The world moves forward. Some days are good and some days are bad but who can complain when you're the daughter to a rich man and your happily engaged to the CEO of his own company. Not to mention you've got two beautiful little girls and your a sta...
I pull the drain on the tub grabbing my towel as I climb out. I dry off pulling my under garments in before pulling on a light pink shirt with no sleeves and my white pants.
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I step out of the bathroom seeing that Jackson's gone. I just assumed he was using a different bathroom than me but when he steps out of the closet all dressed up I'm mesmerized and a little excited we have a walk in closet.
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"Well?" I smile widely at him. "You look handsome." He smiles. "Thank you. I must say the rich preppie look is nice on you." I laugh. "Don't get used to it. I'm only helping you today for good measures." He kisses me. "I'm thankful." I hum. "You better be. Now I have to get the kids dressed." He pecks my head. "It's done." I nod softly. "Well thank you." He checks himself in the mirror once more.
"They should be eating some cereal. We have time if you would like to grab a bowl." I sigh. "I think I just might." He turns to me. "I'll be down shortly love." I kiss him once more before heading down to the kitchen where the kids sit dressed and eating their cereal. "Good morning girls." They smile. "Good morning mommy." I hear in unison.
I pour a bowl of cereal sitting at the table when Sadie speaks. "Daddy said that we were going to the park." I nod. "Yes daddy has something he needs to do for work so you guys and Freddie will be playing in the park next to us while me and daddy talk with his workers." She nods softly.
Emma frowns though. "Mommy you aren't gonna start working all the time too are you?" I shake my head. "No sweetie it's just for today. I'll tell you what tomorrow we can go shopping. Hopefully daddy can come too okay?" She smiles nodding. He steps off the last step. "Are we ready?" He asks and Emma cheers. "Daddy!" He scoops her before taking a bite out of my cereal. "I'll take that as a yes. Come on Sadie. Last one to the car is a rotten egg." She gets up running after him. I sigh getting up to following them.
I step out of the car watching as the two men along with Cody turn looking at me and Jackson's not far behind. The kids are taken to the park with Freddie that's within walking distance of us. "Uomini gentili, signor Peters." (Gentle men, Mr. Peters.) Cody says to the men and one smiles as we step up. "E chi è quella calda?" (And who's the hot one?) I fold my arms.
"Forse dovrei tradurre così mio marito può rispondere a questa domanda per voi." (Maybe I should translate to my husband so he can answer that question for you.) He scuffs turning away from me before stepping away. I smile turning to Jackson. "Anything you'd like to say?" He nods. "Tell him I'm happy to work with him and I'm ready to get this thing built." Cody translates and the man nods.
"Beh, sono contento, siamo pronti come te. Oh e signora mi dispiace per il mio partner." (Well I'm glad, we are as ready as you are. Oh and madam I'm sorry about my partner.) I nod my head with a smile. "He's glad to work with you too." I say softly. "So where do we begin?" He asks and I translate.
The man thinks softly to himself. "Ben prima si dovrà confermare le cianografie con i contraenti. Poi andiamo da lì." Cody sighs. "He says first we have to confirm the blueprints with the contractors then we go from there." He nods. "So when do we confirm?" Cody asks politely.
The man answers simply. "Ora." I look at Jackson. "Now." Cody smiles at me. "Non voglio davvero farti andare oltre ho questo Teagan. Preferirei fargli fare delle domande sul perché te ne sei andato allora cosa dicono veramente quei tizi." (I don't really want to let you go over I have this Teagan. I'd rather ask him questions about why you left then what those guys really say.)
I nod. "Jackson I'm gonna go back with the kids. You and Cody have this covered." He kisses me. "Okay. I'll see you soon love." I nod before stepping off in the direction of the park. When I get there Freddie is sitting on a bench while the kids swing. "Mommy!" They cheer and I wave as they continue to swing and I sit next to Freddie.
"So how'd it go?" I sigh. "Good I assume except for the fact that one of the main contractors called me hot." He scuffs. "Jackson must have hated that." I sigh. "Jackson doesn't know and I'd like to keep it that way please." He nods. "I understand why you're keeping it low so I'm on board." I huff in relief. "Thank you Freddie." He nods. "Of course now. I seen an ice cream cart how about we take the little ones for some." I nod. "Yeah that sounds fine. Kids would you like to get ice cream." Sadie jumps off the swing helping Emma off before running over to me and Freddie. I scoop Emma up taking Sadie's hand. "Okay come on."
I'm sitting on the bench with Sadie in my lap playing on my phone with Emma looking over her shoulder. We've probably been out here for an hour and I assumed that was a good sign until the black car pulls up behind the bench and Jackson rolls his window down calling my name. The kids jump up. "Daddy!" They say rushing over to him. "Hey guys get in let's go home." I can hear the edge in his voice. "Jackie..." He glares up at me before rolling up his window.
I frown but me and Freddie grab the kids and get into the car. Jackson's quiet the whole ride. When we get to the house Freddie takes the kids inside and I get out worriedly. "So how'd the meeting go?" He looks down at me as the car pulls off. "How'd it go?! It went great until I made Cody translate what they were really saying! All the construction works want to have sex with my wife and of course I didn't just let them talk about you like that! So now I'm in Rome with a 250,000 dollar house and a branch that needs to be built! So it went just peachy!" I frown.
"Jackie you didn't have to stand up for me?" He looks at me. "Teagan are you stupid?! Of course I did. I love you." I fold my arms. "Really? Cause you just called me stupid and it sounds to me like you are throwing some blame on me." He huffs. "Teagan I don't have time for you to pick at my words okay?!" I scuff. "And what do you have time for Jackie?! That company you love so much?! Oh wait you have no one to build it! So when you stop being a stuck up rich snob who thinks everything should fall into place for him come find me so we can figure this out!" I step off and he speaks up. "Yeah well maybe I just find someone else!Any girl would be glad to have a rich snob like me!" I turn softly stepping up to him with tears pooling in my eyes. "You dragged me halfway across the world and when things don't go your way you tell me that you'll find someone else?! Maybe you should Jackie! No ones gonna do for you what I have! But let me tell you something good luck finding me once I'm gone!" I say stomping off towards the house. I slam the door and Freddie steps up to me. "The kids were having fun coloring and playing so I just figured I'd go if that okay." I nod. "Thanks Freddie." He nods before stepping past me.
I head into the bedroom closing the door before sitting on the bed. I fall into my pillow sobbing until I pass out and all that's left is the silence and sadness mixed in the air.