Chapter 17: Headed to Rome

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*A Week Later*

"Are you sure everything's packed?!" I sigh. "Yes mom I'm sure." She kisses my head before kissing Emma and Sadie. She wraps her arms around Jackson. "Be careful, check in okay?" We nod softly saying goodbye before getting back in the car. "Paws we are gonna have so much fun. I know it's a change but it's a good one." Emma mumbles to her stuffed dog. I smile.

"How's he taking it?" She frowns. "Not well but I think he'll like it." I hum. "Now kids when we get to the plane I need you to stick with me. I don't want to be separated from you guys when we get seated." Jackson laughs. "What's funny?" He takes my hand. "You think we are gonna take a normal plane." I huff. "You didn't..." He hums. "Oh but I had too. I peeked into your bag this morning." I cover his mouth.

Emma cocks her head. "What was in your bag?" I fake a smile. "Cookies sweetie." She gasps. "Yay!" I frown. "Unfortunately daddy ate them all sorry." She frowns. "Hey I'm sure the plane will have some. I'm gonna search mommy's bag for something else to eat." I smack him behind the head. The kids giggle and I roll my eyes huffing before folding my arms.

He pours softly and block my finger as I flip him off. He smirks. "Gladly." I laugh. "You're this close Jackie." I say before letting my smile drop. He huffs nodding. He pulls up to the back of the air port and we get out. "Ah Mr. Peters." He smiles. "Hey Freddie." I take Emma from the backseat and Sadie runs around to Jackson. "Mrs. Peters. And look the little ones."

He gasps at Emma's dog. "And who's this handsome fella?" She giggles. "Paws. He's kind scared to leave though." He taps her nose. "Well we will just have to show him how much fun we can have right?" She giggles. "Right." He hums. "Now come on the plane is waiting." Jackson takes my hand. "Are you ready?" I nod. "Yeah as ready as I'll ever be."


"Okay that's the last of it. Tell the pilot we are ready for take off." Freddie nods. "Okay kids out of the bedroom. Come on we have to get buckled into a seat." They skip along and Jackson plops them both in a seat. Emma frowns. "Hey what's that frown for?" She picks at her nails and he smiles lovingly at her before stopping her. "I left paws in the back." I extend the dog out to her. "No I have him right here." Her eyes light up as she takes him into her arms and Jackson finishes buckling them up."

Jackson smiles. "Now girls when the plane take off don't forget that your eyes are gonna feel funny okay?" They nod. We had explained everything a few days before. Me and Jackson take a seat and he has to help me with my belt. "You know she's just like you. Look at her." He whispers softly. I glance over smiling to myself. "I hope she's the happy bubbly side of me." He hums. "She is watch. Hey Sadie?" She raises her eyebrows. He makes a face and both kids laugh but Emma kicks her little legs as she giggles loudly.

He looks at me with the biggest smile. "Thank you so much." He says kissing me. I hum admiring both of our daughters. They were talking to each other and when the plane takes off Emma reaches out for Sadie's hand. I hug Jackson's arm. "No thank you." I whisper softly.

He smiles at me laying his head on mine and when the plane finally takes off Freddie comes back. "Okay so it's gonna be a total twelve hour flight so I suggest you get reading." He says laying down a book on speaking Italian. I scuff. "Lui non ha bisogno di un libro quando hes me." (Why does he need a book when he's got me.) Freddie gasps. "Ah mrs. Peter non ha mai detto che tu fossi così fluente. Forse puoi parlare qualche conoscenza nella sua testa." (Ah mrs. Peters he hadn't told me you were fluent. Maybe you can talk some knowledge into his head.) I laugh some as Jackson looks between us confusingly.

I grip the back of his hair turning his face to mine. "Gli insegno tutto quello che ha bisogno di sapere." (I'll teach him everything he needs to know.) Jackson stares breathless at me. "Are we still talking about Italian?" I glance up at him. "Sì, ma a lui non tanto." (Yes but not to him.) Freddie laughs and Jackson nudges his nose against mine. "No no pretty boy we have to get you ready to land. Come on." He pouts. "Tra me e te può essere più facile per portarti ovunque che per insegnargli." (It may be easier to just bring you everywhere than to teach him.) I huff at Freddie. "Ho un modo per lui di imparare, ma ho bisogno di guardare i bambini." (I have a way to teach him but I need to watch the kids.)

He smiles. "I'll watch them. Go." I unbuckle my belt standing before tugging Jackson back to the bedroom with me. He smiles shutting the door. "No don't get that smirk on your face sit." He does and I sigh. "Let me tell you how this works. I'm gonna say something in Italian and I want you to repeat it and then use that book to tell me what it means okay?" He nods. "Each time you get it right you'll get one step closer to what you really want. Deal?" He nods rapidly. I think softly to myself. "Ehi come stai?"

He repeats it better than I thought he would. "Great now what's it mean?" He digs through the book. "Hey how are you?" He looks up at me and I nod pressing a long loving kiss to his lips. "Okay. Posso aiutarvi?" He digs and I wait patiently. "Can I help?" I hum undoing the first few buttons on my shirt. "Questa è mia moglie e le mie figlie." He digs and I can tell he gets a bit impatient when he can't find it. I unbutton my shirt some more before straddling him. "Come on Jackie." He looks up at me. "This is my wife and daughters." I hum and he kisses me. "Jackie...." He throws the book before pinning me to the bed. "Who needs to learn when those words fall off that beautiful tongue of yours so perfectly?" He attaches his lips to my chest and I huff. "Jackie..." I whine. "I knew you were holding out on me." I huff. "No Jackie you need to learn." He lifts his face. "So you want me to stop?" He says before attaching his lips to my neck. "We should but I've never wanted you too." He smiles sucking harshly on my neck. I throw my head back locking my fingers in his hair. "You know sex on a jet might not be too bad." I glare. "You had to ruin it Jackie." He laughs some before pressing his lips back to mine.


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