6K 217 11

★ Ashley ★

I gulped the non-existent lump in my throat and scratched the back of my neck.

"Alice, are you trying to say I'm gay here?" I laughed trying to lighten the mood.

"You know it's okay if you like girls. I kind of already noticed how you're never really lusting over any guy, like ever and even though you don't show any interest in anyone, you're more... I guess affectionate towards girls. I mean you're hugging our guy friends and all but there's just more kindness I guess towards the girls more."

I stared long and hard at Alice before I spoke.

"Wow someone sure likes to watch me. If you're trying to hint out on something, I hear the gym's free and we could quickly-- Ouch!"

Alice slapped my arm playfully glaring at me with an arched brow.

"You realise that's like asking your sister to go for a quickie right?

"Incest?" I wiggled my eyebrows t her getting a full eye roll and her shaking her head with a sigh.

I chuckled and smiled at Alice.

"You're really okay with this?"

"Ashley, we've practically grown up together. What makes you think anything would change?"

I shrugged my shoulders and Alice leaned in giving me a warm hug before letting me go.

"So you never really answered my first question." She smirked.

Ugh no, not this. She's not gonna let this go.

"Ugh, Alice. Please don't. You know Marissa doesn't even know that I might like girls. With the way she's kept to herself, I doubt she even acknowledges it."

"Why? After last night's hot and heavy make out, which may I rate as 10 gold stars she might even swing that way." Alice laughed.

We were out by the pitch now heading back into the school. Our conversation kind of dragged out so I was lucky I didn't have to listen to any more from Alice. Unfortunately, Alice wasn't having that.

"Don't forget to talk to the girls."

"Alice I can't do that. You know it's not easy." I groaned.

"Actually it is. Look Ashley, you've been through our ups and downs always the friend we can count on. What makes you think just because of who you want to sleep with would bother us?"

I scoffed at that.

"You know a lot of people in my situation end up choosing suicide because of this."

"You don't look like you're about to jump off the roof. Oh, but if you do can you look for my earing up there? I think I lost it during a heavy make out if you get my drift." Alice laughed.

"Hardy ha-ha." I rolled my eyes at her.

Even though I knew this was going to be hard I'm glad I had a friend like Alice. I guess coming out to her isn't so bad. I just hope its the same with the girls. This doesn't mean I'm going to stop touching Marissa.

Hell no to that. That's worst than being imprisoned. Okay, I just have to keep it from Marissa and I can keep touchi... Uh, I mean being with her... as friends... just friends. Yeah. As long as I can still be with her.

It's too bad she'll never be able to forget about the kiss though. I hope she doesn't start to avoid me because of it.


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White As Snow (Lesbian, GirlxGirl, LGBT+)Where stories live. Discover now