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"You owe me a double fudge chocolate cake." Marissa pouted.

It was so cute I couldn't help but laugh.

"Isn't it a chocolate double fudge cake?" I asked.

"I don't care, I just want it. You ate more than me and now I can't get more."

Her face was so cute with a pout. She was just too adorable. We had finished our lunch, well me and Marissa had finished my cake. All the while after that Marissa complained about the cake. She was like a cute little puppy I wanted all to my self.

"You know I did buy the cake and did share it with you because that's how much you mean to me. I don't see what the problem was." I chuckled. I honestly thought it was amusing.

"The problem is I gave you a kiss just like you said but you still had more than me. It's not fair."

"Okay, how 'bout this. I'll make you the same cake we ate but I'll put in more filling. How's that? You seemed to like the filling the best from all the moaning you've been doing." This time I couldn't stop the laughter erupt from me and Marissa slapped my arm with her cute cheeks turning pink.

"I didn't know you could bake."

I just noticed now but damn her eyes are so adorable. One minute they're beautiful with their blue shade corresponding with her light skin tone than the next, they so cute sparking in the light.

I was counting myself lucky that I hadn't yet jumped her but I guess the girls being here with us helped me keep myself at bay.

I don't exactly want to jump Marissa and explain to her why I did that. That conversation will be kept locked up in a box until the time is right and right now, I just wanted to be with her with no complications involved.

"So you're really okay with this? I mean you could just wait for your dad at home. You don't have to go all the way to the town hall."

Even with the light mood, we were having in all actuality, we were heading to the town hall. At lunch, Marissa said she wanted to meet her dad and go home from there but, what worries me is that they're having the court meeting there and when we get there sure we'll see her dad but, we'll see the step bitch too.

I just have a bad feeling about that woman and guess what I had a right reason to with what she's done so far.

"I'm fine, really. Besides you're all coming with me so I don't see why I should worry."

"Well you're lucky we're all free and we get to come with you. So have you ever been to the town hall before?" I gave her one of my best smiles and put my arm around her shoulders.

"Personally I can't wait to see her in an orange uniform. I'm so posting it everywhere. That's going to ruin her for good. A woman like her does not want pictures like that on the net."

That was Cindy.

"You know I really would have thought that Cindy would be the more calm and logical one." Marissa laughed out.

It's true Cindy is like that but that doesn't mean she doesn't have a heart. The girl does not let go of grudges and Marissa joining our group meant that the step bitch just got 5 new enemies. Not only were we tight but we were our very own personal family and Marissa was also part of that. She'll definitely learn that later on.

"Hmm, she just pisses me off. I really hate people like that so the best way to get them is to go through their weaknesses and lucky for me I know hers. But if you know more than I could it to my list." Cindy smiled at Marissa in a suggestive way.

I chuckled shaking my head. Have to admit Marissa was putting more life into this group. She fit in more perfectly than I would have thought and it's only been a few weeks.

When she wasn't paying attention I quickly sneaked in a kiss on the crook of her neck chuckling as she frowned at me.

"Gees you really need self-control."

"Oh come on I'm going to bake you the best cake you've ever had." I batted my lashes giving an innocent look as the girls laughed.

"No, you're baking it because you owe me one. So when do I get it? Can I get it today?"

"Nope, you've already had cake so you can get it tomorrow after you eat your veggies and green." I chuckled.

Marissa's expression changed to a frown and she shook her head.

"No thanks, I'll just order a cake."

I raised my brow at that.

Okay now I could be wrong but I have this feeling that this girl is not one for healthy eating. I think I'm going to have to stay over for all the meals from now on. I'll have to talk to Mr Kyles about that, can't have my girl messing up her diet now. You need nutrition and I bet she's getting none. It's no wonder she's so pale.

"Whoa, now that's a super hot scene, eleven o'clock."


"Oh. My. God."

I turned to a grinning Alice, blushing Rachel and an awkward Sarah that was looking at the area right in front of the town hall. Cindy seemed unaffected at all. I turned to that direction too and had to raise my brow.


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