Chapter 21 The Teal's Silence.

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Tielstreak walked along West River, her tail twitching worridly as she looked around for her leader. "Heatherstar!" She called stopping when the Burnt Lands came into view, no living cat knows what had happened to the part of the forest the was only dead grass and burnt charded trees, no prey lived there and nothing ever grew so the clans ignored that part of the forest.

Tielstreak sniffed around, no Heatherstar. Maybe Salmonclaw had gotten it wrong and she was somewhere else. She waved her tail irritated by the false derections and havening trekked all this way for nothing. Tielstreak took a few paw-steps toward Oceanclan camp until she heard rusleing in a nearby thicket.
she sniffed the air, her ears pricked when she smelled an unforgettable stench.

A wolf.

Without further hesitation she darted south towards the tiny part of Oceanclan that had thick forest, most of the territory being a moor-like plain. Behind her she could hear the loud paw steps of the wolf as it growled in annoyance, it was hunting her like prey the entire time!

She attempted to weave around trees to slow the larger animal down but it quickly scampered and caught up every tine nipping at her tail. Eventually she realised how close she was coming to the back of the camp. For sure the wolf would be able to smell he clanmates! Tielstreak took a deep breath as she veared the opposite way making the wolf come to an abrupt stop in suprise, but continued the chase.
Why is this thing so persistent?

Tielstreak didn't have time to think about it more as she found herself back at West River. The wolf started barking behind her more and more. Tielstreak clumsily leaped across the river her hind paws getting stuck in the damp sand as she tried to despretly free them as soon as possible.
That's when on the othe rside of the stream the wolf started to howel.

Tielstreak quickly bounded towards the bushes once she freed herself when a smaller wolf appeared out of them making her clumsily stop. It was a she wolf, her belly swollen with pups, but her teeth still sharp and her eyes filled with furry and hunger.

Tielstreak looked around despretly but no kne was in sight, only the two wolves, the male now on tbe same sode of the bank.
As quick as a flash Tielstreak felt herself being lifted off the ground in the jaws of the snaller female as she heard the loud snap of bone. It only hurt for a second as darkness surrounded her and she slipped into the peacefulness of death.

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