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Copyright © CAY RAITA, 2011


Young Adult Content.

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the writer, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews.

This is a work of fiction. Anything in this book that may be considered offensive or derogatory is not being condoned, as mentioned, it is fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Cover illustration by Hanning


★ Marissa ★

For years now since I was eight years old, I took the best classes; ballet, classical music, you name it. They were more than useless if you asked me. What was I supposed to do with ballet skills? It made me learn to despise it instead and to be honest classical music would not be helping me with my future career either.

It didn't even end there. Another useless skill was to learn how to play instruments of all types, half of them which I've learned to loathe. What was one to get out of learning these things, anyway?

During this time, the so-called friends of mine had been the distant kind. I don't even think you could call them actual friends. Acquaintances yes, future working partner maybe, but friends? I wouldn't count on it.

I never spoke much with them seeing as they weren't even involved, to begin with. If I had to put a label on them, they were the well-respected, rich background, strict-tutoring, educated snobs.

Nonetheless, it was their status they carried from their parents that made them the label they carry so well. I guess they could be popular if you thought about status. Although to be honest, the real popular kids here were the ones with the social lives; the athletes and the cheerleaders. Not that they didn't have money since you'd need to be wealthy to attend this school. It was just; they seemed to have more going on with their social life.

I've had people call out saying hello, but it went no further than that. They knew how to keep their distance from me.

Whenever I would look around; the students around talked about their social life or something of the sort, hanging out and preparing for late-night parties. Not that I'd been to one myself. Though, it's doubtful that I could even go to one.

A puppet, that's what I was. I was still an empty shell going through life. All I had to do was keep myself composed and get through the day, nothing else mattered. No one else mattered."Ah, Miss Kyles. Could I speak with you for a moment?"

I sighed in distaste. One of the many things I noticed was how the teachers called out to us. The teachers seemed to be on a first-name basis with the rest of the students including the popular crowd, but for me, it was always my surname instead. Was it so difficult to call me Marissa?

At least I wasn't the only one. It was only those who were most likely to inherit their family's fortune that seemed to have the same thing going for them. Although they didn't seem to mind it, in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they enjoyed how the teachers treated them.

"Something you need?" I was so accustomed to keeping my voice monotone. It put an obvious distance between me and whoever was in my presence.

The teacher seemed flustered for a moment as I gave her a cold look. This was how I managed things. As long as I gave off my cold looks, I could avoid having to converse much with others. Since I was always alone like this, I learned to adapt to it. It was much better like this, at least for me anyway.

"Well, um... there's the Christmas party we'll be having in a few weeks' time and you see, most of the students are finishing their exams. The usual participants won't be able to get things done on time. I know that your parents have done an excellent job in the past when they attended school here. I thought you could take part this year and follow the tradition."She had a smile plastered on her face but it looked... forced.

Thinking about it now, if my dad heard of this, which he will, I'll be forced into it, anyway. It would be easier if I got into this one myself instead of letting my father find out on his own. That would just mean more trouble for me.

I sighed and gave the teacher another one of my stoic looks.

"Do you have the schedules for the meetings?" I asked.

"Y-yes. Here they are." She answered, looking as flustered as ever. I wouldn't be surprised if she wanted to leave as fast as she could.

Taking the schedule from her hands, I turned around, turning to the corner of the corridor, but not before hearing her release a deep exhale.


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