Chapter 36: Raelynn's Heartbreak

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I roll over hearing the birds chirping softly. I smile reaching over for Jackson and he's not there. "Jackie..." I groan. "Yeah okay. I love you too." I open my eyes seeing him standing by the window before violently throwing his phone. I sit up softly. "Jackie..." I say my voice barely a whisper. He turns to me watching me. I get up stepping around the pieces of his phone that's ruined. "Jackson..." He melts down into wrapping me in a hug forming to me.

"Raelynn didn't tell me there was a boy....he just broke her heart." He says taking a fistful of my shirt. I scratch at his scalp. "Jackie come on. Come lay down with me. You need to calm down for her. She needs you Jackie but you can't go like this." He nods softly and we climb back into bed. He cuddles me like normal as I run my fingers through his hair. "What happened?" I whisper and he sighs. "She got to school and saw her boyfriend kissing another girl. She ran home crying and she called me when she got there. I'm paying him a visit at school and you aren't stopping me." I huff. "I won't let you do it alone though. That's fair." He nods kissing my neck softly. "I can't believe someone would hurt someone as kind as her like that."

I clear my throat and he frowns softly. "That's just how middle school is Jackie." He scuffs. "Middle school sucks." I nod. "Yeah I know Jackie but you can't hold her hand forever." He shakes his head. "No but she's twelve Teagan. She shouldn't have had a boyfriend in the first place." He says raising his voice a bit.

"Hey don't get defensive. I agree. I'm just acknowledging the fact that this is just the start Jackson. She's growing up." He huffs relaxing some. "I know Teagan. I know." I comb through his hair kissing his head softly before the room falls silent.


"Jackie..." I whisper softly and he lowers the radio taking my hand. "Yes love?" I sigh. "Have you ever done something like this before?" He glances at me. We were headed to see Jackson's sister. "You mean cheated?" I shake my head. "Not cheating per se. Just like a peck that shouldn't have happened. It doesn't have to have been with me." He huffs. "No Teagan I've never. Have you?" I frown hearing the anger in his tone. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have spoke." He huffs. "It's too late. I gave you an answer Teagan." I sigh looking down before pulling my hand from his. "Of course I haven't Jackie." I say barely above a whisper. He reaches over placing a hand on my thigh.

We don't talk but I look over at him and he winks at me. A smile spreads across my lips as he pulls against the curb of his old house. He turns to me. "I'm sorry." He sways pressing a kiss to my lips. He smiles getting out and immediately Raelynn is running out of the house a crying mess into Jackson's arms. "Jackie!" He hugs her. "Look at you. You've gotten so big. I just wish we didn't have to meet with you like this." She smiles up at him. "Me too but I'm glad you're here." He pulls her back against him. "I'll always be here for you."

I smile warmly as she turns to look at me. "Oh hey Teagan." I hum. "Hey Raelynn." She wipes her face. "Where are the little ones?" She asks hugging me. "With my parents." We pull apart and Jackson tussles her hair. "Come on kiddo. Let's see what we can cook up. Like old times yeah?" She smiles. "Yeah." They turn and there's a honk. I turn seeing a car park before a kid gets out he was about sixteen. "Babe listen it's not what it..." Jackson snaps around. "Jackie!" I say rushing over to him as he start to walk towards the kid. "Stop!" "Babe? Babe?!" Jackson spits at the kid. "Who's this?!" The kid bows up. "Who am I?! I'm her brother and I'm about ten seconds away from kicking you ass!"

The kid laughs. "Yeah okay why don't you let me talk to my girlfriend. This doesn't concern you." "I'm not you're girlfriend. Not anymore." Raelynn says from behind us. The boy scuffs. "Okay whatever. What about this hot piece of ass? Are you busy tonight?" I feel Jackson tense but I shush him. I laugh turning around.

"Am I busy?! Yeah I'm gonna be busy shoving my foot up your ass you piece of shit. Did you think you were gonna show up and act like nothing happened?! It's scumbags like you that breaks a girls heart to an extent that they never want to love again! Make another smart comment I dare you!" Jackson's arms were wrapped around me and there were tears streaming down my face from my anger.

"Who it's always the pretty ones that's bat shit crazy." He says chuckling some. I tug against Jackson but the kid eventually leaves and I can comforted by Jackson pulling me into his chest. "It's okay love. It's okay." I sob. "I want my babies." He sighs. "We can call them..." I shake my head. "I need to hold them Jackie. While I can." He shushes me. "We can always hold them Teagan. Please just go lay down for me. I'll be up in a minute alright." I nod softly pulling away from him find my way to his room that looks just the way we left it years ago.

I lay on the bed shutting my eyes. Eventually Jackson comes in. "Baby?" I open my eyes looking at him open my arms. He comes over laying down next to me. "Are you okay?" I nuzzle my face into his neck. "Yeah I think so. I'm sorry." I whisper and he shakes his head. "No it's okay. I love you." I hum. "I love you too." He pulls back kissing me softly. "Are you worried about the girls?" I nod. "The worlds cruel Jackie and they are so full of life. That piece of me was taken away for awhile and I don't want that to happen to them." He smiles. "They have to learn love. If they don't they'll never make it. I'm gonna hate it too. I don't want to see my kids heartbroken but it's a part of life." I huff. "I want to hang on to them as they are while I can. Before they lose it." He smiles. "And we will but there is no reason to disturb their fun. Did you see how excited they were to see their grand parents? Come on love. Everything's gonna be fine." I hum. "I believe you Jackie. I always have."

He rubs his nose against mine. "We made it Teagan." I laugh a little. "Yeah we did." He brushes a thumb over my lips. "Our kids will too Teagan." I nod hiding my face in his neck again. "I know Jackie. I know."


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