Chapter 22 Yarrowberry's Choice

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  "All cats of OceanClan old enough to catch their own prey gather around for a clan meeting." Heatherstar called as Phoenixheart sat outside the Warriors den, Salmonclaw sat beside her. Phoenixheart purred affectionately gently licking her mates ear as the rest of their Clan gathered in the center of the island.

   "As you all know, it has been half of a moon since our medicine cat, Tealstreak disappeared. One of the search parties did pick up her scent by West River but couldn't track it afterwards. I, like all of you, was distraught by this news knowing of the two wolves that had made a den nearby in Burnt Lands. I'm deeply saddened to say that I believe it's time we hold a vigile to remember Tealstreak." Heatherstar stated her confidence slowly fading into grief Phoenixheart heard a gasp come from Blueviper, "but what if she's alive! Maybe she escaped and is somewhere in Burnt Lands!" Thrushberry protested, Windtail pressed against him comefortingly, her ears down. A few others muttered in agreement. Rainpelt was the one to reply; "if she returns then it will truly be a miracle given by StarClan, but we must keep OceanClan healthy and thriving. We musent send out search parties anymore. It's the best thing for the Clan I'm afraid."

   Salmonclaw gave a swift nod and curled his tail around his paws, his expression showing nothing. Maplewish padded up to her sister and buried her muzzle into Phoenixheart's fur, muttering about old memories as Phoenixheart sighed. "You know how she'd find us annoying whenever we'd sneak into the medicine den to play with her as apprentices?" Phoenixheart nodded. "She always did anyway.." Maplewish's voice cracked at the end of her satement as she huddled closer to her sister. Salmonclaw dropped a trout by them, dipping his head in respect and went to talk with Troutshadow, knowing it best to let the two sisters grieve with one another. He smirked as he turned around and padded towards his brother. He had done what he needed to do.

   The rest of the night was spent sitting vigile for their old friend. Phoenixheart sat silently in the back, barley noticing that the sun was coming up until Rainpelt lightly prodded her shoulder. Phoenixheart looked up at her as she hesitantly asked, "would you like to go on a border patrol? To, help get your mind off this. I know you were good friends with her." Phoenixheart curled her tail and after a few heartbeats, nodded. Rainpelt blinked solemnly in reply and gestured with her tail to where Wavesplash, Windtail, and Reedstorm were waiting patiently.

   Phoenixheart joined them next to the camp entrance, Reedstorm went through the reeds as Phoenixheart caught up with them, flicking his tail in gesture for the others to follow. The four padded along the GhostClan border in silence, putting down scentmarks along the boundary. Just as they were about or head back to camp Windtail pricked her ears as she looked towards a bush on the other side of the border.

   A heartbeat later Yarrowberry slid out of the bush mumbling crossly as a small patch of her fur got caught on a thorn. "Yarrowberry," Reedstorm mewed pushing past Windtail gently. "Reedstorm, I hoped to meet an OceanClan patrol, how are Tealstreak and Glowpaw? Oceanclan was not at the last gathering." Yarrowberry explained, it was true that two days ago all of Oceanclan deicded to skip the gathering and spend the night only searching for their lost clanmate.

   Phoenixheart flattened her ears and looked down at her paws, Reedstorm flinched slightly but still kept a calm expression. "I'm afraid Tealstreak is dead Yarrowberry, Glowpaw has been having a difficult time being the only medicine cat of OceanClan so so we had to miss the gathering." Surprisingly Yarrowberry didn't flinch or look grief stricken at the news, her eyes glisened with sadness but only for a heartbeat.

   "Then I understand what StarClan was telling me," She said, her tail brushing the ground. "Over the past few days I've seen a tiel leaf, I've never seen any leaf like it but whenever I come close to it the leaf blows off in the wind, and the sun glows where it once was." Reedstorm tilted his head curious as to where Yarrowberry was going with this. "I would like to speak to Heatherstar," Yarrowberry announced decisively, stepping over the border. Reedstorm opened his mouth to protest before Windtail brushed past him. "Of course Yarrowberry, we shall escort you to OceanClan camp." Windtail said politely, Reedstrom narrowed hus eyes, "you can't decide that Windtail, I'm the leader of this patrol." He growled, his clanmate glared back at him. "What were you gonna do? You can't stop a medicine cat from seeing a leader and besides what if it's important." She shot back, Reedstorm only snorted and went to the front of the patrol.

   "Is he always this rude?" Yarrowberry whispered to Phoenixheart lowering her head so no one else could hear. Phoenixheart shook her head, "the Clan has been through a lot. Besides, he's usually grumpy if he doesn't sleep." Phoenixheart replied Yarrowberry snorted. "I heard that Phoenixheart!" Reedstorm huffed glancing at the two in the back. Windtail and Wavesplash were both visibly trying to hold back laughter.

