The world moves forward. Some days are good and some days are bad but who can complain when you're the daughter to a rich man and your happily engaged to the CEO of his own company. Not to mention you've got two beautiful little girls and your a sta...
When I wake up I see Jackson holding Emma on his hip. "Now let's get you dressed munchkin." She smiles. "Okay daddy." I groan and they leave before I can comprehend anything else. When I open my eyes again I am being shaken by Jackson. "Hey love wake up." I groan. "One more minute." He laughs some. "No Teagan. I don't want to be late." I scrunch my face up. "What..." I open my eyes staring in awe at his attire. He had a dress shirt with blue slacks and his usual dress shoes and his watch that I bought him was perched on his wrist.
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"Honey close your mouth you'll catch flies." I close my mouth blushing. "Ugh...what..." He pecks my lips. "I need to go to work and I need you to come to help with some things. If you don't mind." I shake my head. "No ugh...just let me get dressed." He nods. "Of course." He helps me up before pushing me gently towards the closet. I sigh pulling on a black top and a grey pencil skirt with black heels.
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I step out sighing only to be pulled into Jackson. "Look at you." I groan closing my eyes. "I'm so tired." He lifts my head pressing his lips to mine. He brushes he's nose against mine. "We don't have time love. You can rest at the office okay?" I open my eyes and he smiles. "You have the most beautiful eyes baby girl." I hum. "I can't do this sweet talking right now. I'm too tired." I say laying my head on his shoulder. "Okay love. Let's go."
I groan softly opening my eyes and I'm lying on Jackson's office couch. "Mr. Peters Selena is here." I sit up looking at him and he glances at me. "Give me about five minutes and send her in." He gets up. "How are you?" I smile. "I'm good." He sits next to me. "How'd you sleep?" I laugh. "I slept good. Thank you." There's a pause. "So Selena?" He sighs. "She's a pain in my ass." I hum. "That's my job." He smiles to before I press my lips to his. There's a knock and he huffs. "I said five minutes." He whispers. "Come in!" The blonde that steps in was just beautiful stunning even. She had money that was clear to see and she smiles widely at Jackson but when she sees me her stare lingers.
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"Selena..." She drops her bag. "Who's this?" He looks at me. "This is my wife Teagan." She scuffs. "Wife?! Why didn't you tell me last night?!" I look at him and his jaw locks. "What do you mean last night?" She laughs. "You didn't tell her Jackie. Honey we're do you think he was until nine at night?" I sigh. "Working." She smirks. "Yeah me." Jackson stiffens. "That's not true." She laughs. "You know it did. Don't lie about it." He throws the candle sitting on the table. "You kissed me!" I gasp. "You bitch!" I jump at her but Jackson catches me after a few hits. "And you!" He raises his hands in defeat. "You didn't even think to mention this to me! You came home and reassured me of all these things and I never even knew about this!" He sighs. "You were upset I didn't want to upset you more!" I pull the ring off my finger. "You always did have a thing for blondes." He grabs me. "No dammit I'm tired of this! I don't like her baby. She kissed me! I love you! I mean hell just the other day we talked about a baby! I'm not letting you walk out this time!" I pull free. "You don't get a say!" I say before storming out of the room.
I'm crying softly in some room that I locked myself in. I mean I know he didn't intentionally kiss her but he never told me. Why couldn't he have just told me? The door handle jiggles and in steps Cody shoving the keys back in his pocket. "Go away." He lifts his head to see me. "Teagan...." I wipe my eyes. "Did Jackson send you?" He locks the door back. "No, I mean he told me but I assumed you went home." I shrug and he takes a seat on the floor next to me. "It just hurts he never told me. If it was her then why couldn't he have told me?" He hugs me. "Hey I can't answer that question but I know that he loves you. Words couldn't explain that. Not mine probably not even his. Listen I wouldn't tell you this if I didn't really believe it. People mess up Teagan. He didn't let him kiss her and he didn't kiss her first. Besides the way he talks about it he didn't want to upset you anymore then you already were. He didn't tell me details but he knew that upsetting you would only make you hurt worse and he can't take that. Not from you. I hate to say it but one of the most powerful men I know you can actually bring to his knees just by being around. Just take some time but don't do anything you'll regret." He sighs standing.
"Oh he also slipped this to me and I'm assuming it's yours." He says reaching into his pocket for the ring. I take it. "Yeah it's mine. Thank you Cody." He shakes his head. "No problem. Would you like me to lock the door on the way out?" I nod. "Please and don't tell Jackson where to find me." He nods before leaving.
I play with the ring in my hand and before I know it it's getting dark outside. I stand stretching before fixing my skirt. The door handle jiggles and I assume it's Cody but when Jackson steps in I frown. "Yeah I just need to..." He stops staring at me. "Grab some files." He shuts the door and I clear my throat lifting my head proudly. I can't let him get the best of me. "I thought you left." He says softly. "I probably should have. I assume Selena stayed long enough for me." He shakes his head. "I said some hurtful things and she left." I nod. "Good." He steps towards me and I sigh. "I had Zane pick the kids up. I think it's time I go home." He frowns. "Oh well okay. I won't be far behind you then. Do you....ugh...want me to pick up dinner?" I nod. "That's fine." He scratches the back of his head. "Are we gonna talk?" I swallow before shaking my head. I step past him leaving.
I get to the elevator sighing softly. I push the button waiting patiently for it to reach me. "Teagan?!" I turn seeing Cody. "I'm heading home. He knows I've been here this whole time. The truth is I'm scared to think what else he's hiding from me." The elevator dings and I get in. "I'm going home to take care of my babies. I'll see you later." He nods softly and I see Jackson approaching with a sad look. The doors close but I never lose eye contact until they do. Once he's out of sight I huff before letting more tears fall. I prayed for love and it's moments like this that I had wished I never found it.