I promise you by the time your bath is done and you look as beautiful as always I'll be done okay?" I nod. "Okay Jackie. I love you too." I steal one more kiss before getting up.
I grab a piece of French toast before heading up to take a bath. The doorbell rings and I throw on my robe because I had already stripped and head downstairs. Jackson had already answered it but when I heard the female voice I got curious. "Hey I seemed to be a bit lost. I was looking for oak street." She was a very pretty girl. She had hair like mine and the deepest blue eyes.
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Jackson nods. "Yeah I guess you are a bit lost. You're a long ways from oak street. Are you walking?" She nods. "Listen let me call you a cab please." She immediately shakes her head. "No I can't." He sighs. "I insist." I step into view. "Hey love. I was just gonna call this girl a cab she's trying to get to oak street." I swallow. "Can't she hitch hike, she's pretty." He snaps his head to me. "Teagan! I'm sorry miss she's usually not this rude." The lady smiles. "That's okay. I'll just wait at the end of your driveway. I don't want to intrude. Thank you though." He nods and she leaves. He shuts the door. He gives me a stern look.
"Jackie..." He huffs. "Normally I would let the jealousy go because it was usually provoked but this time was just uncalled for. Go take your bath. We can talk later." I frown softly watching him leave. I drag myself back up the stairs to take a bath.
I get out of the tub pulling on my panties and my bra heading out of the bathroom. I hear Jackson huff as he steps into the bedroom. I frown knowing he's probably still upset with me so I don't push. I step into the closet retrieving a white and maroon shirt with some denim shorts.
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When I step out of the closet he turns to glance at me before giving me his full attention. I stare back at him. "Is something wrong?" I ask setting my clothes on the bed examining my still half naked body. He shakes his he swallowing thickly. I shrug walking over to him. "Jackie listen I want you to know I'm sorry. It was rude of me to say what I did and I'm sorry I got jealous Jackie. I just love you and sometimes when pretty people pop up I get insecure. I'm sorry it's my instinct as a girl. I really hope you aren't mad." He stared down at me as I smile genuinely hopeful that he's not mad.
"Of course I'm not mad at you love. I was at first but now that I understand why you did it how could I be mad. Listen baby you are so beautiful. You just have no idea what you do to me. I can't leave you because no one has ever done things to me like you can." I fall into him hugging him. He swallows before lightly wrapping his arms around me. "I love you." He smiles. "I love you too." He holds me a little too long. "You can let go now Jackie." He blushes. "Oh right. Sorry." I peck his cheek. "It's alright." I go to step away and he grabs my wrist spinning me back around kissing me harshly. "Baby I've tried. I've been trying so hard for you but I can't take it anymore." I stare up at him. "Oh..." I say softly. He sighs. "I won't force you Teagan..." I shake my head.
"You deserve this. It's been long enough but after this the rules still apply. This change has been a good thing." He smiles cupping my face. "I couldn't have agreed more." He kisses me roughly before picking me up pressing my back to the wall. He has one arm around my bare waist and the other on the wall. He moves his lips to my neck immediately find that one spot. I gasp locking my fingers in his hair. "I love you. God I love you so much."
He huffs softly against my neck. "I'm gonna spoil you so much baby. Anything you want I promise you it will end up in your pretty little hands." I hum. "I'd like a kitty." He smiles at me. "Maybe we can get a field cat to stay with Shadow." He whispers setting me on the bed before removing his clothes.
"We need to check on him again." He rips his shirt from his body. "I've got it all taken care of love. Now let me take care of you first okay?" I nod as he crawls on top of me pressing his lips to mine.
"I don't see the point of this game baby." I smile filling my bucket with feed. "Fill your buckets and I bet you that I can get my buckets to the barn faster than you can." He smirks. "Yeah and what are we betting?" I give him a firm glare. He raises his hands. "I wasn't thinking that. I meant more like if I win you make me breakfast in bed for a week." I hum. "Deal but if I win you have to treat me like a princess and that means that whatever I say goes no matter how crazy the demand." He sticks out his hand. "Deal." Once our buckets are full we pick them up before running off in the direction of the barn.
We had come out to feed Shadow and to check on him. It was probably about noon and the kids would get off soon. We were about to leave when Jackson decided we was stronger than me. That's how I ended up sprinting towards the barn with two ten pound buckets of feed. I didn't know where Jackson was but I took as a good sign when I came up on the barn. I got to the doorway stopping before dropping the buckets. "Jackie!" I didn't see him and I feel someone pick me up from behind. I scream and he shushes me.
"It's just me baby girl." I sigh harshly before hitting him. "Don't do that." He laughs. "So you won?" He shakes his head. "No baby girl you did." I look at him funny. "But you got here first." He smiles. "Prove it." I smile at him. "I love you Jackie." He hums. "I love you too." Shadow nays and I laugh. "He's probably hungry. Go ahead and take the rest of the feed back I'm gonna feed him and I'll probably leave him out over night." He nods.
"Sure thing baby." I smile watching him take his bucket back down to the shed. I bite my lip before picking up both of my buckets moving them closer to his stall before letting him out. He eats right out of the buckets. I shake my head. "I know buddy I'm gonna get you some real hay but for now these flakes will have to do. I dump the buckets out and he eats. I hug him kissing his head and scratching behind his ears. "I'll see you tomorrow Shadow." He nays before going back to eating. I pick up the empty buckets heading back to the shed to meet Jackson.