   Not long after they were at the island, Reedstorm went first jumping gracefully from one stepping stone to another until he leaped through the reeds and into the camp. Windtail and Wavesplash soon followed, Phoenixheart went next but instead of going through the reeds she waited for Yarrowberry who was on the edge of the shore as she slowly jumped to the first flat stone stumbling slightly. "Jump quickly, that'll be easier," Phoenixheart advised as Yarrowberry heistated with the second jump, almost falling into the water. Phoenixheart knew that Yarrowberry most-likely wouldn't appreciate being carried to the island like a kit. Yarrowberry shook herself and crouched down, determined, she leaped to the third one, then swiftly to the next, finally reaching the island with another leap. Yearrowberry grumbled, "I'm to old for this," Phoenixheart only chuckled in response and led Yarrowberry through the reeds.

   The GhostClan medicine cat looked around the camp curiously, meeting the gazes of Blueviper and Rainpelt as they stoped sharing tounges when they saw her, she only snorted and looked around. "Where's Heatherstar?" She asked, "Greetings Yarrowberry," Heatherstar said calmly shaking her pelt as she went through the waterfall that led to her den. Yarrowberry dipped her head in respect then said, "Heatherstar, I have news I wish to speak with you about in private." Yarrowberry added the last part when she noticed all the cats around them. OceanClan's leader simply nodded and led Yarrowberry to her den, the old medicine cat hesitating before going through the waterfall.

   Phoenixheart stared at the den for a few heartbeats in curiosity, what could Yarrowberry have to say to Heatherstar? She didn't notice Maplewish padding up to her sister until she headbutted Phoenixheart's shoulder playfully.

   "Hey daydreamer, wake up." She giggled, Phoenixheart snorted. "Funny funny, what is it?" Phoenixheart asked sitting down with her sister to share tounges. "Well, I was wondering if Wavesplash said anything to you in the border patrol." Maplewish inquired, curling her tail and looking at the ground, Phoenixheart picked her ears. "Why do you ask?" "No reason in particular." Maplewish quickly defended herself puffing her chest. Phoneixheart smirked "what's with you two?" She asked sneakily making Maplewish growl. "Nothing! I just asked." Phoenixheart only purred in response "my little sis' heart has been stolen by a tom I see." With that Maplewish stormed away, her tail purposefully hitting Phoenixheart on the ear.

   "What was that about?" Salmonclaw inquired padding over to sit beside Phoenixheart. "Oh, Maplewish's just in denial," Phoenixheart replied teasingly as she watched her littermate share tounges with Wavesplash while laying together in the sun, after a few heartbeats to Phoenixheart's suprise Maplewish got up and darted away out of the camp.

   "What was that about?" Salmonclaw murmured quietly enough for only Phoenixheart to hear. "I'm- not sure.." She said hesitantly, "I should go talk to her," Pheonixheart was about to get up when Salmonclaw placed his tail on her shoulder, "She'll be fine. Don't worry." He purred, Phoenixheart said nothing, still not fully convinced when Heatherstar padded into the clearing Yarrowberry following behind her, their gazes showing nothing as to what they were thinking.

   Heatherstar didn't need to call for a clan meeting since everyone that wasnt on a patrol was already there wondering what was going on. Heatherstar cleared her throat, "as you all know. Glowpaw has not been fully trained in healing, Yarrowberry has offered to train Glowpaw until he can take care of Ocanclan by himself. That being said, she will return tomorrow after she explains the situation to her clanmates. You shall treat her as one of us until she leaves." Heatherstar declared, shocked silence rippled through the clearing before Reedstrom pushed up to the front. "Do you expect us to pretend she isn't a GhostClan cat? What if she was sent to spy on us and she tell Blazestar that we don't have a medicine cat so they can attack us?" He protested, a few cats murmured in agreement until Blueviper looked at him sternly.

  "Would you rather not have a medicine cat when Leafbare comes around? I believe many more cats will die if we don't let Yarrowberry in then if we do." She explained padding up so they were face-to-face. Glowpaw padded up to the front of the crowd hesitantly to stand a tail length behind Blueviper, he was much smaller then the warriors, "Blueviper's right.. I don't know much about herbs for leafbare," He admitted not daring to come any closer, as if he was afraid that his own clanmate would rip his pelt off if he did. After a few heartbeats Reedstorm backed off growling something to himself. Heatherstar nodded turning to Yarrowberry, "then its settled. Starting tomorrow you may stay as long as needed to train Glowpaw."

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