The world moves forward. Some days are good and some days are bad but who can complain when you're the daughter to a rich man and your happily engaged to the CEO of his own company. Not to mention you've got two beautiful little girls and your a sta...
"Almost ready love?" I smile softly. "Yeah almost." I put the last pin in my hair flattening out my dress. It was read lace with a white underneath in a high and low design.
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I step out of the bathroom and he has Emma in his arms. She gasps. "Mommy looks beautiful." He turns to me and he stares breathlessly. "Okay daddy put your tongue back in your mouth and let's get you off to bed Emma." I say taking her from him. I head down the hallway tucking her in for bed. "Daddy's so lucky. I hope to be beautiful like you one day mommy." I smile. "You will sweetie but you've got to grow first. And to grow you need sleep. Not too much but just enough." I kiss her head.
"I love you honey. Uncle Zane is here if you need anything. Me and daddy should be back long before you wake up alright?" She nods. "Goodnight mommy." I smile. "Goodnight Emma." I head out of her room and back to ours for my heels. "Must you wear those?" I nod. "They make you almost as tall as me." I hum. "That's the point dumb dumb." He frowns. "I like you short." I hit him playfully. "First of all I'm not short. Second you invited me to a banquet so you get heels."
He pulls me closer. "You are short darling but I love it." I push him back. "Whatever Jackson. Come on before we are late." He follows me. "Oh and Jackie try not to drool." He smiles. "Too late for that. You are stunning." I laugh. "I meant over other people Jackie." He rubs the back of his head. "Oh well you don't have to worry about that." I hum softly making my way downstairs. "Don't you look beautiful. It's hard to believe you're my baby sister." I hug Zane. "It's great to see you too Zaney." He smiles at Jackson. "How have you been Jackson? Hope you've been keeping her happy." Jackson opens his mouth but I cut him off. "Yeah yeah. Oh how's that girl you've been seeing?" He smiles. "Great. Absolutely great." I hum.
"Well I'd love to meet her sometime. Anyways we need to be going. Call if you need anything." He nods waving as we leave. We climb into his car and I tuck my dress in softly before shutting the door. "God I don't know one person that I would rather watch tuck their dress into the passenger side of my car than you." I smile. "Shut up and drive Jackie before we really are late." He hums starting the car and backing out of the driveway.
He pulls up and of course there are cameras everywhere taking pictures of these people. "Didn't realize it was gonna be this big." I say touching my stomach. He takes my hand. "Hey I've got you. Watch me not them okay?" I nod softly. We pull up giving valet our keys. He takes my hand and the cameras flashing are the first things I see. He pulls me to him and pauses. I just stare up at him and before too long he pulls me inside. "Are you okay?" I nod softly. "I need a drink though." He smiles. "It's still early." I huff. "I meant a regular drink Jackie. Promise me you won't drink." He pecks my cheek. "I promise." I smile. "You better mean it." He places his hand on the small of my back. "I do. Now let's get you something with absolutely no liquor in it." I hum. He takes me to the bar. "Do you have coke?" He nods. "I want it straight out of the can. No liquor." The bartender nods pouring the can into a cup with ice. "Here you go. That'll be ten dollars." I gasp softly. Jackson throws down the ten taking my hand. He pulls us to a table and we sit. "Jackson that was a lot to pay for one coke." He smiles. "Baby you once told me what's the point of having the money if you didn't have anyone to spend it on. I already have what I need Teagan. Money could never buy it so who cares if I blow it." I smile. "And what do you need Jackson?" He kisses my hand. "You darling. And those two beautiful kids you've given me." The waiter comes around with menus. "Good evening. Order whatever you'd like. The banquet has been payed for by Mr. Sheppard." My eyes catch him from across the room and I think the man is good looking. But my heart belonged to Jackie. Always would. He lifts his head looking at me with a smile and I return my attention to the waiter in a calm way. To say his gaze affected me would be a lie. I only got butterflies from Jackie. Always have. Always will.
