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★ Ashley ★

I had to admit it was really fun teasing Marissa. She was so cute when she got annoyed and oh my god her kitten she calls Rêve was the cutest thing I've ever seen. I didn't even know Marissa liked cats or even had one. See this is why I wanted to get closer to her. I'm already learning new things about her that I didn't know about before.

Now I could be wrong but I don't think Marissa gets that I'm kind of flirting with her. I mean I'm not really I'm just teasing, okay maybe a little. She always looks kind of confused by my gesture I wonder why.

"Can we take a break now?"

Marissa heaved a sigh and I had to hold back a giggle. I was still in my cheerleading uniform and Marissa was in her house clothes, long tracks that went past her toes crumpling up and a big black top that looked warm. All in all, she looked cute for a very hot Ice queen; it was hard not to smile at that. She really could pull off the lazy look without it looking lazy and just another outfit that could be from a magazine.

"I'm kind of hungry, anything to eat?"

She arched her eyebrow in question and I let out a small grin.

"I can check the kitchen."

She sighed and got up. Now I know you're thinking 'girl she's sighing, give up' but it's not that type of sigh, it's more of an 'I give up' type of sigh, so I think I'm kind of getting her to warm up.

In the kitchen, Marissa was looking through things and got out a bag of Doritos from a cabinet. I sneaked a peak and holy cheesecake... I was shocked. There was so much junk food stuffed in there.

"Well, that looks packed." I had my eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, it's better than cooking when the chef isn't here."

"Marissa, you don't always eat that stuff, do you? I mean you have cooked meals right?"

She shrugged and passed me a bag as she got one for herself. Okay, this is not what I expected. I know I eat a lot of junk food but I have decent meals with that too. That can't be healthy just eating that. Actually, I'm shocked that she still has an amazing figure.

"Wow, I'm surprised you still look good. How do you keep your figure like that?"

She looked a bit surprised but covered it with her stoic look. It didn't hide anything from me, though. That was cute.

"Um... I don't really. I have a fast metabolism because of genetics I guess if that's what you meant."

She was fidgeting with the Doritos bag in her hand. Awe so cute! Okay, I don't know about you but when I'm eating I need to be watching something, anything. I think it runs in our family, my dad's like this all the time.

"Hey, I think I saw a plasma TV in the attic, does that work?"

White As Snow (Lesbian, GirlxGirl, LGBT+)Where stories live. Discover now