I look down at the menu. "I'll have this." I say pointing to the word that I can in no way pronounce but the description sounded delicious. Jackson orders the same and the waiter leaves. "So do you know Mr. Sheppard?" He hums. "You met his sister the other day." I gasp. "He's Ember's brother?!" The man extends his hand. "Well it seems you know me but I've not yet to put a name to your pretty face." I smile. "Teagan." I give him my hand and he presses a gentle kiss to it. Jackson's hand drums impatiently on my thigh. "It's very lovely to meet you. My sister can be a brat and a very straightforward person. But I on the other hand am a charming young man who would love you as slow as you would want me too." I laugh some. "I'm flattered but I'm engaged." He gasps. "My apologies. Might I see the ring." I show him my ring and he smiles. "It's pretty but quite small for my taste. I'd go for something much larger. But I do have to respect those who love small packages." Jackson slams his hands on the table. "Leave." He says standing and an older man steps up. "Ryan what on either are you doing bothering the Peters. Jackson I am so sorry for my sons foul behavior and my daughters the day before. I hope to do business with you but I see I can't trust my children to do what I ask of them. I will be in touch." He pushes the boy hurrying them out of the banquet. I take Jackson hand in mine.
"Hey hey. It's okay." He seems to relax some. "I'm sorry." I shake my head. "He insulted you Jackie. I would have reacted the same." He huffs. "The ring is a bit small." I smile. "Then buy me a new one but you have to keep yours." He hums. "Why's that?" I smile. "Because it was a gift from me. Just like that cheap watch you wear on your wrist." He gasps falsely. "Hey I love that watch." I scratch at the back of his head. "I know baby." He kisses me gently. I hum. "Does this mean I'm getting a new ring?" He smiles. "Hell yeah! You just offered to let me buy you something and something expensive at that. You can bet your pretty little ass I'm buying it." I giggle softly laying my head on his shoulder. "I love you Jackie." He sighs. "I love you too baby girl."
"Thanks again Zane." He waves. "No problem. Good night." I wave back. "Goodnight." I offered for him to stay but he insisted on leaving. I change into a tank top and some sweatpants taking my hair down. I hang my dress up neatly and roll my eyes at Jackson's clothes that are scattered on the bedroom floor. "Babe throw your stuff in the hamper." The bathroom door opens and he steps out in boxers drying his hair. "What love?" I stare for a second. "Put your clothes in the hamper not on the floor." He smiles. "Oh I'm sorry. I was just so ready for that shower." I hum. "It's fine." He steps over to me pulling me against his bare chest. "How about me and you go ring shopping tomorrow?" I smile. "Sounds great but you're not getting out of that doctors appointment." He smiles. "Of course not baby." He pecks my head. "Are you ready for bed?" I chew on my lip. "Are you tired?" He smiles. "Not if you want me to stay up." I sigh. "No it's okay. You can sleep." He sits on the bed opening his arms for me. I climb into them. "What do you want Teagan?" I sigh. "My nails need to be repainted and I didn't get dessert from the banquet." He kisses me gently. "Go pick a color baby." I smile widely. "You mean it." He nods. "I'll do your toes too if you'd like. I'll go whip up something smothered in chocolate for you." I squeak before jumping up. I run into the bathroom and he stands before I running back out jumping into his embrace kissing him and running back off. He laughs some before I hear him leave. I pick white for my toes and this pretty pinkish orange for my fingers. I jog off downstairs finding him literally smothering something in melted chocolate. "Don't ask me how I made it just enjoy it." I take a bite groaning softly. "This is the best thing I've ever tasted." He smiles having me sit so he can do my toes. "Jackie?" He hums. "Thank you for being my best friend." He lifts his head. "Thank you for being my whole world." I lay my head on his shoulder as he continues to paint my toes. I smile contently. Things were getting better. I had my fiancée back and that feeling was better than anything in this world.